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I need a favor - Can someone shade this in for me? - Please?


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Did this linework for a friend a few weeks ago. (Im sure some of you guys remember... ) :wink:






He only asked for a linework then so thats all I did. (I suck at shading)




By the time I finished, Jagex came out with an announcement that Sig selling is illegal... Yea it was on the same day...


(odd coincidence...) :x




He was gonna pay for someone to shade it, but every store closed.










Im not asking for anything fancy, but if you think you can do a good job, my friend would really be happy.






Me and my friend would really appreciate any help. :oops:

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I'll do it if nobody else has stolen it by the time I wake up tomorrow. :|




But I like the look of that, I'll do my best if no-one else takes it.




Just so theres no pressure, you can just shade it parts at a time if you want.




No need to fill everything in if you cant. (Unless you really want to)






By the way, thanks a bunch for the offer! :)

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Hehe, not a bad idea.




That'd be great if we could do that. :D




Anyway, I'm off for the night.




Hopefully this'll still be untouched when I get back. :P




If not, then I'll do it, but probably won't post it, just for practice.

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Because he didn't post that it was an antiChristian sig this time. I was wondering when someone would remember.


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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Yeh, actually, now I look at it... What the Potato peels are they doing!?!?




I just want to know, so I don't colour it wrongly... o_O














What the hell is going on!?!?!




Is that Jesus laughing at some dude playing about with his 'trousers' !?!??!

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you posted this before and some people got offended.




I beleive the topic was locked... so whyd you post another one?




1.) My friend asked me to post here so he can get the sig finished finally.




2.) The other guy who flamed me understood the point of the sig.




Obviously you still havent...






If youre still thinking that the sig means something else, youre dead wrong buddy.

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Yeh, actually, now I look at it... What the Potato peels are they doing!?!?




I just want to know, so I don't colour it wrongly... o_O




They're playing Xbox on a couch...




I keep forgetting to add cords to the controllers... (those little green things in their hands...






Other than that, im not guilty of anything else.

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Yeh, actually, now I look at it... What the Potato peels are they doing!?!?




I just want to know, so I don't colour it wrongly... o_O














What the hell is going on!?!?!




Is that Jesus laughing at some dude playing about with his 'trousers' !?!??!






hmm does look that way doesn't it... interesting :roll:



New sigzor^^

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Is that Jesus laughing at some dude playing about with his 'trousers' !?!??!




Haha, no... its not, i never saw it that way before though:P




I dont have a problem with it. Its just Jesus getting mad because he lost a game on the xbox?




But the inclusion of Jesus in any ummm.. inapropriat setting would upset some people. And you have to respect other peoples beliefs. People will find this offencive and this topic will soon get locked. Dont bother posting it again

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Would you guys feel better if I made it a happy face?






Cuz seriously, this is getting real stupid... :x






BTW, Im Roman Catholic. :?

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Would you guys feel better if I made it a happy face?






Cuz seriously, this is getting real stupid... :x






BTW, Im Roman Catholic. :?




No.. Did you read my post:P? Its the fact that Jesus is in the sig that people will be offended by. Take jesus out and put in somthing else...




Ps: alex owns! The new sig is sweet:P

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Would you guys feel better if I made it a happy face?






Cuz seriously, this is getting real stupid... :x






BTW, Im Roman Catholic. :?

I'm a very devout Christian, and I'm offended by it, just for the sake that it's using His name/image in a vain way.




Also, saying that you are a Christian just shows that you are not a true one, it doesn't prove your point. :roll:


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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Alright thats it, im changing the sig...





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Atta boy... (I would suggest mocking bush, I doubt anyone worships him :lol:)






EDIT: That was a joke :?


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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Would you guys feel better if I made it a happy face?






Cuz seriously, this is getting real stupid... :x






BTW, Im Roman Catholic. :?




No.. Did you read my post:P? Its the fact that Jesus is in the sig that people will be offended by. Take jesus out and put in somthing else...




Ps: alex owns! The new sig is sweet:P




I was typing when you posted so no...






And the guy who requested wanted him to be in the sig.




My hands are tied... Plus you guys are driving me crazy...








10 minute break and i'll be back with a new one...

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Atta boy... (I would suggest mocking bush, I doubt anyone worships him :lol:)






EDIT: That was a joke :?






sure as hell it better be... otherwise im offended!!!








offended seagull for the win!



New sigzor^^

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Now what was the point of that? :|

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