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Woody Allens.


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It's cool man, I'm just not sure that the dithering style you've used on the sides of his face makes it look good or not, a more equal style would've made it look better IMO instead of doing a bit more random dithering which makes it look a bit like he's got warts or something. Eh I dunno just my thought.

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Looks great. I googled some pics to compare with this and it looks pretty close :P I love it.
I did that too. :lol:


8-) lol, same.




Pretty good work GS ^^





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Darn it, you're too good. :cry:




Just a question; is that dithering merely random geometric? Or is there some pattern to it that I'm too slow to get?


Stunning signature created by the one and only My Boggy.


Just like Columbus he gets murderous on purpose

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Just a question; is that dithering merely random geometric? Or is there some pattern to it that I'm too slow to get?




Whatever He did, it's nice!




Thanks for avvy, i still love it




~Btw my Dad says it looks just like him, and good job.




Where is woody allen from?

Isn't it lovely how having an opinion makes you hated around here?
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Wasn't he the voice of Woody in Toy Story? Nice work Godslayer. I saw this when browsing OT and I instantly thought it was yours. Good job, you should be hired by someone in the gaming industry in 3...2.....1....


Curse you Nomad!

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Where is woody allen from?




Woody Allen is a famous director born in New York, best known for his movies Annie Hall and Manhatten.




Anyway, the avatar looks good, but it doesn't realy make me think of Woody Allen, and it doesn't realy portray that specific look that you were aiming for, I think. It still looks great though.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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