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human...are we really the most advaced race on earth?


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We are on this forum discussing things with people halfway around the world.




Let's see a dolphin or a squirrel do that.


Dolphins can communicate much furthar unaided than we can.




Dolphins can communicate on the interweb? To thier friends on land? Wow, try reading before responding. My point was that we are communicating on a network with people across the world with no restrictions (sans those we put into place eg censors). A dolphin might be able to cry for help from miles away, but can they communicate with another dolphin 4000 miles away ON LAND! And without effort, I might add.




lol, I think we really need to start worrying if dolphins start walking on land :lol:

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I can't believe people are still debating this. Has anyone looked at the evolutionary tree? Come one people, simple phylogenetics! The morphological characteristics alone make humans clearly superior. Lets just take the human eye. It's insanely advance: it can distinguish color, easily change focusing from near to far, can see sharper then 99.999% of animals and can see in the dark better then 99%, and the 1% that can see better then us in the dark has terrible daytime vision, unlike humans that have near perfect daytime (only beaten by a few animals, but those have horrendous night vision). This is because youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re eyeÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s receptors are split into types. Cones and Rods. Rods are for nighttime and cones are for clarity during the day. Most animals take the easy way out; Eagles for example have only cones for good day time, whereas owls have practically all rods. Humans have both, and unlike the few other animals that have a significant number of both, humans have a massive number of both, rivaling the number of cones of an eagle AND the number of rods of an owlÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ã

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's probably not smart to get into this conversation a month after the last post, but I do not believe that we are the most advanced race on earth. It seems easy to believe we are, seeing that we are human, but in reality most of the things we "invent" are trivial and useless. We last a bit longer than most animals but we have lost all means to protect ourselves when we are alone, and to try to populate the entire planet is not advanced but primal.

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well, I dont see any other thing in the UNIVERSE that can use everything. we can turn rocks into fuel. We can use a bird like thing for transportation. We take ideas and use them. We are the only things that can take anything and use it. Chimps can't "talk". Fish can't fly. Most birds can't swim. All of these things can do 2-3 things but can't use everything else.

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Guest GhostRanger
It's probably not smart to get into this conversation a month after the last post, but I do not believe that we are the most advanced race on earth. It seems easy to believe we are, seeing that we are human, but in reality most of the things we "invent" are trivial and useless. We last a bit longer than most animals but we have lost all means to protect ourselves when we are alone, and to try to populate the entire planet is not advanced but primal.




You need to read John Dewey. The fact that nothing else on the planet can invent things that are trivial is what makes us the most advanced race on earth. Nothing else can think abstractly (or as Dewey says, think period) like we can.




Your point about not being able to protect ourselves when we are alone doesn't make any sense.




Your last point about trying to populate the earth doesn't make sense because no one said we were "trying" to do that, and every other animal tries to do that as well, so at best we are the same from that perspective.

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If I may quote the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Series, (Not sure which one.): "Humans thought they were smarter than dolphins because they had invented, guns, bombs, and war. Dolphins thought they were smarter for the same reason."

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do other animals really need guns, weapons, houses, technology etc, to survive?




No. They're still alive right now and nver had any of those stuff.




Do we?




If you're talking about us, we're supposed to be able to survive allready, but we imposed ourselves another cycle with this technology and the human society.

-=Aznhuskarl=- Cleric

-=20Cent=- Juggernaught

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Humans have a complex organ called A BRAIN! It lets us think outside the box. We dont "eat drink sleep" like animals. We evolved to fit our surroundings. We have a brain which allows us to adapt without evolution. Humans are very weak, small creatures compared to most animals, and therefore the 'rapid evolution' of our brains helps us to survive. Did you know that you only use 10% of your brain? If you used all 100% you would be able to just eat knowledge, you see something and you know it. What a trip that would be. :lol:

Luring master.

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Did you know that you only use 10% of your brain




I'm aware of that. But with the delusion of our technological supremacy, we forget and lose the old physical capilities of survival {just like you've said in your post, but I've already mentioned this in my old post in this thread...}

-=Aznhuskarl=- Cleric

-=20Cent=- Juggernaught

More to come...

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Uhh do other animals really need guns, weapons, houses, technology etc, to survive?


No. They're still alive right now and nver had any of those stuff.




Dude if we wanted we could kill every animal on the planet in a day. The only reason we havent is becuase were more advanced, because we can think.


Your arguments that animals are better suited to live in the wild are unsound. You are only looking at one part of an organism, its physique.




Are humans that can run fast more advanced then everyone else?


Acording to the arguements in these thread, then yes, they are.

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I haven't read all pages (don't flame me)




Doplhins are better, read: The Hitchikers guide to the galaxy


IMO: Humans are dumb in a way, think about all the idiotic things we've done (ever heard of 2 whales killing each other because of the color of the skin they had?)

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Guest GhostRanger
I haven't read all pages (don't flame me)




Doplhins are better, read: The Hitchikers guide to the galaxy


IMO: Humans are dumb, think about all the idiotic things we've done (ever heard of 2 whales killing each other because of the color of the skin they had?)




I bolded the first flaw in your argument. Whales and other animals don't think about idiotioc things because they don't think. Once again, as I said before, read John Dewey's book How To Think.




Also, did you really just use the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy as an actual reference?




The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a science fiction comedy series created by Douglas Adams




I strongly reccommend you rethink your use of a science fiction comedy as a source of your beliefs.

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Guest GhostRanger
It was sarcastic, but that probably doesn't really work on a computer




Both parts were sarcastic? Because you did say "in your opinion" and people are arguing the same point you are trying to make.

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Guest GhostRanger
The dolphin part was sarcastic, the rest of it is not.




So I repeat: the fact that we can think (abstractly, about the future) and don't just rely on instincts and appetites for decision making, is what makes us more advance. The fact that we can make horribly dumb decisions (and then afterwards reflect on how dumb they are is what makes us more advanced. No other animal on the planet can do that.

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I haven't read all pages (don't flame me)




Doplhins are better, read: The Hitchikers guide to the galaxy


IMO: Humans are dumb, think about all the idiotic things we've done (ever heard of 2 whales killing each other because of the color of the skin they had?)




I bolded the first flaw in your argument. Whales and other animals don't think about idiotioc things because they don't think. Once again, as I said before, read John Dewey's book How To Think.




You need to check on your reading comprehension skills. "Think" in that sentence was directed at the reader, meaning that the reader should think about and assess the fact that whales and other animals don't kill each other because of, say, the color of their skin, and therefore come to the conclusion that humans are dumb. S/he didn't hint anywhere that whales and the like actually think (although I do believe they "think" in a way).




Also, did you really just use the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy as an actual reference?




The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a science fiction comedy series created by Douglas Adams




I strongly reccommend you rethink your use of a science fiction comedy as a source of your beliefs.




Although it is a fictional piece of work, it nevertheless contains ideas that are valid in the real world. The claim about dolphins being smarter than us is pure BS.

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Guest GhostRanger
I haven't read all pages (don't flame me)




Doplhins are better, read: The Hitchikers guide to the galaxy


IMO: Humans are dumb, think about all the idiotic things we've done (ever heard of 2 whales killing each other because of the color of the skin they had?)




I bolded the first flaw in your argument. Whales and other animals don't think about idiotioc things because they don't think. Once again, as I said before, read John Dewey's book How To Think.




You need to check on your reading comprehension skills. "Think" in that sentence was directed at the reader, meaning that the reader should think about and assess the fact that whales and other animals don't kill each other because of, say, the color of their skin, and therefore come to the conclusion that humans are dumb. S/he didn't hint anywhere that whales and the like actually think (although I do believe they "think" in a way).




1) My reading comprehension is fine. I was referencing that fact that if he told readers to think then they clearly can do that. Something animals cannot do.




2) You really need to read John Dewey. Animals don't think. If they were capable of abstract and futuristic thought, they would have done what humans have done as far as advancement. The fact that they don't is proof they don't think and only rely on instinct and appetites.

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Humans may be successful and statistically intelligent but as people have said, in terms of evolution we will be gone in the blink of an eye.




For all our intelligence we dont have the presence of mind needed to exist. We will run out of fuel soon, and we wont have an alternative.




Likewise it has already been pointed out that humans are the only species to actively kill each other in massive numbers and this has been countered by the argument that animals can't think. Essentially this is true but the only thing that sets us apart is our ability to shape our surroundings to our own means and this is basically due to our intelligence. Bearing in mind the fact that humans are the only creatures to massacre one another, and the only ones to destroy the earth despite knowing they are doing it I dont think humans are even close to what we should be in the branch of intelligence.




Several claims have been made which i would like to point out and answer to:




Someone said we are the most successful because if we wanted to we could wipe out all the animals. First, thats not true, insects are animals, whos going to shoot 70 billion insects? Also, ever though of what would happen if all the animals decided they had had enough of humans? we would have no chance.




What it really comes down to is that humans are essentialy living beyond our means. Without our technology there is no way we could survive now, we haven't got the natural instincts we once did.

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