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Word of wisdom dealing with essence?


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Okay, so by now 99% of you have heard about, cried or jumped for joy because of, and flamed or praised Jagex for, their update dealing with rune essence, right? Well, good, you've just wasted a day of your life (unless of course you were one of the lucky to make big bucks off the update, I myself sold 500k pure ess for 55 each, so no complaints here).




Now, heres what I really want to point out:




Websites and people who sell Runescape gold make THOUSANDS of dollars in profit a week. I'm not bs'ing or blowing smoke in your face, it is a real and honest truth. Mils sell for $10-$15 a piece, meaning someone with 1 party hat already has close to $1,000+ CASH sitting in pixels. At the current price of essence, it would take 25,000 ess to equal 1M GP. That 1M GP equals $15USD. Nevermind the fact that they usually bump their prices after updates like this to milk extra cash out of their current stockpiles. After the mass ban mils went from nearlu $8 a mil to well over $16+ on the major sites.




Wait, what, membership costs $5/mo? Lmao. These macroers can have 25+ accounts logged on at any given time. Some websites have over 2,000 accounts to themselves alone. You honestly think they haven't gotten to 30 mining in the past 2 years they've been macroing?




Yeah, thats right kids, Jagex has bought themselves a week or so of whining, scamming, price [bleep]es, and the like for little to nothing more than extra cash in THEIR pocket.




The one and ONLY thing this update has done is to force autoers to pay Jagex a measely $15/mo (3 accs avg) to be rich in real life. As if thats a huge deterrent for $1,000+ a week.




I figured I'd point that out for everyone who is peeing themselves over this update. Wait 2 weeks at the most and all the macros will update their butts to members worlds and you can have your cheap ess back. Mkay?




Jagex has been trying for years to stop cheats, if you honestly think a pitiful update like this is going to put a permanent end to it you're crazy. There are already plenty of macro'ers who pick flax for profit, as if they wont pay the $5 for the ess.




Anywho, I'm not trying to be extremely rude or cynical, just thought I'd post that little bit of food for thought for everyone crying and contemplating quitting over this minor tweak in the system.




Have a good day y'all!





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The only thing I like about this update is that the price of Nats will rise.


*Rushes to abyss*

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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they do get banned you know, its not worth the trouble however expect to see a sudden drop now in -ALL- f2p log prices.




Haha, you do have a good point except for one thing:




There are hardly ANY decent log cutting scripts aside from a willow cutter. Ess still sells better than willows and as such will still be more prominant.




Nothing was done to stop ess scripting, just to stop F2P scripting. They just want them to move to members like flax pickers do.




BTW, custom made scripts rarely get banned. Its usually mass released scripts, hence why not everyone in the RS world has their own GP selling website, its usually a privelage of those who have the knowledge to custom script their own work and therefore make it a huge step above the rest. Keeping it to themselves entitles them to its secrets.

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Where are you getting your "1000+" information from? I doubt that it is true. Jagex does crack down on those who are selling Runescape gold as it is illegal and they can bring them up in court. I find it hard to believe that people are making a grand in one week by selling the virtual currency of a primarily Free Online game.

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Where are you getting your "1000+" information from? I doubt that it is true. Jagex does crack down on those who are selling Runescape gold as it is illegal and they can bring them up in court. I find it hard to believe that people are making a grand in one week by selling the virtual currency of a primarily Free Online game.




Would you like me to send you some eBay screenshots? I've got one of a little over $5,000 for a weekend. Granted, I've long since gotten out of the business, but I'd imagine not much has changed in a few months. It is more than true, lol. I also have a lot of friends who own websites (I've coded most of them) and trust me, they do AMAZING business.




It isn't illegal in any way. If you tried to bring someone up in US court for selling in game items a judge would laugh their [wagon] off. Along with the fact that many countries have varying kinds of copyright laws. For instance, websites such as ThePirateBay that offer "illegal" downloads can't be touched because Sweden does not recognize US copyright laws.

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I used to auto.. picked flax each night, got about 7k flax overnight, everynight for quite a while.. made alot of money doing that, never sold it on ebay.. thought about it but didn't. Anyways, I could have easily paid for multiple memberships over 1 night.




Don't freak out at me for autoing, I never did anything with the money and that was about 2 years ago, got perma banned (as I deserved) and started a new (completely legit) account:p




Don't hate me:( :P just trying to show proof

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Where are you getting your "1000+" information from? I doubt that it is true. Jagex does crack down on those who are selling Runescape gold as it is illegal and they can bring them up in court. I find it hard to believe that people are making a grand in one week by selling the virtual currency of a primarily Free Online game.




Try looking on ebay. I just logged in, typed "Runescape" in the search and got 314 items, approximately 250 of which are people selling RS GPs - and people are actually bidding!!




I agree with the original post in that simply changing ess will not stop these people spoiling the game. Jagex will need to take much stronger measures to protect the game than that. Unfortunately these stronger measures will also cause whinging and whining, especially, I feel, from the f2p world. This is because stronger measures will inevitably split the t2p and p2p games further. In fact I can see a time when f2p and p2p will become completely separate entities.

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eBay isn't all. There are hundreds of sites dedicated to buying/selling of gold not only for cash, but also for items such as Xbox, PS2, etc. It is a thriving business and probably has more USD cash flow than Jagex' active members does. You honestly think one update is going to fix that? They didn't even do much of a job trying to fix it lol. The only thing they fixed is how many more member accounts will be macroing instead of F2P.




I really hate being rude like that, but it is kind of a pitiful scheme, in my opinion. =\

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This only forces autoers to other resources and to members. Expect yew prices to plummet. Expect Jagex's pockets to get even fatter. This is the most poorly thought out idea yet if they honestly wanted to stop them... which, if they don't change this update, they don't:


http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=402 ... sc&start=0


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Hey jinxo long time no see






BTW I get what your saying..though I dont like the fact that i cant rc for the next month x_X






The shark fishing macroers brought prices of mils down so much...couldnt resist


Got me veracs when i was nub, I've been baned don't worry





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I hope you are kidding m8, because if you are not you really have no idea, these people i repeat DO NOT make much money out of ess at all, they haven't helped anyone out. The fact of the matter is people don't actually waste real life money on ess. Only people who are that sad would even consider it and 15 us dollars you got to be kidding yourself. Another correction if these miners become members, which they won't and if tehre is an influx of ess again, which there won't be because they will be banned and jagex will cathc them and, they will end up losing the money they spent on the member account. IF they did this prices would drop of ess again and we would be back to the old state and you have to be kidding yourself, do you want to make up any more statisticcs $1000 + a day you are kidding, brain dead

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I hope you are kidding m8, because if you are not you really have no idea, these people i repeat DO NOT make much money out of ess at all, they haven't helped anyone out. The fact of the matter is people don't actually waste real life money on ess. Only people who are that sad would even consider it and 15 us dollars you got to be kidding yourself. Another correction if these miners become members, which they won't and if tehre is an influx of ess again, which there won't be because they will be banned and jagex will cathc them and, they will end up losing the money they spent on the member account. IF they did this prices would drop of ess again and we would be back to the old state and you have to be kidding yourself, do you want to make up any more statisticcs $1000 + a day you are kidding, brain dead




You are so wrong on many counts.




Firstly, the autoers do not make real money from ess. What they do is mine the ess as f2p, sell it to p2p and the sell the GP obtained from the trades for real money. They don't care what the price of ess is.




Secondly, spending money on member subscriptions will not worry these people as by the time Jagex catch on they will have made the subscription money back several times. Once banned there is no mechanism to stop them creating another account and doing the same again. Just look at the flax pickers on p2p and you will always see what are obvious autoers.




Thirdly, although I disagree with the $1000+ comment, these people do make considerable real money from autoing. Get into the real world! There are always people who will want quick ways to "beat" a game and would be prepared to spend real money to do so. Haven't you ever wondered why a low level player can afford the items they are dressed in? Thes people are, in my view, sad, but there it is. Unfortunately as long as there are people who will do this, there will always be people who will auto to exploit them.

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As I have said to you before Net, nice theory.




Yes, now I have a closer look at it, it is true that there already are loads of auto flax-pickers, so they will most likely apply this to the pure ess on p2p as well.

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Jagex could throw in that selling items for real life gp could be punishable by law. Soon as jagex finds out the personal info about these autoers, and now they are taking them to court over it.

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