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zombie clothes


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In your next event you will get a zombie mask, which will complete your set.




After that the next two events will be two emotes, Zombie Walk followed by Zombie Dance.

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there is no zombie mask, unless u are thinking of the zombie head from holloween 05


and the zombie emotes can only be used by members


There is a zombie mask. I have it.




The emotes are non-members. I have them.

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there is no zombie mask, unless u are thinking of the zombie head from holloween 05


and the zombie emotes can only be used by members




There is a zombie mask from leo, and the event is f2p so the emotes are also f2p. Please check your info before you give out wrong info, idiot.


You only have to type four extra keys for me to not think "ur" an idiot.


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Hmm, so JAGeX made it to where you get the items in a particular order now? It seems like with the Mime event, you get random stuff depending on what you already have. I got 3 out of the 4 emotes before I got any Mime equipment.

Combat LvL: 98

Status: F2P




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there is no zombie mask, unless u are thinking of the zombie head from holloween 05


and the zombie emotes can only be used by members


Please get your facts straight before replying, you could not be more wrong.


Anyways, you should be getting the zombie mask next, followed by the two zombie emotes, which are both f2p as well.


do zombie items have any value armor/defense/attack etc. or are they just for trading. i got two items the first time boots and i think shirt. :?:


The zombie items have no stat bonuses, and they are untradeable.


Check out my Pocket Slot idea!

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The items are in strict order, so if you routinely discard previous ones, you will NEVER get later items or the emotes.




Yes, it's a whole statless, untradable set, totalling 5 pieces (2 pairs and a single).




I'd rate the mask as the best piece, since you can't really tell the other pieces apart from variatons in the clothing of an unarmoured character.

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Yes, and he will always replace the earliest item that you don't have, say you drop the boots and shirt but have the trousers but no gloves, you will get the boots and shirt, then the next one would be gloves in this example

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yeah i have full zombie and emotions and yes, there is a mask. wen u examine it it says,"i look 40,000 years old in this".



Thank you everybody for rising up against macroing!!!

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