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World 2-For all your runescape needs!


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How many of you have gone mad while refreshing the worlds page 100 times to get a spot in world 2?




Fianlly when you're in... maybe 10 mins, maybe 30, endless clicking waiting for some darn person to log out.




Finally welcome to World 2! The world to do anything you want successfully.




As most of you know, world 2 falador is the place to sell your things! Thousands shouting desperately buying and selling items from a bow to a party hat! Every single item you need is there, in Fally park.




That's what most of us know it's used, and if on world 2 you could only log inside falador, it would still be full.








The problem arrives...




Bing! If you want to stake in arena... you go to ... World 2.




Hundreds of people staking from 5k up to the high millions. Packed.








And then...




You want some hardcore minigames?


Perhaps a castle wars game full of people?


Or a full load of high lvls in Pest COntrol?








Then finally those pickers.


World 2 spawns are ridiculously fast, therefore best place to pick up on spawns, to mine, to chop, etc.








2000 people just doesnt cut it.




On official forums there has been bazzillions of suggestions of specified worlds.




Ie. A world where ytou can only log in at duel arena. ANother at fally park. Another at Cwars. Etc.




Nothing happens. Perhaps it isn't possible. Perhaps it is and they don't care or cannot do it.




Perhaps you have another idea?



If a turtle doesnt have a shell, is it naked or homeless ?

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well that wouldn't work...even if they could do it, where would it be positioned, wouldn't want to give advantages to players by location and what would happen if you tried to leave the area....




If you want to buy something - use the forum


if you want to chop - it doesn't make that much dif


and if you want to scavange - might have worked when noone else did it. now there are more crowded worlds that just no.2




just my opinion

-= weasel =- rsname: moosewalker ~ top 10000 player :D

newscape300x50qz7.giffull qp - always willing to chat add me...

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regardless of the location.. people use world 2. no matter how good the location is.. the lag is the same here and in mars. If people knew how to use forums correctly everything would be smooth. RS forums are sick



If a turtle doesnt have a shell, is it naked or homeless ?

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that would be weird, but cool, but weird at the same time. I have no idea if it would work and i really don't care. :D




But o how i do love world 2...




My favorite is when you spend over 20 minutes to get in and as soon as you finally get in you lag out within seconds.




btw. ur avatar owns me irl

fight caves defeated 3/10/06 at 96 combat 77 range

99+ farming----99+herblore----99 range----99 thieving

213th to 99 herblore, June 29, 2007

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How about... allow 4k people in each world? That would be sweet. Then I would never have to refresh the page to get into world 9 to hang with the tipiters.




2 Words: Major Lag.




Maybe a specified minigame world, where you can play CW, Pest Control, and Fight Pits.



http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=525348 - My Pking Gallery



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Anyone remember the idea from way back in the days of rsc and scapeboard for a pking everywhere on the map world sort of similar to that and I personally support both those ideas but just make it really obvious you are entering the pking world by giving like 2-3 warning screens before you log in and the chance to log out on the screen which comes up where you must click the play button to start playing incase anyone hasn't realised they are on the pking world.




Phew that's a long post by my standards.

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I think that it is obviously possible due to the fact that you cannot log into a f2p world while in a p2p area. They could use that same restriction and make worlds that are EXCLUSIVELY the duel arena. Any gates or teles wouldn't work of course. You could only log into that world if you traveled to the duel arena then switched. Heck there could even be 3 duel worlds separated by combat level if it became popular. It would make it a TON easier to get what you wanted done since only those who were of like mind would clog up the world. I think that they should have a mini-game world, duel world, and merchant world. The merchant world would have no randoms and no combat, no magic spells, and no raising of stats AT ALL. Any time that you try to fletch a magic long it would say "You don't want to get distracted from a good deal!" or something. This would prevent random deaths and would hold no attraction for autoers. There could also be little "cameras" that would report autotypers. It would be set at a very weak level so that speed typists would have no chance of getting reported. If it catches a report it sends an automated pm to a mod on that world (if there is one) with the coordinates which they would go investigate.






All in all, I would have to say that it would make the overall gaming experience better.


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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Exellent idea RAHK, but maybe jagex should also add things like on Mini-G world, you have world-excusive spells to teleport from game to game. And on merchant's there is a special text colour. Or like previously said world excusive areas (e.g. Varrock Bank on w1, fally park and bank on w2.). That is of course that a. The tasks are not too hard and b. they are possible.

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I think they should just increase World 1-9's capacity, 2k people just doesn't cut it any more, I remember when it went up to 2k and people were like "OMG WOW," but the times are changing and since then I would say total players has probably quadrupled (sp?). Anyway, if increasing the capacity means lots of lag, I would say anyone who didn't lag before the engine upgrade, won't lag if they increase to say 3k people, I don't think lag will affect it too much. But a trading world would be good, where all you can do is walk, teleport and trade, nothing else, then people wouldn't go onto that world fo anything but trading.


Drops: Barrows: 60+ DK: 4... Dragon: 60+ Whips: 2... GWD: 0...ouch!

Main Goal: 2000 total with no 99's




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There is no real reason why people decided to make World 2 the selling and trading place. When new players first decided to join they thought that World 1 and 2 were for beginners (as the numbers kept going up and up). That may be the reason why so many people went there to sell their items, because they thought that it was were they belonged.




Indeed times are changing. A dedicated server for certain mini-games is not a good idea as some people would have severe amounts of lag as it would be too far from them. For example the Sweden servers are constantly lagging for me but the Chicago servers, as I live in a suburb of Chicago, are perfect.




It's up to the RS forums and various communities to schedule Mini-Game events I'd say. That is what Tip.it does with their Events Team. You could also say "I'm looking for a group that wants to do (Insert Mini-Game here)" and you'll generally find a few people who are willing to go.




Yes World 2 is filled with fun and excitement but don't overlook the other servers, they're exactly the same, but with a little bit less lag.

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easy solution to the created lag: if you make the worlds with like 4k people, you could easily dumb down the gfx and engine. like lower then low detail. i dobut people would mind cause now u can actually get in there. also you could make the animations worse, and disable emotes and music. most people dont use emotes or like the music anyway.

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There is no real reason why people decided to make World 2 the selling and trading place. When new players first decided to join they thought that World 1 and 2 were for beginners (as the numbers kept going up and up). That may be the reason why so many people went there to sell their items, because they thought that it was were they belonged.




Indeed times are changing. A dedicated server for certain mini-games is not a good idea as some people would have severe amounts of lag as it would be too far from them. For example the Sweden servers are constantly lagging for me but the Chicago servers, as I live in a suburb of Chicago, are perfect.




It's up to the RS forums and various communities to schedule Mini-Game events I'd say. That is what Tip.it does with their Events Team. You could also say "I'm looking for a group that wants to do (Insert Mini-Game here)" and you'll generally find a few people who are willing to go.




Yes World 2 is filled with fun and excitement but don't overlook the other servers, they're exactly the same, but with a little bit less lag.




The thing is most people use world 2 regardless of lag. Also, creating specialized worlds wouldn't prevent the normal worlds from continuing the same activities. It is a pain trying to get into a merchanting world when it has tons of people there for other reasons.


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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Ya I know what you mean, you spend about 10 mins just to load up the front page and then you try and log in for about another 10 mins, its ridiculous.

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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Ya I know what you mean, you spend about 10 mins just to load up the front page and then you try and log in for about another 10 mins, its ridiculous.


save the world select page offline on your computer next time you see world 2 open.




Then next time you need to get on W2 you just open file, world select(whatever you saved it as .html), and boom world 2 will be able to load up without having to refrese the world select 50 times.




If the world is full you might have to click log in a bunch of times until you are accepted, but at least the hardest part is over when you can actually load up world 2.




Your welcome.


The Slayers Guild a Slayer Clan led by Axe Man Jack

Proud to have written the most plagiarized Slayer guide on the planet.

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easy solution to the created lag: if you make the worlds with like 4k people, you could easily dumb down the gfx and engine. like lower then low detail. i dobut people would mind cause now u can actually get in there. also you could make the animations worse, and disable emotes and music. most people dont use emotes or like the music anyway.
The server at United Layer prabably woulnt be able to support that many connections

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All I suggest is add an increase in capacity. Maybe, 3k people for each world.




But if we do that and ALSO make a Buying World, that will move alot of people from world 1 and 2 to the Buying World, thus no reason to increase the capacity to 3000 people because most of the other worlds usually on have about 1000 - 1500 people and since world 1 and 2 is pretty much the place to buy stuff, then they will move to the Buying World and then the amount of people in world 1 and 2 would go down to about 1600 and the Buying World would be packed.




Its either one suggestion or another. I personaly want to go with the increase in the amount of people in each world.



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Ya I know what you mean, you spend about 10 mins just to load up the front page and then you try and log in for about another 10 mins, its ridiculous.


save the world select page offline on your computer next time you see world 2 open.




Then next time you need to get on W2 you just open file, world select(whatever you saved it as .html), and boom world 2 will be able to load up without having to refrese the world select 50 times.




If the world is full you might have to click log in a bunch of times until you are accepted, but at least the hardest part is over when you can actually load up world 2.




Your welcome.






hm, good call, this would work also when theirs a update, and all the worlds are nearly empty so u could have a full list 1-121. great idea.










i have also suggested adding a games only room, where the only teles are from, fight pits castle wars duel arena games room pest control. all the more mutiple player type minigames, not like tears of guthix or burgh de rott route thingy.

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