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fire giants


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can you tell me if you think i will be able to kill decent amounts of fire giants without getting slaughtered? my stats are in my sig. im hoping i will be able to get a few good drops, but if its going to cost me hundreds of k in food then i won't bother



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  • 5 months later...

I would reccomend that Range or Mage them.


Sorry but your lvl is a bit too low to kill Fire Giants the the moment.


You MUST have 60+ Ranging / 60+ Mage otherwise you won't be able to hit them hard. When I was about your lvl I thought i could kill them easily too but i couldn't.


So I reccomend that you use Range / Mage




- Skenderbeu

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bah, ignore the lot of them, just do regicide, get a dragon halberd and kill dem ginats (although you will need sharks until they stop auto attacking, takes about 10 mins

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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