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strange trading


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I'm just a little newbie and already confused with the so called "high-level characters". sure they're level 60 and I'm level 13... but... I've experienced a few things today that make me feel like calling THEM noobs. Also, I appologise if this is in the wrong place. It's not really a rant, and I'm not asking for help, just wanted to share my experience so I figured this was the place.




First off, I was training on level 6 rats and some guy asked me to leave because he needed to train. He was level 97...so I'm not sure if he was joking or wanted to train a different skill or something, but in any case, I hopped worlds and continued killing.


Next, I decided to run back to the bank and try to sell off some of my newbie items. I shouted to sell food for 10 gp ea (simple stuff like meat, chicken and shrimp). now this is where i get really confused. people wouldnt take large amounts of meat, but they'd buy like 10 pieces for 1k... this happened with 8 different people. I'm not sure if they felt sorry for me or what? they didn't seem to want to take more meat for their money, was I underpriced?


Finally I decided to go and fight and cook some more and this level 40 guy asked me if I could cook for him. He gave me 30 sardines to cook because he didn't have any cooking skill... I got 25 cooking before I picked up a sword :? is that not normal or something? One guy told me that 20 fishing and 25 cooking was a bit advanced for my noobiness :(




So, with all that, I'm not really sure how nooby I should feel right now

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Some people want just an amount and are willing to pay greatly for that. When i need laws i paid 1k for each. That is how bad i need them.


I will shoot down any one with my bitting wit, and sarcasm!

What POSSIBLE reason would someone have to make a fake like that?Does he profit from faking a picture like that? Does it help him at all?Jesus Christ, stop being so suspicious. This is Tip.it for God's sake, not RuneHQ. -_-
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but it's really strange to me :P some guy gave me a piece of coal for a raw chicken. actually he asked me to get him more raw chickens in exchange for coal :shock:


being the newbie I am, i figured if he could afford to throw that kinda money away, i could deffinately use it :)

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For some quests you need to gather some low level items, for the 100th quest for example you need raw chickens and cooked meat. I don't mind getting that stuff myself, but some high level people consider themselves too high level to gather that stuff. So they rather overpay you for getting it then undergoing the shame of killing a chicken themselves :roll: You gotta love seeing them standing in a bank yelling 'buying raw chicken 1k' for over 10 minutes, getting more frustrated by the second, while they could have just teled to anywhere near a chicken pen (varrock/fally) and killed their own chicken :lol:




Haven't played RuneScape since 12 january 2007 and it feels great :)

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First off, I'd like to say welcome to the game of runescape I hope you have a fun and enjoyable time here. Secondly I'd like to say some people are in a rush to get something, some, are just generous, while others are just plain noobs and try to underpay. fourthly i'd like to say that I cant count.

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Welcome to RuneScape :)


Some people are desperate for some items and will pay overboard (all the "buying a law, 1k!" thing, laws are like 400-500 ea). 25 cooking for your lvl is ok. I dont seem nothing werid about it. I had like 35-40 mining when I was high 20s.


Dont think your a noob. It's the most popular word in RS and you'll never stop hearing it. If anytime people call you noob (trust me, they will) just laugh about it. Or put to ignore.




Noob doesn't mean newbie. It means a player that's dumb and a pain in the @$$. You're right now a Newbie, NOT a noob.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Hi farja.. first of all.. welcome u to the game.. hmm.. why bother so much about pple labelling u as noob? i would regard you as newbie.. someone who is quite new to the game.. low combat and better non-combat skills is not a shame.. What's most important is to enjoy ur game.. and try to make some friends..




Well.. no matter how poor or pathetic one may seem.. never beg.. i'm sure ur friends will shun u..

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thanks for all your welcomes :)


and don't worry, I don't care much about being called a noob, I was merely questioning who should be labeled as a noob in these situations :P It makes me laugh to see players who have obviously been on the game longer than me act dumber than I do

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people feel stupid when they pay really small ammounts for things


i do :cry: :lol: :wink:




lol very true ;) but I don't think Alea was under priced. Maybe try selling in Draynor bank, people are used to low prices there. Unless of course you want the extra gp :lol:

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