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the censor doesnt need to be tweaked, it needs to be bended or ever broken! random letters of certain words are being censored, words that shouldnt be censored are being censored, me and alot of people i know have full or partial name censors (my name comes out at *****102 ingame).




Its very messed up and I hope Jagex actually will do something about it like all these pmod people keep telling me they will...

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I think i like the old sensors better, but Jagex says they're still in the process of tweaking it (according to a mod who's name i will not mention) and I will not be banned for my name, which comes out "**Nmidget448" :D

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Legally you habe to be 13 to play the game. But the censors are for two year olds. It is way to strict


I will shoot down any one with my bitting wit, and sarcasm!

What POSSIBLE reason would someone have to make a fake like that?Does he profit from faking a picture like that? Does it help him at all?Jesus Christ, stop being so suspicious. This is Tip.it for God's sake, not RuneHQ. -_-
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The thing is that if JagEx change the sensor people will find other ways to swear and insult people so unless JagEx bans all communication we will have to put up with a little bit a bad language.






"Unfortunately, the real world isn't the same as a fairy tale."

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Yeah, it doesnt affend my much because I swear around my friends and they dont get offended (in real lfie that is), but I dont swear around younger ones because they may get offended. I dont swear in RS though because you never know if the other person will get offended.



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Legally you habe to be 13 to play the game. But the censors are for two year olds. It is way to strict


The funniest thing is, it's all these goddamn 13-year-olds (& vicinity) that's doing most of the cussing and immature yomama jokes.




(p.s. it's "Einstein"- your sig.)

I am a tree.

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