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god armour prices


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Well i've been saving up to buy full zammy for a while now, but recently ive been thinking that god armour seems to be dropping off in popularity. It seems to me that the main market for god armour is high lvl f2pers, so im thinking that the prices will be dropping eventually.




What do you guys think, cause im not sure if i should wait and see if the prices drop or jus buy it.


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The prices will go down anyway because more and more pieces are coming into the game.


If you think it's worth it to buy a piece [or set] of god armour no one will stop you, but remember prices will certainly go down and you won't make a profit on selling it later [unless that would be within a couple of days/weeks].

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Actually RichPoePaap has a point with not needing to be a high level Free Player to have the armour. You know how I know this? I once had level 47 account with full Zamorack, but then one of my 'Friends' hacked him.

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