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~* How do you make good pixel-Ice?! *~


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If you don't understand what that means then your just stupid despaxes..








I Need some help how you do shiny pixelated Ice, For signatures.




I Cant figure it out








first, I need some help - Doesn't take a genius to figure that out,








second how you do shiny pixelated ice - as in; how you, do/create pixelated ice..... For signatures.. :roll:








lastly I cant figure it out - This means she can't figure it out herself, hence..back to the first point, I need some help.








Easy enough?








Quickly written it was, unreadible it wasn't..








Well Mother, I'd personally just research pictures on google or something, but yeah I've tried and I personally think it's harder than it seems, I too would be forever grateful for anyone who can give some sort of suggestions, techniques, colour selections.. etc

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You might try what I did for the shadow on my planet.








Basicly, dither the shadows and stuff on it (More complicated for ice I guess). Do a dithering between the stuff behind the ice and the actual ice color, or try and make the ice color a color between the ice / thing inside it.








I don't know realy, just spewing out ideas.

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what i meant was....have you seen what you mean in someone else's sig?












and "shiny pixelated Ice"








might be different than "pixelated ice" possible for a different reason....now that i see it aain she probly just means ice



thanks everyone for the sigs!

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easy as pie.




First all of the ice must be blue.




the outlines has to be darker blue then your flat ice.




all of the the flat survaces have to be a shading in total.




if a victim is trapped inside of it... KEEP THAT BLUE!!!! NO OTHER COLORS IN ICE!!!


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lol one of the biggest pvp updates of the year, and tip it is discussing granite
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first start with the reflections the ice gives, this makes it easier to start.




remember the reflection is very clear, the thinner+smoother the ice the clearer the reflection.




also, how close the reflection is to you the clearer it will be.




for the rest make a combination of blue's and brown's..




as the water beneath the ice is ofcourse brown.




the blue you see is just reflection of the sky.








ice itself is colorless. (well very light blue on the more warmer places.)

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Heres how I would pixel someone getting ice barraged. In fact, I might use this in a sig if I had the patience to do the rest.








Not really a real looking ice, but you know what it is:





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