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Max Experience?


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After looking at highscores for the first time in about 4 monthes at least, I noticed something about xp. Looking through every skill, no one has more than 200 million xp in a single skill, and I doubt three people managed to get exactly 200 million xp just becuase. Also 2 of the 200mil xp people are in fishing, so thats even more strange becuase you think they'd be fighting for the top spot. So this may be super old, but figuring I haven't played Rs in a while, its new to me.

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After looking at highscores for the first time in about 4 monthes at least, I noticed something about xp. Looking through every skill, no one has more than 200 million xp in a single skill, and I doubt three people managed to get exactly 200 million xp just becuase. Also 2 of the 200mil xp people are in fishing, so thats even more strange becuase you think they'd be fighting for the top spot. So this may be super old, but figuring I haven't played Rs in a while, its new to me.






The max amount of exp a player can have at this moment is indeed 200mill, nomatter what you do after you reach 200mill exp, you wont get more

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by fishing you mean fletching.. No one has even 100m fishing exp yet. there's only 2 skills where people have manged to reach the max exp fletching and cooking 2 of the easiest skills in the game.

RSN: drgnslyer15


15 skills 90+ - 10 skills 99 - 200m+ total exp

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by fishing you mean fletching.. No one has even 100m fishing exp yet. there's only 2 skills where people have manged to reach the max exp fletching and cooking 2 of the easiest skills in the game.




Looking at the high scores, it is only fletching that has 2 people on 200exp, cooking isnt that close yet

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Why is it capped at 200m?

In a little hilltop village they gambled for my clothes

I bargained for salvation and they gave me a lethal dose

I offered up my innocence, I got repaid with scorn

"Come in'', she said, "I'll give you shelter from the storm"

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Why is it capped at 200m?




Good question. Normally the caps are a result of the types of numbers they use. The largest 32 bit signed number is 2147483648, and that seems to be the largest quantity of items you can have (for example GP). But this 200 million seems kinda arbitrary.

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