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Since the before the beginning of RS2 Beta they acknowledged Pures. In their "RS2 Preview" big news post, they talked about how pures inbalanced the game, so they fixed the combat system so people didn't feel forced to just make pures to PK.


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Lmao, that's not even a definition of a pure.




t'is nowadays, gone are the days of pure meaning no magic or prayer :!:




i'm still old-school pure on rsc *dances* i should go pk a lil there would be fun lol


[02] -RuneScript- *** [ END ]: You gained 444,384 prayer exp in 5secs. That's 319,956,480 exp/h.

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Since the before the beginning of RS2 Beta they acknowledged Pures. In their "RS2 Preview" big news post, they talked about how pures inbalanced the game, so they fixed the combat system so people didn't feel forced to just make pures to PK.




^listen to the wise and all-knowing mxm :) :wink:


Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

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I am pretty sure i remember reading, ages ago way before rs2. In one of those letters to the gods which i dont think they do anymore. Zamorak said something about pures, so they must have recognised pures a very long time ago.


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