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"repeat sentence"button


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a merchanters delight..."selling...for...gp"then click button and it repeats. everyone who has tried to sell something knows that you have to type your message 5mill times before "username wishes to trade" pops up.








so what do you think?








edit:it appears as green in the chat window so you can tell if someone is using feature.

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There would be so much spam!




There would be so much spam!




There would be so much spam!




There would be so much spam!












...bad idea :roll:












I think that the opposite should be implemented. There should be a limit on how fast one person could post messages. To stop the flooding of screens with the same repeat messages. Or if a player sends too many messages too quickly, they'd be muted for 5 seconds.

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Zerocool11, that would be a punishment against people similar to myself who do type rather quickly and are quite...verbose. I prefer to say things well, instead of typing them in quickly. Often this takes several lines of text to do, especially if I am attempting to explain anything that is at all in depth.

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They invented "floodprograms" for that. When you are trading and use one, they won't punish you (mods use them too).




It makes trading easier.








I understand the pro's and contra's for your idea though, cuz there are allways people who abuse these kind of things...

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*rises eyebrow*








This would be just like a legal auto-typer. Meaning no more banning by JaGeX or muting by mods who are just doing their respective duty.








Maybe If you could go back to the drawing boards on this idea....








Or, they could have it where you type in what your selling and once you press enter, the messege will stay posted over the players head. They should create a "sticky" feature for that to work so it wouldn't get in the way or normal conversations and what-not.

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I am against it. Alot of times people type stuff like that way more than they need to, and it just gets annoying. I could see repeating yourself in Falador bank world 2, but there I times when I choose the least crowded server, and am in a bank with maybe 3 other people, when i see:








Selling whatever 500k!!!!!




Selling whatever 500k!!!!!




Selling whatever 500k!!!!!




Selling whatever 500k!!!!!




Selling whatever 500k!!!!!




Selling whatever 500k!!!!!




Selling whatever 500k!!!!!




Selling whatever 500k!!!!!








We heard you!!! Obviously no on is interested, go away!!

Look, if your mom still drops you off at school, you ain't gangsta, pull up your damn pants!


3 down, 7 to go

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i sort of agree with the "sticky" idea, where when u type one thing, it just stays over your head but in crowded worlds such as 1, 2, and 3, this wouldn't work becase the screen would just be blocked up by all of these, and u would never be able to find wut u were buying/selling.

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a merchanters delight..."selling...for...gp"then click button and it repeats. everyone who has tried to sell something knows that you have to type your message 5mill times before "username wishes to trade" pops up.








so what do you think?








Prepare for major flameage....








Anyways... that would be almost exactly like all those autotypers... which are illegal! Not gonna happen :D Sorry

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I am against it. Alot of times people type stuff like that way more than they need to, and it just gets annoying. I could see repeating yourself in Falador bank world 2, but there I times when I choose the least crowded server, and am in a bank with maybe 3 other people, when i see:








Selling whatever 500k!!!!!




Selling whatever 500k!!!!!




Selling whatever 500k!!!!!




Selling whatever 500k!!!!!




Selling whatever 500k!!!!!




Selling whatever 500k!!!!!




Selling whatever 500k!!!!!




Selling whatever 500k!!!!!








We heard you!!! Obviously no on is interested, go away!!








buying all whatever's 475k!!!!!




buying all whatever's 475k!!!!!




buying all whatever's 475k!!!!!




buying all whatever's 475k!!!!!




buying all whatever's 475k!!!!!




buying all whatever's 475k!!!!!




buying all whatever's 475k!!!!!








=( it would be a bad idee


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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The sticky idea is good, but as mentioned before it would make reading hard in a crowded area. So how about instead of displaying the entire "sticky" message, a special symbol like a glowing $ would appear over the players head. I see it working like this: When they first type the "sticky" message it would appear over their head for the same amount of time a regular message does. Then it would change to the special symbol and when you move the mouse over the player you would see their message. Moving the mouse away would change the message back to the special symbol.

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Oh wow, It's happend. Someone is too lazy to push down a few keys.




Well, If that's so much work, Go outside and play some sports. Oh wait that might be even more work.


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

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Oh wow, It's happend. Someone is too lazy to push down a few keys.




Well, If that's so much work, Go outside and play some sports. Oh wait that might be even more work.








Not lazy, many people are incredibly bad typers. I've been typing for 25 years and still can't get past 30 wpm with a couple of spelling mistakes / minute. Just go into any bank on a crowded world and see how many people make multiple spelling mistakes over and over :lol:

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a merchanters delight..."selling...for...gp"then click button and it repeats. everyone who has tried to sell something knows that you have to type your message 5mill times before "username wishes to trade" pops up.








so what do you think?








edit:it appears as green in the chat window so you can tell if someone is using feature.








would be used for spamming




bad idea




get a brain




i sell mine 3 gp :P

Quest cape obtained at combat level 83, march 07.

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maybe we could make it so you can only press it once every 10 seconds... awwwwww maybe you guys are right-im just trying to make a better community.








and during that time you could type it out manually again, press button, repeat. Baddddd



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The sticky idea is good, but as mentioned before it would make reading hard in a crowded area. So how about instead of displaying the entire "sticky" message, a special symbol like a glowing $ would appear over the players head. I see it working like this: When they first type the "sticky" message it would appear over their head for the same amount of time a regular message does. Then it would change to the special symbol and when you move the mouse over the player you would see their message. Moving the mouse away would change the message back to the special symbol.




^^^ I like this ^^^

RSN: Ste_Boz

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