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zealot114 this is for YOOOOUUUU!!!


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so....i was standing in varrock with my small fortune, trying to buy a rune war hammer for 80k....when all of a sudden i said "hmmm where else to find high lvl smithers but the west bank anvils?"




so i stand there for 5 min. asking smithing lvls and then say buyin rune war hammer 80k.....so zealot114 says ill do it, brb and runs to rellica to find empty shops.....when he gets back i told him no biggy and replaced his telle runes. then i gave him a free poison pot + i found.... for the trouble, i talked to him for a while and he asked me to help him make some iron arrow heads with him, so i did......i asked why you making so many? and he said




well im saving for a whip




i said, oh how much you got?....




almost 3mil




my thoughts: (omg that must suck he is almost done....o well i have some extra money...) here man have this and i pop up 100k (leaving me with 66k) and boom its his....omg thnx so much! blah blah blah heard it before....o well i thought someone would like to hear about it.....any one know where to get a rune war hammer? :roll:

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I just got 5 from troll generals yesteday but alched 'em all. I would've given you one if I would've gotten them today.


40,919th person to access Turmoil. 21,559th person to access Overloads.





Are there any hidden bonuses here?


No bonuses


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It seems that every time I get a rareish drop (rune) I alch it and then someone a day or two later wants to buy one or a friend of mine wants one :P




I alched a rune warhammer earlier this morning from rock :\

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Why you need a rune warhammer?




There are a lot of better weapons...




I think you seemed to have missed the greater point to the story lol

I like to fart silently but deadly in movie theaters
Ard Choille says (11:41 PM):

I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear

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You're too kind hearted =]

Currently P2P.


I don't want the world to see me, 'cause I don't think that they'd understand.


Formerly known as: Ghstkill8, Serene Ghst, Genius Goats

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Why you need a rune warhammer?




There are a lot of better weapons...




I think you seemed to have missed the greater point to the story lol




yep lol :lol: :roll:




:) Mhmm. :)

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i'm f2p, and i bought mine in al-kharid world one. it took awhile. anyway, i used it ob white knights for about 2 days, then i sold it in falador world 1. it took AGES and AGES for it to finally sell, and at the rediculusley low price (45k) i bought i for 60k.




anyway, while i was trying to sell it (in falador world 1) i was 4-5 other people selling theirs (or trying to anyway) for rediculusley low prices. you might want to try there and buy one. just keep typing: "cyan:shake:buyin rune hammer" or whatever you do and eventually someone will see.




good luck! you benevolant generous person you!


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RS should have more people like you :D




My first ever rune wep was a rune war hammer. The next day somebody offered full rune for it (I was to nooby to recognize that nobody would do that, and they would try to scam me) then switched it to iron. I've considered the rune war hammer evil ever since and will never do any business with them :evil:




Ya, I know I'm really weird :wink:

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