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receipe for disaster


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I think the requirements, especially stat-wise, are much too low compared to the phenominal stats of the dark gloves. They are incredible and more than make up for the time needed to get them. I mean they give a better range bonus than black d hide vambs and (to my knowledge) require 0 range while providing awesome defense as well. I think that there should be more non-combat skill requirements even though 70 is rather high. At least it is in one of the two fastest skills to level. I just think that there should be more skills involved as well.




175 qp is just fine so that you don't have to do certain quests that you don't like but still need to complete most of them.


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

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Don't cry, legends in classic could only be started with all quests completed.




It should be the same way too for this quest, but them only few people will be able to do it and JAGeX worked for nothing :)


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Its the 100th quest




A grueling test of endurence, wit, skill, logic and runescape knowledge




So all the requirements are perfectly justified in my opinion and 175 qp? thts easy




you can get up to 175 and need only do around 50% of the 'hard' quests and none of the 'expert' quests






Just because your not there doesn't mean you should whine, I have beaten ever quest in the game and was glad to have something challenging to do for once as nothing has really challenegd me quest wise since mournings end part 2 and devious minds




To me you come acorss as the 'mid way moaners'




Your are of a mid way level and moan that nearly all the updates are to easy for you, then when there is a 'hard' update you moan because you can't do it




make a choice:


a)Be grateful for one of the cheapest and largest purpely online mmorpgs, that gets updated WAY more than most


b)Shut up whining about everything you cannot do and instead work so you can do it


c)Just don;t play runescape in favour or something that 'agrees' with you more


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Personally I'm happy they made some decent requirements, I'm tired of pretty much every quest being horrible with no requirements and no good rewards.




High requirement -> High reward


Low requirement -> Low reward


Proud Owner of a Fire Cape

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So you need 175 QP to face the final boss... then QUEST a little. It's not that hard to get up to that ammount of QP, especially since all of the subquests leading up to it have a very long list of quest requirements, so you should have most of them done anyway...

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