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The Omen


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Comes out June 6th, 2006...in other words...6/6/06...for obvious reasons




Looks like a good scary movie, the first of the year. The most recent scary movie I have seen was last year I believe.




Has hints at the movie Shining.





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Is it a remake, or?




[edit] Checked IMDB. yes it's a remake.


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I dont think ive seen a scary horror movie come out of America for at least a decade



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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Guest GhostRanger
Is it a remake, or?




[edit] Checked IMDB. yes it's a remake.




Didn't know it was a remake until tonight as well - went to a friend's house and she had rented it.




I hate scary movies (I'm a terrible chicken) but this movie didn't phase me at all. You all better hope the new one does a better job frightening you...and has a better ending.




And Howie, I don't think it's the first of the year. Silent Hill was suppose to be scary, there was also The American Haunting, and just recently come out is See No Evil.

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If any of you yankees wanna see a good scary movie this year i belive the British film The Descent got a release in the US :D



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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I seen the pre-view on this movie,, yikes think I will pass seeing this one besides I do not like scary movies , the big chicken I am.. Takes me 2 nights to finally fall asleep after watching a horror film, and I so need my beauty sleep :lol: If anyone see's the movie post let us know how it was.


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I dont think ive seen a scary horror movie come out of America for at least a decade




I think it might be because the "scary" movies rely on quick "startling" scenes to get people screaming, but it doesn't actually last. So the movie isn't scary, it just surprises you now and again.

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I dont know about everyone else but Im really just sick of all these remakes, especially in the last 5-6 years.




Its like Hollywood has just comletely ran out of origional material, either that or studios aren't putting forward the money to produce decent origional films.




To top that off its not even like most of the remakes are that good, off the top of my head I can think of particularly good. The only recent remake I can think of that I enjoyed was The Ring. Its not even that Im against remakes as a rule its just recently there have been so many.




Its a shame because I feel like Im dead against a film that may end up being decent before Ive seen it, and that if I even see it at all. :(






On topic - I did enjoy the origional version of The Omen just because it was so daft. It was one of those horror films that you could have a laugh at - especially when the music kicks in & Damiens eyes go red.


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