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whos going to win the soccer world cup???


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thanks for clearing that up above :)


On the Kaka subject - lots of players aren't too great off the pitch and in front of a camera. An example of this is Pele. I hate him for what he has said but will always think he's one of the best footballers about because of what he did on the pitch.




I agree with apinagez. FIFA rankings suck.


The way the rankings are worked out isn't right. The likes of Mexico, USA and Iran should not be that high in the listings.

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thanks for clearing that up above :)


On the Kaka subject - lots of players aren't too great off the pitch and in front of a camera. An example of this is Pele. I hate him for what he has said but will always think he's one of the best footballers about because of what he did on the pitch.


Glad I cleared it out :D




Pele... Hes a shame, he was good player, but his soon got involed with drugs and wento to jail, he is now desperato for money, doidn commercial of fancy things (Did), but he was awsome player!


Kaka, plays well, but is childish, he will get in trouble soon if he continues behaving bad...


And take as example Maradona, he was a moderate player, now he is nothing, because he cant behave in life... he could play, but if he cant stand in life, he will decrease, same will happen to lots of players, even Kaka.





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I think Thierry Henry will get the golden boot this time. Imo, hes the best centre forward in the world (though thats biased coming from an Arsenal supporter). But theres no doubt hes a great player, and he really deserves a great career with many trophies to look back on when hes retired. I also hope he can win the champions league with Arsenal before he retires.




And also, assuming Xavi is not back from injury, keep a look out for Francesc Fabregas. Hes only 18 but he has such great composure and vision. I think hes going to be player of the year one day.


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Well of course if I was a gambler I would out my money on Brazil to win their second time in a row. Of course being british I would like to see England pull of some excellent perfomances and maybe even go all the way. BUT, you can't forget teams like France and Germany. Of course im sure you know that the tournament is being held in Germany so they do have the home advantage. France as well having some great players, they may not of done to well recently but things could change, oh well we'll see.




The only downpart of England is having Sven. I've never thought to much of him as he hasnt always been the best at decision making... Anyway. Brazil Ftw but... COME ON ENGLAND!!

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Well of course if I was a gambler I would out my money on Brazil to win their second time in a row. Of course being british I would like to see England pull of some excellent perfomances and maybe even go all the way. BUT, you can't forget teams like France and Germany. Of course im sure you know that the tournament is being held in Germany so they do have the home advantage. France as well having some great players, they may not of done to well recently but things could change, oh well we'll see.




The only downpart of England is having Sven. I've never thought to much of him as he hasnt always been the best at decision making... Anyway. Brazil Ftw but... COME ON ENGLAND!!


The only fair advantage I can think is Germans Supporters, and unfair... many possibilities.





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Swedan or Germany will win the SOCCER world cup




pleez :roll:








On topic, brazil and argen. of course, but port might do pretty well also, and Korea will also win sum matches

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I hope The Netherlands win. The Dutch have quite a big chance to win, because the Dutch, Australian and South-Korean teams have Dutch coaches.




Oh well, Brazil will probably win it....AGAIN! :x

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