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Anyone else thinking of FFVII:Advent Children?


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well, i saw it about a long time ago (6 months maybe?) so i dont know why its only coming out in april. i hated both final fantasy 7 and 8, and one of the earlier ones for snes. never got into them, didnt really care for anyof the style. having said that, i liked the movie a lot. didnt really know exactly what was going on, but i did recognize a lot from the game. cool movie to see for the sole fact it is all animated and looks great.



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My brother saw it, as he likes the games, he liked the movie as well.




It didn't look like something I'd really like. Maybe I'll give it a chance when the DVD comes out in may. If they don't push the date.


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Most Over-Hyped Movie Ever... it was AWFUL




i disagree...there's deffinitely been more over-hyped movies than this, plus it's going to be awesome (i haven't seen it yet :( i'm just waiting til it comes out in 10 days :) )


"El que no arriesga no gana"

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Two, The Spirits Withing, and Advent Children.




I don't count the spirits within as an FF movie


it's more of just a movie by square, that has nothing to do with any of the Final Fantasies





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Two, The Spirits Withing, and Advent Children.




I don't count the spirits within as an FF movie


it's more of just a movie by square, that has nothing to do with any of the Final Fantasies








Ok then, which one?

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Most Over-Hyped Movie Ever... it was AWFUL




i disagree...there's deffinitely been more over-hyped movies than this, plus it's going to be awesome (i haven't seen it yet :( i'm just waiting til it comes out in 10 days :) )




it is realy overhyped.




I won't be seeing it, as I hate all of the final fantasy games with a passion.

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from someone who doesnt watch alot of anime i thoguht it was ok, but some of the fights just seemed a bit too much like...dragonball z with swords. the bike fights were cool no matter how unrealistic.


idealy i thought some of the fights shouldve been a bit more like those snipets in the ff8 game intro (in terms of realism)



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FFVII was the legendary game. It was the game that got me into rpgs, THE game! I have always had the hippy mindframe within me, so it was always really appealing to me.




All of you who hate FF: play the game first before you call it crap. Do not judge a book by its cover. It looks really crap but its actually really great.

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I won't be seeing it, as I hate all of the final fantasy games with a passion.




Why do you hate it though? Have you played any of the games?




Because if you haven't played it, and if it's the whole anime thing you hate, that's a bad reason. :P I generally dislike anime, but in the FF games, you just ignore all that. The story, music, graphics, characters etc. in the games are really awesome (at least the ones I've played). Especially the music.


However, if you have played the games (at least one of them, beginning to end) and yet you hate it, fair enough, but if you haven't, I strongly advice you to... knowing you at least used to be a big gamer, I think you'd enjoy 'em.


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FFVII was the legendary game. It was the game that got me into rpgs, THE game! I have always had the hippy mindframe within me, so it was always really appealing to me.




All of you who hate FF: play the game first before you call it crap. Do not judge a book by its cover. It looks really crap but its actually really great.




Yea, i definitely agree; FFVII was the first RPG I ever got and i'm REALLY HAPPY i got it ever since. Oh and Nadril, it really isn't all that overhyped, you're probably just saying that because you don't like FF's... :roll:


"El que no arriesga no gana"

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