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Freeze to Death, or Burn to Death?


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since ice actually is just the burning of the skin at sub degree temps, there is no choice. But i would rather be frozen, because the cold would freeze your veins&arteries, making you pass out.





Thus, the Ice Burn, the salt just speeds up the freezing(burning).

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from what i have read,i think none of you know that the human body cant tell the difference between hot and cold.its quite simple realy,our brain cant tell if somthing is hot or cold but can sence extreem temperature, the only way for you to be able to tell hot from cold is if you,yourself,actualy sees what is happening so that you brain will know what to make you fell. case and point"if the were no sesons or times of sertain weatrher paterns and you walk outside and havent seen a themometer,you will not know if its hot or cold out.




so basicaly if you dont know whether you being burned or frozen then it realy dosent matter.

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Also a question of degree (no pun intended).




Dropped into liquid nitrogen = frozen very quickly, maybe too quickly to hurt.




Slow hypothermia = feel the cold, then drift into unconsciousness.




Consumed (almost instantly) by fire/explosion = I guess it would hurt, momentarily




Smoke inhalation = What kills most people in a fire, dead before you get burned (fortunately).






"Burning at the stake" seems a particularly barbaric punishment.






Anyway, if I had to face my end, I don't care so long as it's quick... ground zero of a nuke, rather than surviving for a while would suit me.

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i dunno coz being burned would be over quikly but more painful but getting frozen would be slower but less painful id probly go frozen but either way id rather have a painless death like in my sleep or sumthin


thanks to mitsubishi64 who made this sig

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Depends for me a lot on how extreme the temperatures were.


Huge Explosion / Dropped into liquid nitrogen - I'd like to go out with a bang.


Tied to a red hot stick of metal / Laid on ice - This one is difficult, both would hurt considerably. I think I would prefere to lie on ice as the metal rod would be less dignified.


Die in the desert / Die in an ice desert - I think I would prefere to die on ice again as it seems to be the more peaceful option.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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Freeze for me. You can crack out some crazy pose and die that way.




But I'd much rather be shot in a bar by a jealous husband.

that reminds me. jeff foxworthy once said "guns dont kill people,husbands that come home early do"
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