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A slight mod to slayer skill enchanted gem


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I think it would be nice if you could use use the enchanted gem to port to the slayer masters.




To prevent people from carrying them around for cheap easy port options, i'd limit the number of charges. Once you finish the slayer assignment, your gem becomes charged with 1 charge of teleport to a slayer master.

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i like the gem because i can check how many monsters i have left to kill, for example, my last task was 217 orges, and its hard to keep track of that, so i use my gem. I think that the teleport option would be a great idea.


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The gem is useful, but it is easy to get to all the slayer masters already.




Buthorpe, you just use a games necklace.


Edgeville dungeon, glory ammy.


Canafis, ectophial.


Zanaris, use your glory to draynor then grab a dramen staff and go to Zanaris.


Shilo Village either use your glory to karamja, and take a cart ride. Tele to ardougne and go on the boat and then get a cart ride. Use ring of dueling go to Al kharid use a gnome glider got to Karamja and then just walk.




I would like to be able to tele straight to them but it already is fairly simple to get there. But if you could tele the option should only be there after you have just finished your last assignment.


Your true character is what you are like when you believe there are no repercussions.

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i like the gem because i can check how many monsters i have left to kill, for example, my last task was 217 orges, and its hard to keep track of that, so i use my gem. I think that the teleport option would be a great idea.
Isnt it funny that it is impossible to get over 200 in a slayer assignment hehe!
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Nice idea, but i think the whole slayer skill is easy enough to get the hang of. You can easily tele reasonably nearby a slayer master. Then you get a task, find out where the monster is, kill it over and over and gain a level or two maybe and then return. Much easier than farming for sure :oops:

Currently not active on RuneScape.



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Why not just remove them altogether? You can talk to them already and as far as I know they dont learn much about me in the short converstions I have with them.




I was tasked at killing blue dragons.




I went into Members Dungeon minus my gem.




I left about an hour later.




Upon checking my gem at Fally bank, I found I had... 1 more to kill. Had I known that, I would have just splatted a baby dragon on the way out, so I had to hike all the way BACK down to the spawn again just to mash another dragon.




Removing them will spawn heaps of stupid threads about the problem I had. Difference being, that this was my fault, but without the gem, people will decide to blame Jadex.

Raichase, quit Runescape.


Time issues really, nothing against the game itself. Something had to go, and it happened to be the addictive game that costs money to enjoy :)


Best of luck to all of my friends here!

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