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Bones for Bragging Rights


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Well, I got this idea from danman789's signature. It would be cool if when you pk someone, the bones they frop says "[name's] bones so you can keep it as a medal and brag to your friends or something.




What do you guys think.

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I think it would be way to hard to program, there was once an idea to leave a gravestone where you killed someone in the wild where you could examine it and it would say who died there. I just think the whole bone idea would be to hard with people banking them and such.

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No, you're going about it all wrong. THey should just be 'player bones' and be worth like, 5 instead of the usual 4.5




Add a little spice to the bones market.


People just need to learn to share crabs.
I'd prefer my nether regions clear of diseases, thank you very much.
just turn off accept aids
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but then people can purposly die to antoher person and if tradble sell them for big amounts




Lol true, zezima and other famous players could make millions easily.






Or to stop this it the bones would be made untradable, but you could still show it in the trade screen (so you can show it but if you click accept then it will give a message saying that you cant)

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Yea, both of your ideas are good. You could make it player's bones and when you examine it it says whos ones it is. And as you said you can't actaully trade it but you could show it and you could bury it for more xp than regular bones.




Then IF poh's come out, you could set it up on mantles or something, I dont know.




Any more opinions?

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Problem is, every single bone from a player would become an item of its own. That would end up hogging all the bankspace, and no one could trade more than 28 at a time. It would cause unneccesary lag.


People just need to learn to share crabs.
I'd prefer my nether regions clear of diseases, thank you very much.
just turn off accept aids
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i like the idea however seperate bones for every single player would take up a fair ammount of bank space.. and if they are tradeable or not, no ones gunna buy my, or 99% of anyone elses bones for more than usual price because of an extra 0.5 xp.... zezima and other famous people's bones is a different story however.... but perhaps you could just have a scroll or something and it writes down the name of anyone (over your cb lvl, pointless if your a lvl 100 and you killed a lvl 5 lol) and its not tradeable however you can show it to people, click on your scroll and then click on the person you wish to show it to and it comes up sort of like the trade screen "so and so would like to show you his/her kill scroll"




also they wouldnt be dropped if you died... and maybe you would need a quill (would be another use of a feather) to write on it... but thats just going off-subject




so over all i agree with the princaple but not that idea :)

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I dont see how player bones could be that profitable if its only 5 xp considering big bones giv 15 xp and they are much easier and safer to get.


And about the gravestone idea, im sure multiple people hav died in the same place so i dont see how that could work and if they were to go through with that there would be gravestones everywhere, every step you take in the wild would prob be on a grave.


Check out my Pocket Slot idea!

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I kind of like the idea of having other people's bones kind of as a trophy collection on the accomplishments you've made. If bank space became a problem, maybe there could be a way to store all the bones in just one single place. (Maybe have the possibilty to make a necklace with the bones attached so you can walk around in public and show your combat skills.) But that's just an idea.

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Been thought of before, it's a really nice idea but I think it would be way to hard to program this into the game since every person on rs would have to have a different bone, meaning Jagex would have to put more than a million different bones in the game accounting for every1. I'm liking the scroll idea alot more, u kill someone and their name gets put on the scroll followed by the amount of times u killed that person and there would be a "show scroll" option.



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I think having some way to display your kills would be awesome. Perhaps when a player dies, they would drop regular bones and a 'player skull' which could be stored in a vault or something separate from the bank. That way you could store evidence of each of your kills, and have a way to keep track of everyone you've ever killed without cluttering up your bank.




Another idea that just came to me, instead of gravestones appearing where someone dies in the wilderness, the graves in the graveyard of shadows could store the names of the most recent people to die in the wilderness. They could also say who killed them, sort of like the dueling arena. You could go there and get screenshots of the kills you got or if there was a clan war you could see the names of all the people that got killed.

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