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Skillers are they useless in your opion?


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dagermon...what are you talking about?








by skillers do you mean level 3's with high skill totals?








If so, I don't have a problem with them. No more that I do with any other person at least. I have one, don't level her much though.








Also look at zzzamorak, level 3 with 30+ (i think) slayer. Amazing.


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Yeah lvl 3s with high totals also how can a lvl 3 get 30 plus slayer plz expalain.




Hi jacob. Copycat :roll: Well, lvl 3's get slayer exp by killing monsters with recoils. Its like 200 exp per hour. Also I think skillers are awesome because those lvl 70's who always 1 item on rr will get very jealous and angry when you mine rune and they cant even touch you :twisted: Its also nice to have high non-combat stats with low combat because it makes you feel good I guess lol.

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I mostly confuse them level 3's with auto-ers, but beside that they are cool :P








They get slayer up tru genies and recoil rings.




Its EXTREMELY annoying to have a lvl 40 mod wannabe follow you around asking: You bot?!?!?!? Bot ?!?!?! Autoer ?!?!?! Do you auto ?!?!?!Are you ?!?!?! Bot ?!?!?

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Guest AshKaYu

I remember one guy on Tip.it had like, 1500 or something+ skill level and no combat at all. He explain that all genies went to slayer, and he had a complicated method I think.

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If you have a main character I fail to see the point in starting a new one to raise a single skill. Why wouldn't you want to raise it on your main character instead?








YES! Exactly! I played on an alternate "pure" account whilst I was bored of mining coal. I realized that if I put in the time I was putting in for this pure, I'd be done with mining sooner.








If you want to level up a "skiller" feel free to do so. I just think it's purposeless because you could be putting those levels on your main account.

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Yeah, level 3 skillers, I think, aren't useless at all. I think it's quite a challenge to get someone at that level to increase certain stats, in particular slaying, but other ones as well as they don't have the strength to train in particular areas. Much in the same way that I admire some pure F2P people.

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If you have a main character I fail to see the point in starting a new one to raise a single skill. Why wouldn't you want to raise it on your main character instead?








That's what I would like to know too. Why not just better your main instead of investing time into a new character?








Meh. I've had one "noob" character that I worked on for like a week. This was before RS2 so I didn't play much for leveling. But once I started to think that I could be training my main instead, I gave up on her.



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I once had both one of my noobs and my main at top50 woodcutter.








Fook A Ji being #7 at the time and Woong A Ji being 40-someting with only 70 woodcutting, that was b4 p2p was introduced, so nobody knew what woodcutting was useful for, other than lighting fires for a meal.








So I suppose its a personal thing for most of us, having a "mini" persona of our main.

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I do not recommend creating a lvl 3 skill pure just to mine runite.








There are many lvl 40-ish pures/scout killers/noobs at rune rocks who could one hit you.








Also, you can't legally transfer your earnings to your main.








Instead, get 85 mining on your main, and a scout. You're more likely to keep your rune ore that way.

[sig too big, don't do it again]

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