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Hmm...I'm sure there aren't many ideas left...but....I'm thinking a new castle wars type thing where you basically throw eggs at each other for a prize. The prize being a pet bunny.






Again...so many ideas taken....I'd say being able to change your base look for the season to be some creature in game- minus the good things so noobs don't get overboard and get annoying. Then as a permanent thing: pet dragons (can't you tell I want new pets?)






I think Santa needs to do something...more direct. So far Santa hasn't been super-involved in the Christmas scene. I'm thinking mini-quest involving helping Santa in his sleigh. And everyone who helps will wake up (log in) in their own "player-owned house" decorated for Christmas, including a tree with presents underneath! After a while, the Christmas stuff would disappear, but leaving the house.






There should be birthday thing on Runescape's birthday; the in-game thing being "a new year." Celebrations being everywhere. Leaving this one open-ended.

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for christmas, santa is sad. His bag has ripped, and his gifts are all over the place. He will give you nice suvinear if you can help him. He says you should go and look around the lumby area, thats where he was when his bag ripped and stuff fell.




One preasent is at the top of one of the two lumby guard towers. Take it.




Another is next to the door of the goblin hut. If you try to take it, all the goblins yell "RRR, hey you, leave our things alon, humen!" Then ALL the goblins in the hut and around attack you. You should get rid of them (They wont respawn untill you have done the whole mini-quest), then taek the preasent.




The next is in the cow field. If you try to take it, a nature sprit will rise up from the ground (Level 20, max hit 3) and attack you. You can run, or kill it and get the 20 nature runes it drops. It will follow you until the point when you pass the gate, in which case it cast bind on you and shoot little red fireballs that do 1 damige.




The forth one is under the bridge of the lumby river. You cannot get at it unless you use the telapathic hand spell (If you cant cast it, just choose the "Jump off bridge" option. You will be delt 5-7 damige (A note in red will tell you of the danger.)


If you DO choose the jump option, a level 40 river trole will attack you! Its max hit is 6, and it has a very slow attack rate. Just run away or tellyport, or just choose "Clime up" from the bridge.




The last and hardest preasent is located in the lumby graveyard. Nothing seems amiss when you initially see the place. When you try to take the preasent, a message will appear saying "A chill runs down your spine. Something feels amiss. Are you SURE you whant to try to take it?" (Yes, no). If you choose yes, a final box will appear saying "The air is cold. Something evil might be lurking nearby. Are you POSITIVE you whant to take it?


choose yes.




A cutsceen will show a red ghost riseing out of the ground. It says, in red letters, "I will eat you as I have the dead here!"




It is level 10. However, it hits CONSTANT 4's, and it attacks as fast as a dagger. You can not run, because "A evil force stops you from moveing."




If you die, the ghost dissapears. Just go and get all your stuff, because it is nearby.




After you beat the ghost, you will get 30 death runes and 5 blood runes. You can also get the preasent.






Take all the preasents to santa (If you try to give them to him before you have all five, he will say that he needs them all, please hurry!!"




If you do, he will say "Thank you, thank you, and thank you again! Here, take this!"




He gives you a mystic scarf! It gives +5 mage protection, and +11 mage attack.




Another cutseen will appear. The duke of lumby comes over to you and congratulates you on saveing the town from that evil ghost. He gives you 30 note'd logs, and two hundred gp.








What do you think? :lol: :D

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Wow, Lowelife0! Either you've been thinking that up for a while or you have a very active imagination. Also, I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you like magic?






Christmas- a miniquest where santa asks you to help him mine coal to put in the stockings of all the bad cheaters in the game, you mine from a special mine that santa sends you too where the coal is different from the real coal (therefore useless execpt for the quest) and you only need a mining lvl of 5 to mine there. The prize would be a stocking that has 5 uses and when you click to use it you get a random item.


Halloween- A miniquest where a child has had his candy stolen and you track down the theives and get the candy back, in return you get halloween candy that heals 20hp each.


Easter- a miniquest where the easter bunny is missing, you have to find him, and when you do it turns out that he's sick. Then, you make him a special tea and in return you get a bunny costume and while your wearing it you hop when you walk

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-Bunny Tail








-Witches Broom


-Mask of Some Sort












Halloween is my favourite holiday, so hopefully something good for it....I wouldn't mind if scythes became tradeable. :wink:




Indexed Picture 1

Indexed Picture 2


Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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How about a new spell? You get a special orb of energy. They go talk to the guy in the rune shop in varrock. He will trade the orb, saying he really is interested in it, for a new spell.








An area attack that can do up to 10 damige. It looks like three yellow strike spells flying at the three closest opponents. They just rush from your hand. When they hit the target, they make it flash white for a second.




Costs: 10 air, 4 fire, 1 chaose, three mind.




99 exp.

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christmass:santa traveles around runescape and gives out presants (with good things inside them. he could ask you some questions and if you answers are "good" you get a good item and if they are "bad" you get 10 coal or something.


or there could be a santas workshop mini quest, where you have to go around finding loads of diffrent items, certian wood, silve/gold ore ect and then go and make diffrent presants. give them all out and you get something intresting such as an emote. also the ground would be covered in snow and you have options like" make snowball" which you can throw at anybody and does 1 damage to enemys and people in the wilderness and gets up you ranged exp by 5 each time.




runesape birthday: on the date runescape first went online there should be a big party where you can buy fancy dresses and costumes and hats and there could be mini quests where you perpare a party ect. then you could go to lumbridge and have a big food fight! or just a social gathering(yawn)




?:for a week there could be on certain world that everywhere could be the wilderness, inother words you can attack anyone anywhere. This of course would be crazy and dragons could rome through the streets( he eh he)




halloween: goast and zombies should be every where! they would be really weak lvl 3s-lvl10s and the skeletons drop special bones that are double the amount of exp that regular bones give you ( and other stuff like that.)

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lowelife0, i like your idea very much, but the hardness of the monsters should be based on your own combat level, so everybody will be able to beat it. It wouldn't be really fair if people couldn't do the holiday stuff just because they don't train combat

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No specific item I can think of, but I think they should release another holiday drop which can be traded, as this would be quite interesting to watch the price changes over a certain ammount of time, and also because it would mess with the RS economy, which frankly, I think would be quite funny.


I don't know what it is, but something keeps telling me you "own"?

"When you're happy it's like you're a bird; you can fly. The only trouble is, you need other birds to fly with"

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