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Drop recorder


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I have made a website where you can record the drops you get from monsters, this will be great for all those people who keep forum logs for slayer or training.




You simply type the item name in the text box, then each time you get that item click the plus button next to it, this will Increase the number by one showing how many times you have recieved this item.




like so:






Then once you have finished killing a certain monster (or any time during combat) you can find out how many you have killed with one click of a button!




like so:






No download required, runs on the website.




hope you like it - Link

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Do you think you could get it up and working or someone else post a different drop recorder?









Proud fire cape owner!

How many RS players does it take to change a lightbulb?

5,000. 1 to change the lightbulb, and 4,999 to complain about how it was better before.


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Is there a way to download it?

Proud fire cape owner!

How many RS players does it take to change a lightbulb?

5,000. 1 to change the lightbulb, and 4,999 to complain about how it was better before.


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Is there a way to download it?




No, since you need to be online to play rs anyway it's easier on the website lol




Wow great idea! Simple, but effective. Many people will find this to be helpful.




Thanks :)

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Is there a way to download it?




No, since you need to be online to play rs anyway it's easier on the website lol

Acctually i was thinking along the lines of saving it considering i'm killing 73000 dust devils every time i start comp up don't want to have to click coins like 10000 times lol

Proud fire cape owner!

How many RS players does it take to change a lightbulb?

5,000. 1 to change the lightbulb, and 4,999 to complain about how it was better before.


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Is there a way to download it?




No, since you need to be online to play rs anyway it's easier on the website lol

Acctually i was thinking along the lines of saving it considering i'm killing 73000 dust devils every time i start comp up don't want to have to click coins like 10000 times lol











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Hmm, this got me thinking, I should make a progam like this. EXcept i think i would make it so you cant input numbers into mine and mabey a few more features.




How long would this take?

Proud fire cape owner!

How many RS players does it take to change a lightbulb?

5,000. 1 to change the lightbulb, and 4,999 to complain about how it was better before.


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Well they are going to have to keep a record the kills anyway like that, it wouldn't work.




not sure how it could be saved to use another day.. ill try figure something out




You could have us download it and add a save option or something?

Proud fire cape owner!

How many RS players does it take to change a lightbulb?

5,000. 1 to change the lightbulb, and 4,999 to complain about how it was better before.


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Well they are going to have to keep a record the kills anyway like that, it wouldn't work.




not sure how it could be saved to use another day.. ill try figure something out




You could have us download it and add a save option or something?




No, because when it is opened all the values are set to 0. So it would make no difference.




Im not sure it will be possible, unless it automatically saves the values you have each time you click onto your computer then when you revisit load them up as the starting value... sounds like a pain in the butt :P




Well you can always just keep seperate logs for each day. then when you have finished add up the totals, would only take an extra few minutes each day =\




Ill try figure something out but not promising anything

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