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Why not? [Rule 1-4]


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=Rule 1 - Offensive Language


You must not use any language used which is offensive, racist or obscene.


=Rule 2 - Item Scamming


You must not scam or deceive other players.


=Rule 3 - Password Scamming


Asking for another players password for any reason will not be tolerated.




=Rule 4 - Cheating/Bug Abuse


Any bugs found within the game must be reported to Jagex immedaitely.




Those are the first four rules of Runescape.




Rule 1 is ok, you don't want someone filling your chat box with swear words anyway.


Rule 2 makes perfect sense, I'm glad they have that rule.


Rule 3 is ok I guess.




Rule 4. I have a problem with this one.


It says you must report all bugs to Jagex.


A few questions:


-How are you supposed to inforce this rule?!?


-How do you know if it's a bug?




In the details it says they have this rule because it might:


Deliberately taking advantage of a bug can unbalance the game economy or devalue other players achievements, so it is against the rules.


What? If it's your fault for not "proofreading" it why should we be to blame?




I don't understand.


Can anyone answer my questions?


I would love to hear from you in your opinions.

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knife bug anyone?




the reason is because a lot of the time, like the knife bug, you KNOW you have a huge advantage from using the bug, and they dont want you to abuse it, since if you can abuse a bug and gain levels items, etc faster than anyone else who has no knowledge of it, it makes the game unfair.... pretty cut and dry if you ask me...




however i see where you are comming from, and its not like you should be banned for picking up a pot of flour and turning it into an egg by some wierd glitch... it really depends on the level of abuse to the games system the bug creates...


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lets face it, this post is a little naive and pointless. So fair enough they can't enforce (correction of your spelling) the rule, but they still make it a rule because they don't want you to do it basically. Grow up and think about what you're saying.

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I'm saying it's their fault for not "proofreading" their work.


If they didn't mess up and do their homework all the way, the bugs wouldn't be there.




Code a game as complex as Runescape in a wierd language (runescript) and then tell me that quote again.




Only Andrew knows Runescript perfectly, and he does not do everything himself. Even the best games have mistakes...thats what patches and bugfixes are for.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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i have one question?




who's andrew?is he from jagex?




He is the owner and creator of Runescape.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Examples of bug abuses that resulted in bans:




Abyss pkers (pk'd inside the abyss, no level restrictions, only mages and those that auto retaliated could actually go into combat).




Waterfall Quest bug (could complete it multiple times for rewards again, and again)




Dupe Bug (could create any non-stackable item in the game).




Invisible Pker Bug (you would show up on radar, but could not be seen on the player screen)




I'm sure there are others. These bugs should scream out that it was not intentional by Jagex. Taking advantage of these disrupts the game universe. Doing that could disrupt players feeling the need to pay Jagex. You're messing with a company's profit. You might get miffed if you lose a whip or some gp's, but Jagex can lose real world money that pays its owners and staff. So yes, they'll hammer you (well, take away your character) if you mess with them.




Try coming into my house with half the attitude you approach this game and you'll never get past the porch. Try to stay there and expect a call from the cops. It's their game and servers, you're just renting a part of it on their terms that you agreed to.




That said, Jagex is not likely to ban your character for minor bug abuses. If it affected another player or game economy, then yes, they'll probably boot you.


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csrocker1 wrote:


what is runescript???i dont think jagex created a own programm languga for runescape.




My guess is that it's a slight variant from Java, but it's their own language alright.


Javascript and java are differnt, Javascript is mainly used in websites, Java is a proggramming languege
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