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Short Story.


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Well for many of you for whatever reason today seems to be an eventful day, as for me this was the case. I quit smoking officially at 11:04 pm today, heres how it all happend.




It all started when i woke up at around 12:30 pm. I watched some of the 2 NBA games, then i decided i would pop back into rs and see whats going to happen for me today. Well i decided to fish for a couple hours, i obtained around 200 cooked sharks. After getting bored with that i decided i would work on some slayer and finish a few tasks. All was good, i finished the bronze dragon task i had been meaning to complete (only had 1 left just ran out of p pots), then i got a new one which told me to kill 152 lesser demons.




After getting about half way through i felt the need for a smoke (this is where everything happend and it would probably change my life forever....).




It was about 4:30 pmish. I logged out of rs and out of my chair, i heard my mother going into the kitchen to make supper, i immediately decided to grab the cigarette quickly while she was out of the living room. I walked quite fast to the table in the living room where she kept a black case of cigarettes, i looked out of the corner of my eye to see here pulling a metal sheet out from under the oven, as i passed the corner into the living room i noticed she saw me, but this did not deter me from attaining what i most desired at the time. I grabed the black case and opened it to find 6 maybe 7 cigarettes, but this chore of which i must have done 100 times quickly turned from a daily chore to a nightmare.




As i stood there red handed with the evidence clearly in my hand i saw my mom standing in the entrance way to the living room, she told me to put it down in a somewhat disappointed tone and i did as she wished with quick haste. Everything else was a blur as i don't really remember what happend clearly even though it only happend few hours ago. I remember her saying how she knew, she somehow knew that i was stealing her cigarettes. I went to my room with my and her saying anything else; my moms boyfriend walked in the house from fixing the porch light, she said nothing.




I stayed in my room for an hour, she called for supper like always. I ate and i noticed her tone sounded normal as if nothing had happend. I went back to rs after eating a very delightful meal. I decided to finish the slayer task and start a new one, i got shadow warriors and decided to finish them before i go to sleep.




At around 10:40 i finished them and i was in need for a smoke, i knew there was no chance of getting one off of my mother so i checked my hiding place, there was one there so i grabbed my lighter and hood the contents in my shoe. I left the house surprised she never asked or checked me, i guess she really does trust me and at this point i felt guilty. This guilt was strong, not like the guilt you feel when you steal someones kill at the fire giants, this guilt was very strong and made me feel very remorseful.




I walked outside and went to my normal place to light up, but before i did i told my self one thing, i told myself that this would be my last smoke for the rest of my life. I lit the cigarette and started to smoke it. I was on my last drag when i noticed it was out, so i rubbed it out on the grass, and flicked it onto the road. I stood there thinking for a bit, i looked up and watched the sky for a while, the stars were fairly bright tonight. I reached into my pocket and took out my lighter, i breathed slowly and under my breath i said thank you, i then stepped out onto the gravel road and threw my lighter into the darkness, as i walked away i heard the sound of it drop .




I never looked back and i never want to look back, the year and an half has been hell for me with the stress of school, parents, friends i needed to find some way to relax and forget about all of them. Curiosity got the cat as i lit my first cigarette, the high i felt was wonderful and i was hooked that day fourth.




The health effects were gradual, but today i can tell you i sacrificed it for a short term feeling. I would go back in time and change this if i could....But i can't.




I only hope the effects will be reversed, i also hope that if you are a smoker like i was, then quit for yourself and for everyone else.




That was my story, i hope you read it all and i hope you understand where i'm coming from, i just needed to get it out there as i was living a lie for far too long.




By zerosouls.

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Good for you to realize that what you were doing doesnt do much of anything except really damage your health in the long term. I'm really glad to hear your clean now. Even though I don't know you personally, I really think that since you want to quit, you will be able to and I hope you do because smoking is just a stupid way to " relax ". Congradulations.


Thanks for the sig poker! :P

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Really, good for you. This will change your life forever. It's very hard to quit; try calling a helpline which aids people to stop smoking.




Personally, I think people who began to smoke and then quit should be sort of praised. Nobody ever knows how much pain people go through to stop.




Quitting will be one of the hardest things to do in life, but it is worth it.



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I remember her saying how she knew, she somehow knew that i was stealing her cigarettes.


I'd hazard a guess and say it was because they kept disappearing and your breath smelt like tar.




You've done the right thing. Hopefully your story can act as encouragement for others to kick the habit.

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Well done on kicking the habit, it's good to see another person who's seen the light. It was interesting what you said about getting that high off your first cigarette. From what i've heard cigarettes don't produce any effects that make you feel high, nicotine is purely addictive.




A good read none the less and well done on making the decision to quit, it's something you'll never regret.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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haha same thing happend 2 me a year ago.... but i was caught with a whole pack that i stole from my dads g/f....and they even asked me if i knew were her cigs were and i said no.....




your mother was prob not mad, just dissappointed...




she smokes 2 she knows what you are going through,




both my parents smoke, and they know i smoke.... yea they wont let me do it in front of them cause im not 18 yet, but they know i smoke...




gl on quitting, i try, and try, and try....




i know since i smoke i wont get a hott girl anymore, but thats just wat i have 2 risk..... in a couple years the girls wont care that i smoke, i just think of it as im older then i actually am... and the girls just have 2 grow into me...

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Great Job! Do not go back!!




This might take courage but have a talk with your mum, tell her that it was you that smoked the cigarettes and that you have given up. She will either: Not care, get angry or support you.

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i have never smoked before but i knew someone who quit smoking and was having a hard time so i told him to keep something in his mouth like a sucker or a tootsie roll that might help

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i have never smoked before but i knew someone who quit smoking and was having a hard time so i told him to keep something in his mouth like a sucker or a tootsie roll that might help




Yeah thats what my dad did when he quit :lol:




constantly sucking on a lolliepop

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Good job! Don't go back to smoking. It really is bad for your health.




I quit too, and it's been about a year and half for me. If you need any help, or any encouragement, feel free to PM me. I know what you're going through.

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Congratulations on quitting a horrible and detrimental to your health habit.




Though i may not know you, and you may not know me, for whatever it is worth i am proud of you.




We all know how hard it is to quit something i can only imagine how hard quitting something addictive like smoking must have been.




Best of luck in the future.




You're up there in my book :)




Once again congratulations, it takes a strong person to do what you did :)

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