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The Davinci Code


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Just saw it and it was pretty good. It really bugged me how they made Sophie the descendant of Jesus. And how they made Bezu Fache a member of Opus Dei. Also, the flashbacks were waaaaaaaaaay too grainy.




Anyone else think they picked Alfred Molina to play the Bishop because he looks like Supreme Courte Justice Antony Scalia, who is a member of Opus Dei? :P




One more thing: there were way too many shots of a naked Silas whipping himself. I'm gonna have nightmares.


You only have to type four extra keys for me to not think "ur" an idiot.


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One more thing: there were way too many shots of a naked Silas whipping himself. I'm gonna have nightmares.




Two? C'mon man.




They seemed to love those shots in thetrailer. I mean in the beginning it shows Silas saying Christo something...then he whips himself again. It's drawn out.

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One more thing: there were way too many shots of a naked Silas whipping himself. I'm gonna have nightmares.




Two? C'mon man.




Even that was too many. Plus one of them was like 5 minutes long. *shudders*


You only have to type four extra keys for me to not think "ur" an idiot.


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Yea, I would have rather just watched a documentary about discovering things and solving mysteries than that. But ofcourse im like that. And as for the religion thing...pssh...*doesnt even talk about religion* *brushes it to the side*. My oppinion is that ALL religions are wrong.

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The beginning was extremely rushed, no character development and full of plot holes. The biggest thing the movie left out was that the only reason the Grand Master put all the clues in the Louvre to pass on the secret was because Silas told him he killed the other 3, and out of choices he had to pass it to Sophie. In the movie, Silas doesn't tell him he killed the other 3, which by logic ment the Grand Master would not need to tell Sophie and instead just die hoping the other 3 survive.




The movie got a little better later, but the book has the stuff that makes it all interesting.


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Yes the book is fantastic, Hollywood does not do a good job in most cases of reproducing books (not including LOTR). They over publicize and offend people in all cases.

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I just got back from seeing the movie. GOD, take out the pictures of Silas whipping himself. I had to turn away when he was tightening the cilice. Seriously *shudders*




That's just Hollywood :P Real Opus Dei whip is made of some soft cloth and doesn't leave real damage like wounds to your back.




Gotta definately agree with Bubsa's airport novel thingy. The book is way too overrated IMO and the hysteria among some groups is just ridicilous. Oh well, maybe I should write a book how popes like Alexander VI or Sixtus IV thought of "those women" ;) :P



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And another thing, Ron Howard lied. He said there were almost no differences between the book and the movie.




The ending was completely changed. Says that Sauniere wasn't Sophie's grandfather, he was just the Grand Master who needed to adopt the last surviving descendant of Jesus. (says that Sophie was a Saint-Clair, not a Sauniere)




And the part where the Priory come is just weird. "We are the guardians, we are the priory, and oh yeah, I'm your grandma." It didn't even have Sophie's brother.

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That picture with mary and jesus and how they made that v shape, and there clothes being opposite. Head scratcher there


It was Jesus and Marge--- (I cant spell her name, but it isn't Mary). Mary is Jesus's mother.


It was a OK movie, I've never read the book but I sort of understood it.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Check again, moron.... Mary Magdlene was Jesus's wife. Yes, he married someone with the same first name as his mom.


You only have to type four extra keys for me to not think "ur" an idiot.


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That picture with mary and jesus and how they made that v shape, and there clothes being opposite. Head scratcher there


It was Jesus and Marge--- (I cant spell her name, but it isn't Mary). Mary is Jesus's mother.


It was a OK movie, I've never read the book but I sort of understood it.




Marge? Her name was Mary. There are 8 different Marys in the Bible so it is easy them mixed up. :wink:


I thought the movie was pretty good, but if you did'nt read the book you would have no idea what was going. And like other people have said, it had some plote holes and it didnt explain some stuff it should have.

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I found out the only good interest of the movie is related on the controversy of the religion and history itself. I haven't read the book, I was shocked to see some scenes and discoveries I haven't known {the self whipping, the real Saint-Graal, the Rose bloodline, etc.}




{I've read some history stuff related to the Crusades so I'm already familar with some things in the content.}




Some scenes has been confusing at the first look and it isn't attractive for people who hate and have no interested in history, contreversy, crime investigation, religion, and any similar domain. There's not much of a story except for fighting a crime scene that leads to some Code made by DaVinci... {then Sophie comes up and the confusion rush begins there.}




I found out interesting to watch as a movie, but it looks good to watch for looking what the DaVinci code is. {I've just watched it today.}

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I really enjoyed the movie, and no, I haven't read the book. Unless you have A.D.D. or something, it's not that hard to follow people... :?




I thought the movie was good, and I think it was good because I haven't read the book. I have nothing to complain about, because I don't know about the oh so important parts that they left out. In my view, they left out nothing, because I haven't read the book! :lol:




So yeah, liked it. Screw the critics.

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