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Thank You Hide Guy!


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I was killing some blue drags, and i get a pm. Aw man 121 blue drags for slayer. I was thinking lucky! I luv killing blue drags and and gathering bones for prayer and selling the hides. After about a half hour he logs off. I log on the next day and start to do some mage guild merchanting. After a while i get a pm, come to my world ill give you the stuff i promised you. He had promised me 21 d bones because they were easier to sell by the 100's. So i head over to rogues den and he puts up 121 d bones, and 121 hides and hits accept! I was like whow mistake plx? So i hit accept and the trade finished. I asked him if he meant to give me 21 d bones and he said. No i dont wana go through the hassle of selling. So you can keep them. I was like whow!!!!!




So its true there are still alot of nice players in runescape. Thanks Uular, thanks alot :)


Socc | 99 Magic | 95/99 Range | 99 Defence | 99 Hitpoints | 96/99 Summoning |Join SODB for some monster Slayin! |

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lol moopy is like the ultimate hide buyer. Im glad to see there are still people like this in rs. Oh aNd Moopy, i have 10 green hides and 112 blue hides waiting for you.


Soulthresher: dont think outside of the box, stay inside. the box is your freind

Clicky for the Blog 'o Range

Race to 100 ranged with BBQ_muffin

DarkDude98: Pfft, Real men use Bow and Arrows to get 99 range

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I think that guy is a nice person. I have a story of me being a small 1.1mil( no i really do mean small amount for me.) short from being able to buy the last 43k ess till i can get 91 rc! So my good friend heres about my need to quickly get 1.1mil decides to "loan" me some. well he comes a i thought that since i won't be needing my whip for a while he can hold onto it untill i get 91. :lol: Im sure he will give back.

Qizx2- Archmage

Personnumber100- Warlock for life.

Would you?

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