Guest Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 NOTE: Please read the whole postÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâæSorry itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s quite long! After I saw the Tip.It TimeÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s article on N0valyfe Speaking about his Runescape career and the amount of hours of dedication he (and a lot of other high levels players put into the game), it got me thinking. Would there be a way in which Jagex can give Runescape an even greater incentive for those players who want to play long hours during a day, rather than just the pure fun and enjoyment you get out of it. I recently watched a 60 Minutes show on Australian Television about how professional online gamers are earning in the thousands (and the elite players in the tens of thousands ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ and even higher) through sponsorships and tournaments run by the games and sponsored by sponsors. I saw how the elite professional players were playing up to 12 hours a day, day in and day out training up to the next big tournament with their clans and so on. ItÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s really the next ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬Åprofessional sportÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâà Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
arizark Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 great idea i would acctually have a good reason to play instead of bordem :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 great idea i would acctually have a good reason to play instead of bordem :) Thanks for the comment. Love to see more come in! :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kolko Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 Would not be that good i think, only ze uber 1337 levels could be playing in these Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 Would not be that good i think, only ze uber 1337 levels could be playing in these That's the point. I am not even a high lvl player. It gives people the incentive of getting higher levels and having an extra desire to play the game. Thus not rewarding the lvl 10's in the game with the ability to win a money competition in a lvl 5-10 combat competiton. That is why I left my idea to only the high level players. :wink: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
primadog Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 :? It will be automatically violating the real world trading rule. What kind of example will JaGex be setting when they themselves start paying out rl cash for what players do ingame? All I learned in life, I learned on Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 :? It will be automatically violating the real world trading rule. What kind of example will JaGex be setting when they themselves start paying out rl cash for what players do ingame? I think any person (edited --didn't mean to cause offence prima)! can relise there is a difference between selling an account or item for real life money then winning money off a competiton through having a better character than other people. I think people are smart enough to relise the difference between these two things and a bad example is thus not relevent. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
remoteman Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 i like the idea, might give me an incentive to get 115 cb lol. as for the real world trading rule, it is there because people are selling JAGEX's property (ie. gp) in this, jagex isn't selling anything, but hosting a competetion for the best player, your not trading anything except your time and dedication for the rl money. although it doubt it could happen, i like the idea. what is stopping a competition going on run by an outside party, as technically there not braking any rule.. oh and go the eels :lol: "A disbelief in magic can force some poor souls into believing in authority and business" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zerosouls Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 This is a really great idea Eelspremiers, a ton of games already support this idea and it really creates a solid point to playing rs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 i like the idea, might give me an incentive to get 115 cb lol. as for the real world trading rule, it is there because people are selling JAGEX's property (ie. gp) in this, jagex isn't selling anything, but hosting a competetion for the best player, your not trading anything except your time and dedication for the rl money. although it doubt it could happen, i like the idea. what is stopping a competition going on run by an outside party, as technically there not braking any rule.. oh and go the eels :lol: Thanks and very true about the trading idea. That's the words I was trying to put it in with my previous post. Anyway good to see another eels supporters. Let's hope they go one step better in 2006 than what they did in 2005! :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
henk333 Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 :? It will be automatically violating the real world trading rule. What kind of example will JaGex be setting when they themselves start paying out rl cash for what players do ingame? I think any person (or idiot) can relise there is a difference between selling an account or item for real life money then winning money off a competiton through having a better character than other people. I think people are smart enough to relise the difference between these two things and a bad example is thus not relevent. I think the trading for real life items is relevant in another way. If real money could be made of having a high level runescape account, some people would want to 'invest' in that moneymaking opportunity. I have got no clue as to how much a runescape account costs on ebay, but when you could make money of fighting with your high lvl account, people would want to go and buy themselves one and try and make money with it. Most of the competitions and tournaments for real money are all about skill. All people start out every game with the same character and your experience with the game and your fast fingers decide whether you will win or lose. With rs you don't all start out the same every game because your progress is saved to your account. Therefor part of your skill is what combat lvl your character is. Level requirements weren't invented for nothing. This way you can buy rs skill which would give you an unfair headstart. By doing this JaGex would actually encourage the trading of accounts. This is something they'd never want to do and therefore this idea will never happen. Haven't played RuneScape since 12 january 2007 and it feels great :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 :? It will be automatically violating the real world trading rule. What kind of example will JaGex be setting when they themselves start paying out rl cash for what players do ingame? I think any person (or idiot) can relise there is a difference between selling an account or item for real life money then winning money off a competiton through having a better character than other people. I think people are smart enough to relise the difference between these two things and a bad example is thus not relevent. I think the trading for real life items is relevant in another way. If real money could be made of having a high level runescape account, some people would want to 'invest' in that moneymaking opportunity. I have got no clue as to how much a runescape account costs on ebay, but when you could make money of fighting with your high lvl account, people would want to go and buy themselves one and try and make money with it. Most of the competitions and tournaments for real money are all about skill. All people start out every game with the same character and your experience with the game and your fast fingers decide whether you will win or lose. With rs you don't all start out the same every game because your progress is saved to your account. Therefor part of your skill is what combat lvl your character is. Level requirements weren't invented for nothing. This way you can buy rs skill which would give you an unfair headstart. By doing this JaGex would actually encourage the trading of accounts. This is something they'd never want to do and therefore this idea will never happen. Yeah they are very interesting and pretty much correct statements there but I would have to say, that even though accounts would be attempted to be sold (as which happens at the moment on Ebay even without these money competitions) they still mostly get caught and don't get away with it. And generally people sell their accounts because they don't want to play runescape anymore and want to make money out of their hard work they have put into the character. Though through Jagex new technology most of these people get caught as seen by their announcement on the a month or so ago. So its not like people are going to be selling here and there all day long their account because most of them will get caught and banned. And in the end who will want to sell their account when they could make great and even more money off it themselves on the "money competitions," than off Ebay (if they get away with it as well). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stallion4589 Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 perhaps if the reward was several months free membership? think about it, 6 months free membership for the winning player isnt gonna take too much out of jagex's pocket, is it? maybe if it was a clan event then 6 months per member of the winning clan is a bit much. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 perhaps if the reward was several months free membership? think about it, 6 months free membership for the winning player isnt gonna take too much out of jagex's pocket, is it? maybe if it was a clan event then 6 months per member of the winning clan is a bit much. I ain't talking just little pocket change. It's not just a Jagex thing paying out the winning rewards but sponsors getting involved. In other online games people are earning as high as tens of thousands of dollars by winning a global tournament. This would turn Runescape even more greatly commercialised though I don't see how this would be a problem. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
henk333 Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 Yeah they are very interesting and pretty much correct statements there but I would have to say, that even though accounts would be attempted to be sold (as which happens at the moment on Ebay even without these money competitions) they still mostly get caught and don't get away with it. And generally people sell their accounts because they don't want to play runescape anymore and want to make money out of their hard work they have put into the character. Though through Jagex new technology most of these people get caught as seen by their announcement on the a month or so ago. So its not like people are going to be selling here and there all day long their account because most of them will get caught and banned. And in the end who will want to sell their account when they could make great and even more money off it themselves on the "money competitions," than off Ebay (if they get away with it as well). The people selling their account because they're quitting are quite rare, or are people with 70cb, with completely balanced levels thinking they have the best account out there. Those weren't the people I was thinking about. The people I was thinking about are the people that don't play runescape for fun but are just here for the cold hard cash. They get a load of lvl 3 accounts fishing sharks, picking flax, chopping yews/magics or mining coal, sell it to 'real' players and sell their gathered rs millions on ebay. Combat training can't be done by a bot yet (as far as I know), even though high alching and camelot tele can easily be done by autoclickers. I think that when there would be a runescape competition for real money, more and more people would like to have a high combat account or a pure, not necessarily as their main, but just for the competition. Clans competing would benefit hugely from a steady supply of pures and even though many clans wouldn't buy them, there's allways people that don't care about the rules. They wouldn't even have to tell their clan it's a bought account. So now that there's a need for high combat accounts and pures, people will fill that need. Instead of selling your millions you made from your bots on ebay, they could train up a pure and sell it for even more. Or if you don't have money from autoing you could merchant a bit and from the profits train up an account. Because it is not that hard getting 99 mage, just time consuming (which can be circumvented by an autoclicker) and you could just get 94 mage and be able to cast all spells. 99 range is harder to get, but you can camp out at the firegiants from lets say 50+ range. Combat training is hardest but 70 attack and a high strength level are, when you know where to train and have the determination, not that hard to get. Sorry for having a pessimistic view on this, but I think that it is just human nature to try and get an unfair headstart when competing. This creates a need for accounts on ebay and in my experience people will jump to the oppurtunity to try and make a lot of money of that need. The fact that there already is a market for rs money and accounts on ebay actually (and sadly) strengthens (sp?) my point. Haven't played RuneScape since 12 january 2007 and it feels great :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
goochman Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 yea good idea UP DA EELS!!!!!!! Fancy a Bum? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
arizark Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 i like the idea, might give me an incentive to get 115 cb lol. as for the real world trading rule, it is there because people are selling JAGEX's property (ie. gp) in this, jagex isn't selling anything, but hosting a competetion for the best player, your not trading anything except your time and dedication for the rl money. although it doubt it could happen, i like the idea. what is stopping a competition going on run by an outside party, as technically there not braking any rule.. oh and go the eels :lol: Thanks and very true about the trading idea. That's the words I was trying to put it in with my previous post. Anyway good to see another eels supporters. Let's hope they go one step better in 2006 than what they did in 2005! :) bah go the panthers w00t and back on topic i kinda like the free months membership as a reaward to jagex sanctioned battles because yeah it would be complex to get the money to people over seas Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
primadog Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 You can most-definitely auto-train combat with the runescape hacks out there. You'd be surprised at how sophiscated the dark side really is, and how scary our own training effort can be duplicated by programs. The more commercialized Runescape is, the more cold-hard-cash is at stack, the stronger the dark side will become. Right now the hackers have nothing to claim but pixel wealth and fame. If money became at stake, the hackers would work harder to abuse the system, to give themselves an unfair advantage, and to macro their way to the top of Runescape food-train. This would turn Runescape even more greatly commercialised though I don't see how this would be a problem. How commercialization can be bad for Runescape? Remember the havok we had with the amataur crackers, hackers, and macroers in the past (and sadly, now)? Imagine what happens when professional crackers, hackers, and macroers come in to screw up our game. So far no one have successfully hacked the runescape server, but it's definitely a possibility, if someone have an incentive for it. On the side note: any person (or idiot)... I will like to see an apology by this immature person. This is a discussion for a possible improvement for the game. I simply point out some negative, and you verbally abuse me. What's the point of flaming me? How does this contribute to the conversation? All I learned in life, I learned on Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
namename Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 Are you talking about stuff with 'Fatality', etc? Dude, those guys make lots of $$$ a Year with just gaming... That guy is the No. #1 in 'Halo', Halo 2' and lots of more games.. They make like 10.000 a tournament.. Ontopic: Pretty fun idea, but what kind of 'tournament's, would you suggest.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
r2-pleasent Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 Runescape is not the type of game that would have success hosting tournaments, as it really requires no skill to battle another player. The types of games that can be hosted at LAN's, and can offer prizes to winners, are action-based ones, like Starcraft, Warcraft III, Halo2, Counterstrike, etc. The problem with Runescape, or any MMORPG, when it comes to true online competitions, is that players do not enter under equal terms. On Halo2, both players start out with the exact same gun, the exact same Hit Points, and the exact same abilities. In Runescape, players with higher skill totals enter with a huge advantage. Some MMORPG's do require a certain element of skill, whether it be aiming your bow, or quick casting of spells. Runescape, however, is little more than point and click once, and crossing your fingers for a good hit. That's really not going to create an interesting gaming atmosphere, and therefore would not bring in many spectators. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Albosky Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 r2p read my mind :lol: (dont do it again !!!) as a former quake2/quake3 1vs1 tournament player I obvisouly agree as each user starts on an equal playing field and has to gain control of a map and actually aim their shots , runescape is all about who trained their skills longer and that big fat "IF" your weapon hits I like to fart silently but deadly in movie theatersArd Choille says (11:41 PM):I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
killerbob Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 rs is a GAME not a JOB Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Albosky Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 So was quake3 but tell that to Jonathon "Fatal1ty" Wendell who was making over $200,000 USD a year to play in tournaments all over the world. And still continues to do so with UT2004 I like to fart silently but deadly in movie theatersArd Choille says (11:41 PM):I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KiLLuFoFrEE Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 acually thats a pretty good idea, i would def. like to join in on a fight caves tourney and straight icebarrage to the win! "Ive always tried to kill the greatest man alive, but then I finally realize that suicide is not the answer" QsBillabong Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
henk333 Posted March 27, 2006 Share Posted March 27, 2006 On the side note: any person (or idiot)... I will like to see an apology by this immature person. This is a discussion for a possible improvement for the game. I simply point out some negative, and you verbally abuse me. What's the point of flaming me? How does this contribute to the conversation? If you are looking for an apology you're looking at the wrong person here... it was Eelspremiers' statement, not mine. I was actually partly on your side with that statement about this tournament idea encouraging/causing violation of the real world item trade rule. Haven't played RuneScape since 12 january 2007 and it feels great :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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