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EDIT: Runescape -- 5th biggest MMO, or wait, the biggest?


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EDIT: thanks for pointing it out :) RS is 5th after WOW, Lineage 1 & 2, and FFXI.




http://www.joystiq.com/2006/04/19/mmo-s ... whats-hot/




An interesting article that tracks the subscription rate of most popular MMORPGS. Based on those data, Runescape's currently 4th and climbing.







The graph above shows the largest MMOs, those with over 120,000 subscribers. The green line leaping towards infinity is World of Warcraft -- the yellow and red curves, declining slowly, are Lineage and Lineage II respectively. Many of the others stop in 2005, so it's hard to get an accurate up-to-date picture, but the light blue line representing Runescape seems to be finally taking off, cresting the 500,000 barrier -- an impressive feat for a game started by a couple of students.







Note: these charts originates from here: http://mmogchart.com/




On the side note, the article only counts subscriber rates, which is not quite fair since games like EQ2 and WOW don't have a free side to it. If we count the free numbers of players, Runescape is definitely bigger than FFXI and comparable to Lineage 1 & 2, and just shy of WoW.

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So, no, it's not the biggest. Pretty good stats though.




The article only counts subscriber rates, which is not quite fair since games like EQ2 and WOW don't have a free side to it. If we count the free numbers of players, Runescape is definitely bigger than EQ2 and comparable to WOW.

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So, no, it's not the biggest. Pretty good stats though.




The article only counts subscriber rates, which is not quite fair since games like EQ2 and WOW don't have a free side to it. If we count the free numbers of players, Runescape is definitely bigger than EQ2 and comparable to WOW.




True, but WoW is quite expensive compared to RS (if I'm not mistaking) And if WoW would have a free side they would have loads and loads of players and RS wouldn't even be near the player count of WoW.

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Just goes to show that a game with amazing graphics etc, doesn't mean it's a great game. RuneScape's gameplay is addictive, that's why it's one of the best MMORPGs out there. Plus, other people that don't have high end computers (like me, coz I played WoW and Guild wars and my comp was rubbish at playing them :oops: ) play RS instead.

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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The amount of WoW players is just ----- HUGE! 4.5 million subscribers! that's almost half of Belgium, and the curve is still going steeply up!




The amount of simultaneous RS players is usually between 30k-100k, that shows that there are MUCH more than 500k active players in RS, it could be more than in WoW

Runescape: Lodev (Combat level been fixed at 101 for years now, Total level 1500+, playing since march 2002)

Arenascape: Lode (Level 240+ Warlock)

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