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Virus help


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My mcafee virus scanner found a trojan virus but when I pressed clean, quarantine, or delete, it said it could not because it was write protected. So I went into safe mode and ran virus scan and found nothing. I went back to normal mode and ran virus scan and found nothing.. Can anyone help me.

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Doesn't it clean up the virus after you restart? I thought it gave an message like "this file is write-protected. It will be cleaned the next time you restart."


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I advise you to chuck mcafee out the window and use AVG from grisoft. their free edition does a very good job, its fee, and its not a recourse hog like macafee


although if you know which file it is you can use hijack this! to delete it on reboot

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yadda yadda with the resource hog nonsense. ignore the above poster unless he provides credible evidence of these claims



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Personally I use and prefer McAfee SecurityCenter, doesnt hog any resources for me.




But on to the subject at hand , I believe weezcake probably hit the nail on the head , It was 90% most likely removed when you rebooted the system. If McAfee found it once , it would have found it again when you ran the second scan.(assuming you performed a full system scan)

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Ard Choille says (11:41 PM):

I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear

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My advice would to be run it again, and have it pull up the trojan problem again. Look at the location of the trojan file and go their manually and delete the file. Some Virus programs won't automatically delete your problems. And when I say location look for something like:


C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\(file)[Caution: Executable File] or whatever.




But just don't go deleting stuff if you don't know what your doing lol.


I used to have Nortan AntiVirus, and I would have to manually delete viruses (most of which i got surfing the web).


Good luck.

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try looking at previous virus scan logs find the location, then right click the folder tick hidden, click apply NOT OK then untick hidden and select apply this to this folder and all files and folders under it. Then see if the place mcafee is pointing at that shows if it doesnt then you prob dont have if it does right click it and untick write protect.

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