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What is your IQ?


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Maybe they are the stupid ones, and the 'stupid' people are actually smart.

I really wouldn't call it an era. It was more of a definitive time period during which dinstinctive characteristics were expressed in similar ways.


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Guest GhostRanger
Maybe they are the stupid ones, and the 'stupid' people are actually smart.




That's logical...




Anyway, I read the first question on this IQ test and just laughed then closed out of it.

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Maybe they are the stupid ones, and the 'stupid' people are actually smart.




That's logical...




Anyway, I read the first question on this IQ test and just laughed then closed out of it.




I laughed and closed when I got to this point




IQ Test Labs do not send spam or sell email addresses.


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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Guest GhostRanger
Maybe they are the stupid ones, and the 'stupid' people are actually smart.




That's logical...




Anyway, I read the first question on this IQ test and just laughed then closed out of it.




I laughed and closed when I got to this point




IQ Test Labs do not send spam or sell email addresses.




Haha. Good call. I have an email address I use specifically when I'm going to do something online and I know that they are going to send me a bunch of spam later on.

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i did one of those online iq test things and got 136. now, i know i am a fairly smart guy, but not 136 iq smart.. (at least i dont think so)....




those online tests are designed to make you feel smart and junk, so you will pay to have a description of how smart they say you are.




i think there was a king of the hill episode where peggy falls for this scam. :roll:


1543 Skill total, 100% F2P

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My official pro IQ test puts me at 168. In other words, I'm in the "genius" catagory. I took this test last year.




This online test gave me a 115, putting me at "Above Average". It's a bit off. Just a bit. I don't trust online IQ tests.

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IQ is such a biased measurement utility anyway. Though I guess internet tests fall in the most idiotic category of them, even official tests are highly influenced by culture and education - in other words, they don't really give you any idea how 'intelligent' someone is, as in brain capacity or whatever. They just tell you how well someone is able to make a test like that.

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IQ is such a biased measurement utility anyway. Though I guess internet tests fall in the most idiotic category of them, even official tests are highly influenced by culture and education - in other words, they don't really give you any idea how 'intelligent' someone is, as in brain capacity or whatever. They just tell you how well someone is able to make a test like that.




Exactly. IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient. Not intelligence level. That's why a three-year-old with an IQ of 180 is nowhere near as smart as someone my age with an IQ of 100.

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IQ is such a biased measurement utility anyway. Though I guess internet tests fall in the most idiotic category of them, even official tests are highly influenced by culture and education - in other words, they don't really give you any idea how 'intelligent' someone is, as in brain capacity or whatever. They just tell you how well someone is able to make a test like that.




Exactly. IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient. Not intelligence level. That's why a three-year-old with an IQ of 180 is nowhere near as smart as someone my age with an IQ of 100.




Actually, I could argue that the 3 year old is much "smarter" than you...depending on your definition of smart. He might not know as much information as you do, however, his ability to learn new information is much better than yours would be.




I'm still not a fan of those online tests.




Anyway, from the few times I've tried these, I usually get somewhere in the 130-140 range...

Runescape Name: "unbug07"


Expand your mind.

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I might take an I.Q test one day. There's nothing like massaging your ego :P




I took one in 3rd/4th grade, but I guess they have a policy of not telling you scores :'(




I took one in 5th grade, got 108. :D

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I hate to get all sentimental i dont even know if that word fits, im tired, what purpose do they serve?




They serve no purpose. IQ is a very general and vague way of predicting someones intelligence. There are other things to life than thinking your better than someone.




Btw I am not angry at the test because i did bad. I am smart.


Everybody lovin' it, but ain't no body touchin' it

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My official pro IQ test puts me at 168. In other words, I'm in the "genius" catagory. I took this test last year.




This online test gave me a 115, putting me at "Above Average". It's a bit off. Just a bit. I don't trust online IQ tests.




einstein's estimated iq is between 160-180. so i assume your a world class physicist? :roll:

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My official pro IQ test puts me at 168. In other words, I'm in the "genius" catagory. I took this test last year.




This online test gave me a 115, putting me at "Above Average". It's a bit off. Just a bit. I don't trust online IQ tests.




einstein's estimated iq is between 160-180. so i assume your a world class physicist? :roll:




IQ can be expressed in many areas.


He may not become a world class phisicist, but he'll much likely become a world class, or regional class something :wink:




Also, IQ isn't everything, there's opportunity, luck, etc...


^The most disturbing signature on Tip.it^

Last.fm|HELLY KAYLA!|Oh the mehagurtz!|#Siencemakers

"they care less about their spelling mistakes then I." - Lionheart

"apinagez... let me

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