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What is the meaning of combination runes?


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Im dead serious... (i have FINALLY gotten members back :P ) and last night i was one lvl away from 44 runecrafting... So i decided since i had some spare talismens that i would make some water+earth runes (that way later on my pure i can save a space for food)








So anyway i start off and the first run i forget that i needed water runes at the earth alter and vice versa :? so i make my 54 earth runes (since i get double runes per lvl blah blah blah)








I walk back and withdraw my runes and ess and walk back... makeing my combo runes i get 25 runes back....








what??? 25 runes... hello jagex i not only spent time gathering the talismens but also used extra runes... :x








Not only do you need extra items you have a chance of failing if you don't have a necklace of binding... AND you need the runes of 1/2 of the new rune....
















from these points makeing combination runes is not only useless but you would have to be completely stupid to even consider makeing them... sure the xp is mediocer but i would rather make chaos in that horrid maze then make combo runes ever again...








thanks jagex this has got to be the crowning glory of stupidness :roll:



New sigzor^^

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I guess they needed to fill in that week's update, and they were in a time shortage...








Blame their promise of updating once every week, causing the lack of quality :?








ok i should have titled this... NOT enough reward for combination runes... 8)



New sigzor^^

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I guess they needed to fill in that week's update, and they were in a time shortage...




If I remember correctly these were added the exact same day as the Abyss. With the Abyss as an update they wouldn't really need anything else as a filler.

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I guess they needed to fill in that week's update, and they were in a time shortage...








Blame their promise of updating once every week, causing the lack of quality :?








There is no promise of updating every week. That comment alone makes you ignorant, and some will call you an RS2 product.








I find them useful...of course I buy mine though :P.


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I guess they needed to fill in that week's update, and they were in a time shortage...








Blame their promise of updating once every week, causing the lack of quality :?








There is no promise of updating every week. That comment alone makes you ignorant, and some will call you an RS2 product.








I find them useful...of course I buy mine though :P.








Would you consider makeing them yourself if you got the extra runes from the level like you do with normal runestones?



New sigzor^^

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I guess they needed to fill in that week's update, and they were in a time shortage...








Blame their promise of updating once every week, causing the lack of quality :?








Pssh. Blame the "OMG1!!1! THRS N0 UDATE TH1S W33K!!11!! WTF?!" crowd.

The self-proclaimed king of bronze.

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:? they are a good idea even tho iv never used them...








they are like many other items in the game, not that usefull, but if you want it can be used to help you.








like cakes, generaly in combat they arent that good for high lvls... but if used the at the right place and time they can be helpful, like agilty training

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Unless they TOTALLY revamp the combo rune system they will not be used that commonly. It is faster to gather them in the new mage place if you take into account the fact that you must gather the tallies. -.-


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A few of the combo runes are pretty good. The Mist is good for water missiles, Dust is good for Earth missiles and Smoke is good for Fire missiles. Mud is good for Bind spells. The others are pretty much useless. :?








Thats not the discussion here would you please read the topic? The discussion is making combo runes worth it? You've probably never made a combo rune in your life I bet. :wink:

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I guess they needed to fill in that week's update, and they were in a time shortage...








Blame their promise of updating once every week, causing the lack of quality :?








There is no promise of updating every week. That comment alone makes you ignorant, and some will call you an RS2 product.








I find them useful...of course I buy mine though :P.








Okay, I admit, my response was a bit stupid. I didnt really think about it, and if it indeed came out with the abyss, I am totally wrong.








I apolagise.








However, I stay with my statement that they should update less, but look at the quality of each update.

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Bedman I don't think your opinion was stupid i think that many time jagex just needs some filler and zaps something out at the last moment....








Something kinda like mud pies... "caugh caugh"








Anyway, the abyiss was he focus of many that week and i think most of jagex's project team did work on that. though they could have given use better results than the abyissmal combination runes :x



New sigzor^^

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In Jagex's defence, you just can't make an update at the last minute. Even the short quests take a huge amount of time to make (says Paul Gower).



I swear some of you people would think it was a fair update if we had a lever you could pull which gave you 99 all stats and any item you liked. ----- Paul Gower; Runescape Senior Content Designer

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