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ya, um.... this is the only place i think this belongs [after some help in chat :lol: ].








sooo.... hi. im new and would like to be welcomed. i like horror type games [if you play "the suffering", you should have already guessed by my name] and enjoy long times doing nothing but reading. so....i guess thats..that it. [hope this aint considered spam :? ]

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Ehh guys, welcome posts are allowed here. Whoever said they were spam?




The only ones I lock are the ones where the author doesn't even try to really intorduce themselves.




Now people posting like pennywise, lordofthesword, Striker6, _k0m0d0_ and dragonst0rm is spamming. If you think a thread is spam then report it to a mod, don't post on the thread saying it's spam.








Welcome torque, don't listen to the others, we aren't that strict here, just follow the rules and you will get on fine :wink:

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And by not very strict, Phil means that we get new leg irons every few months :P
























... and if you like long times doing nothing but reading - duck into our library sometime and ah, express your thoughts on some of the things in there :D Quite needing some more book worms ;)

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And by not very strict, Phil means that we get new leg irons every few months :P
























... and if you like long times doing nothing but reading - duck into our library sometime and ah, express your thoughts on some of the things in there :D Quite needing some more book worms ;)

wow that me laugh very hard
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