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Im Stuck. Anyway to get Unstuck? Money Tips + Advice Please!


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Hi, I just installed Battlefield 2








50$ and 2 hours later it was installed.








I opened it, black screen, it closed, turns out the problem is...








Processor Speed: 1298.8/1700Mhz




Dislplay Memory: 64/128








Any way to boost any of this so I dont go obbsessing(












I think I am going to just buy a new computer








The Model: Presario v2552us








It has the processor speed but i am not sure if it has the display memory required, so if anyone is willing to click on this link and look at the specs to tell me if it has enough display memory i would be thrilled




CompUSA -Presario v2552us












PROBLEM: i dont have the money, i am not old enough to get a job so please give me some tips on how to make some money(im looking into the stock exchange right now, my cousin is a stock broker)








What Is a good gaming NoteBook/Laptop? Include this in your post if you have knowledge![/url]

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I'm assuming that when you say "Processor Speed: 1298.8/1700Mhz" you mean that the game requires 1700Mhz and you have a 1300Mhz CPU.








The only way to play the game if that's true is to upgrade your computer. Get a new processor and a video card. You might need a new motherboard as well, depending on the socket of the new processor. If you don't have a PCIe slot on your motherboard, i suggest getting a new Motherboard, a PCIe video card and a new Processor. 8)

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I know ATI Radeon 9600 is suffient enough to play the game, and that goes for about $50-$100 on ebay. Processors are maybe $100-$200, or that's what seems to be where the majority of the processors land (price wise) on newegg. A good motherboard is maybe $50-$100.








Just an estimate. I'm not good at hardware, but that's generally how much the hardware will cost.








You can always check for yourself at http://www.newegg.com :)


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Well, the price range is very large. You can get an AMD X2 Dual Core or some crappy Celeron processor. Or go up to a 7800 GTX or as low as a Radeon 9600. I would suggest going ahead and getting good parts that will last a while. It's better to buy one good computer that will last a few years than a bunch of crappy ones that last about a year.








For the best value, i would say get an Nvidia 6800 GT PCIe video card and a new motherboard along with a medium Dual Core processor from AMD.








http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6813131568




$225. It is also SLI compatable, so once you save up some money, you can buy another Nvidia Video Card and have a dual card setup.








http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6819103562




$300. This Dual Core AMD will work great. It's fairly cheap and AMD CPUs generally overclock easy. So if 2.0 Ghz ever becomes too little, you can always plop on a good heatsink and do a little voltage tweaking.








http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6814130261




$130. It also has a $30 mail-in rebate. This will run Doom III on the highest settings at around 30 FPS, and if you get 2 of them, you'll be able to run any game (except fear because it's engine sucks) with high FPS at max settings.








A computer like this would last a good ammount of time and would make you happy.

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Might make him happy, but it might make make his bank accound very sad.








Also, im assuming that if he is worried over loosing $50 on a game he cant play, it gives me the idea they cant afford something extrvagant as that.








AMD Athlon 64 3200+ 1GHz HT Socket 939 Processor - $166.00 - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16819103535








Gigabyte GA-K8NSC-939 ATX AMD Motherboard - $62.00 - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813128286








eVGA Geforce 6600GT 128-A8-N350 Video Card - $139.00 - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814130220








Those 3 parts might be a better choice, especially if your on a tight budget .








It would also be helpful if you could find out what your current specs are, such as your current processor, ram and video card so we can suggest what needs to be upgraded with out having to go all out and buy a new cpu, motherboard and video card.

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The problem with upgrading your computer is that if it is old as here people suspect, you will basically have to replace it all. You can't just upgrade for example the video card, because it still won't do the trick.

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Without knowing ure full spec we cant give you a definitive answer but as pyro said, you probably need a totally new computer.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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Might make him happy, but it might make make his bank accound very sad.











Although the little extra money could save you a lot more in the future because won't need to upgrade as soon. The parts you chose are already sort of out of date. You can't play a demanding game like Doom III at full settings with that unless you do a very good ammount of overclocking.

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The problem with upgrading your computer is that if it is old as here people suspect, you will basically have to replace it all. You can't just upgrade for example the video card, because it still won't do the trick.








The Computer is an "Inspiron 8600"








Made by Dell








I believe i got it in 2002-2003 and it was new not used








Hope that helps, by the way, im not old enough to get a job, anyway to to make some money?









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Might make him happy, but it might make make his bank accound very sad.











Although the little extra money could save you a lot more in the future because won't need to upgrade as soon. The parts you chose are already sort of out of date. You can't play a demanding game like Doom III at full settings with that unless you do a very good ammount of overclocking.








The parts i listed came in at just under $300 while the list you suggested came in at over $600. Now thats $300 dollars difference and he might not have that sort of money. Sure what i listed isnt future proof, but it should get him by untill he needs to do another big upgrade.








You also forgot to take into account that a new power supply would be required so that puts your price up another couple of $100 depending on the brand and specs of the power supply.

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You will not be able to upgrade that computer much, as the Dell Inspiron is a laptop.








You are also not going to make a whole lot of money on the stock market without substantial investment capital (read as: lots of money to start with).








A paper route might be a choice if you aren't old enough for a "regular" job, but it will take a while to get the kind of money necessary to buy a new computer.








I also recommend not getting a Dell unless you go for a laptop, as Dell desktop/tower computers are as bad as their laptops and servers are good. A home-built computer will likely give you the best machine tailored to you, but the risks you take building it yourself are probably not suited to someone who is not experienced with poking around inside their computer.








TigerDirect or Besy Buy would probably be your best source for a finished computer, I believe they both sell complete machines with your choice of CPU, RAM, Video and so on. There's a nice Acer at TigerDirect for about $400 to which you could add a good video card for $100 or so.

Suzanne Vega


tokin rite wurx gud!

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If Im not mistaken , the Inspiron 8600 should have at least a 1.8GHz Intel processor , if not 2GHz+ , looks like Intel SpeedStepping is your problem , its throttling your CPU .








in regards to video , theres no upgrading it , nor just its onboard memory , laptops from Dell are not designed for gaming :(

I like to fart silently but deadly in movie theaters
Ard Choille says (11:41 PM):

I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear

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You will not be able to upgrade that computer much, as the Dell Inspiron is a laptop.








You are also not going to make a whole lot of money on the stock market without substantial investment capital (read as: lots of money to start with).








A paper route might be a choice if you aren't old enough for a "regular" job, but it will take a while to get the kind of money necessary to buy a new computer.








I also recommend not getting a Dell unless you go for a laptop, as Dell desktop/tower computers are as bad as their laptops and servers are good. A home-built computer will likely give you the best machine tailored to you, but the risks you take building it yourself are probably not suited to someone who is not experienced with poking around inside their computer.








TigerDirect or Besy Buy would probably be your best source for a finished computer, I believe they both sell complete machines with your choice of CPU, RAM, Video and so on. There's a nice Acer at TigerDirect for about $400 to which you could add a good video card for $100 or so.








I got plenty of Capital money (I got a share of my grandfathers house after we sold it, lake shore property)








And thanks I'll check those sites out and see if they comps for cheaper prices, thanks again!

Isn't it lovely how having an opinion makes you hated around here?
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luckily im good with computers lol




when you open up your computer you will see either some white slots or brown slots or both, the brown slots are AGP slots and the white slots are PCI slots there are different versions of the slot and theres no good way to tell you without pics which i dont have so youll have to look into that yourself but before you go and do something like buy a new video card you need to check 3 things




can your computers memory support it?




is it compatible with your motherboard?




is your power supply big enough to use it?




it says it right on the box what your computers memory needs to be and the power supply requirements, if your power supply is below 300 volts you most likely would need another one of those two, i recomment you go get an appraisal from a shop that fixes computers and they will probly tell you what parts you need and how much it would cost and how much they will charge you to put it into your computer, thats the only safe way to upgrade ur CPU so be sure to take it to a shop. k?

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luckily im good with computers lol




when you open up your computer you will see either some white slots or brown slots or both, the brown slots are AGP slots and the white slots are PCI slots there are different versions of the slot and theres no good way to tell you without pics which i dont have so youll have to look into that yourself but before you go and do something like buy a new video card you need to check 3 things




can your computers memory support it?




is it compatible with your motherboard?




is your power supply big enough to use it?




it says it right on the box what your computers memory needs to be and the power supply requirements, if your power supply is below 300 volts you most likely would need another one of those two, i recomment you go get an appraisal from a shop that fixes computers and they will probly tell you what parts you need and how much it would cost and how much they will charge you to put it into your computer, thats the only safe way to upgrade ur CPU so be sure to take it to a shop. k?








First off, why would memory have any effect on the graphics card? I don't see how this makes any sense.








Also, the only safe way to upgrade your CPU isn't to take it to a shop. I've seen many shops make a right mess of someone's PC by doing this. I can change a CPU quite safely, it's not difficult.








Finally, in regards to the original post, I'd have to agree that buying a completely new PC will be required. I'd recommend getting a paper delivery job and doing odd jobs for people, like washing cars and things.

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luckily im good with computers lol




when you open up your computer you will see either some white slots or brown slots or both, the brown slots are AGP slots and the white slots are PCI slots there are different versions of the slot and theres no good way to tell you without pics which i dont have so youll have to look into that yourself but before you go and do something like buy a new video card you need to check 3 things




can your computers memory support it?




is it compatible with your motherboard?




is your power supply big enough to use it?




it says it right on the box what your computers memory needs to be and the power supply requirements, if your power supply is below 300 volts you most likely would need another one of those two, i recomment you go get an appraisal from a shop that fixes computers and they will probly tell you what parts you need and how much it would cost and how much they will charge you to put it into your computer, thats the only safe way to upgrade ur CPU so be sure to take it to a shop. k?








1)There will never be more then 1 AGP slot








2)System memory has NO effect on a whether a graphics card is compatible








3)Power supply output is measured in WATTS.




Theres 5 different voltages on the rail and none of them should ever exceed 13.6v(the 12volt obviously), a 300volt power supply would cause your system to catch fire.

I like to fart silently but deadly in movie theaters
Ard Choille says (11:41 PM):

I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear

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