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Terragen Forests :) | Terraforest Serie : Mythical Forest


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Well i was experimenting in terragen a while ago and came up with a new style :P




Terraforest, i made a small serie of 3 Terraforest pieces




(terragen is a program in which you can create landscapes, some examples are here --> http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=29373








My terraforest serie is called Mythical forest, because they remind me of a lord of the rings like forest, all being made entirely of 100% raw terragen :D








Mythical Forest 1 - Center view








This piece is the first of the 3 out of the serie, all 3 are the same "Forest" , but they are all from different views and different sun/sky settings




this one is the center view, in which you see some sunbeams coming through the trees in the dark forest...








Mythical Forest 2 - On the Edge








A view at the edge of the forest, where you finally meet the sun once again , behind an old dead tree :)








Mythical Forest 3 - Top view








Looks best at a smaller size, but this one is a top view of the forest, or at least a bit up in the air, like a treehouse of some sort...








Hope you enjoy my work once again :)




Comments, ratings and especially favs are very appreciated









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process it through photoshop, then show :P








no that was kind of the point, terragen is usually used to make nice mountainous areas with water and such, but i tried to make something entirely different, no post processing used :)

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Not meaning to be rude....but there's a reason why terragen isn't used in making of forests...and you cleared it to everyone. :?








Best forest on terragen anyway. Keep trying to be original and perhaps you hit a gold vein someday.

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Not meaning to be rude....but there's a reason why terragen isn't used in making of forests...and you cleared it to everyone. :?








Best forest on terragen anyway. Keep trying to be original and perhaps you hit a gold vein someday.








hehe thx, yeah well it was an experiment ;)

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Well, keep it with the mountains, because I find those 3 works ugly :shock: Nice idea, but Terragen isn't made for making trees :wink:








same opinion here. The trees are to dark/dont have enough detail/are kinda blurry. I find they blend in with each other and i had a hard time figuring out what they were to start with lol

Lazyboy164 - 126 combat - 16 99's - 2215+ Total


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Yeah, the grass DOES look like stuff used for mini golf courses, and the trees look... erm... barren...








Oh, and it's spelled "series." The word "series" ends with an 's' whether it's singular or plural.

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Ugh...this program is not made for trees. They especially look bad near the ground where the roots are...nice try though.








same here. I do like it though that you decided to try something out of the ordinary, so props to that.








ps: check out forester (dunno site) it suposbly lets you add trees to terragen, if you can get it to work be my guest lol :lol:

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