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The Legend of the Forum - [~3 Characters Needed!]


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Here goes my profile. And for Forsaken Mage's sake, I'll make a female character. I need a challenge, and a big one. Do you mind if I use your profile style, Necromagus?








Name: Elinor Yestr̮̩̉̉




Race: Pure Human/




Height: 5'7




Weight: 150 lbs




Gender: Female




Age: 37








Appearance: Dressed in the plain ordinary wizarding robes, Elinor hides her runes in her mind, where she learnt how to store items in space, and can retrieve them when neccesary. With auburn hair, eyes that are the color of Natures' finest trees, and a slim build, it's not surprising to know she is rather dashing.








Skills -








Melee - Elinor is a terrible swordsman, or swordlady, but is quite proficient with smaller weapons, such as daggers. Her trademark melee move is a fancy twirl with two daggers in each hand, either slashing away at one opponent, or multiple enemies around her. Assuming she gets hold of two daggers.








Ranging - If her nose was right up to a wall she still wouldn't be able to shoot it. She aims terribly with any rangery type of weapon. However, if she powers herself, she wil lbecame any other ordinary ranger, albiet a ranger that doesn't carry a bow with him.








Magic - This is where her true nature of combat is revealed. Knowing advaned spells of Runescape, she has also experimented and created a few new spells for her own. Her spell, Befuddle, will daze and confuse the opponent, and if lucky enough, they may accidently hit themselves. Her trademark magical move is the Saradomin Strikes that she learnt while wandering Runescape.








Life Story -








Unlike other adventurers who learn skills by themselves, she was taught by an old mage. Using whatever resources she could get her hands onto, she practiced spells under his eye and never used it for harm, only good. She was capable of healing and hiding the innocent, and she could do rather painful spells, though she never used them.




When she was 21, her Teacher caught an incurable illness, and before long, he was put on his death bed. Before he actually died, he gave his final words. He commanded Elinor to help as many as she could before her time was over. Eager to help, she realised no one would accept her powers openly, or in public.




Dissappointed at the lack of need, she became a circus mage. She astounded the poor and rich alike with fireworks, exploding swords and flying armour pieces. She never achieved a huge popularity, but she was well-known by underground organizations.




When she became older, at 36, a justice force accused her of killing an innocent civillian. Forced to flee into the wilderness, she was surprised with herself on how well she adapted. She hunted using darts, using her magic to power herself. She learnt how to fade away into the darkness, so she was never caught.








She has no friends.

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A plethora of colors assailed the Guardian's eyes as he stared into the endlessness of the void between the worlds. All the sounds of the worlds that could ever occur assailed his ears, then died away. The chaos before him began to slow and take shape. His eyes adjusted to the changing display. He could see the magic tracing freely around him now. The beautiful lines and colors they formed. He took a moment to admire it, then set to his task. Raising his fists to his chest, he began to chant. Each time he repeated himself the chanting became louder and developed an echo, until a window into reality formed before him...
















The Judge smiled maliciously as his spell finished. Laughing, he cast the spell, and was surprised to see it die before it touched Rain. He looked vehemently at the Druid, but Vandiel wasn't there anymore. Judge felt a shiver run down his spine, and knew that he had erred when he thought Armaneth to finally be gone. He glanced down at Rain, who now had a faint, icy blue glow surrounding her.








"No! She's mine magus!" The Judge roared, and he raised his scythe to strike. But as he swung at Rain, her form shimmered, and began to fade. The scythe went through her and into the ground below. As she dissappeared, the Judge lost his balance from where his foot had been on her back, and toppled into the mud. A laugh sounded around him, mocking him, then it faded.








"I will have you Magus!" he cried in fury as he got back up, wiping mud from his face. "I will have your head!"
















Rain shivered. The air was cold here. She could hear birds singing outside and knew that she wasn't in the wilderness anymore. She opened her eyes and stared at the vaulted ceiling above her, which had a silver sheen to it. She sat up and looked around the room she was in, slightly disoriented. The walls were colored blue, with silver trim. A table and chair sat against the opposite wall from the down filled bed she was on. A stand next to the bed held a pitcher and some cups, the former steaming.








The door opened, and she gasped as Armaneth stepped through, but a changed Armaneth. He was no longer covered by a dark blue cloak, but instead wore bright blue garments with armor over it. Armor that looked a lot like ice. He also bore a circlet on his head, of the same icy material, with a sapphire gem inset. But the most noticeable change was in his eyes, which shone more brightly now.








"Well, I see that you're finally awake." Armaneth said with a half smile. He strode to where the pitcher was, filled a cup with a white liquid, and handed it to Aming. "Something to clear your head. You strained yourself with the Judge there."








She nodded, and then grimaced because the motion made her head pound. She sipped at the drink, then set the cup aside, already feeling the pain in her head lessen. "Where are we? How's Vandiel? How'd I get here?" she blurted. Armaneth waved a hand for her to be silent.








"You are currently in the fortress situated in Mount Icerock, on the continent of Aeth, the southern pole of the Capital world Alessia. Vandiel is up and about, since he wasn't in as bad a condition as you, and is currently learning the uses of the herbs we have to offer." The Guardian replied. "We'll be able to return to Geilenor in a few days, when you've fully recovered. But before you decide to wander around, you might want to change back into your travelling robes. It's very cold outside." he finished, indicating the chest where her clothes were. She just now realised she was in a light robe.








Armaneth left the room so she could dress in privacy, and then went to the stores where Vandiel was talking with one of the servants about a particular leaf he held.








"Be careful with that one Vandiel," Armaneth said as he walked by, "It'll give you frostbite if the liquad it stores touches your skin." Immediately the druid dropped the leaf and took a step back. The servant chuckled and picked the leaf up, placing it back in the appropriate jar. The Guardian retrieved a wine skin and went to the kitchen, where the evening meal was being prepared. There he spoke to the head chef, and after he made sure of the meal, he went back to check on Aming.








When he knocked and entered, she was just settling her cloak, and was looking around for something while rubbing her neck. Armaneth walked over and pulled open a drawer. He reached inside and pulled out Aming's amulet, then held it to her.





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I see I've missed a few posts




archmage:stuff your ego








Necromagus I really like your character hopefully forsakenmage will approve it.








devilkiller, yours seems overpowered to me but not too bad. maybe a little emotional problem is in order? (cool name though)








I am having a serious case of writers block. Also in addition for giving an excuse to go back into the past I have to cross dementions?!? you guys are evil. :(

Pm me if you need anything proof-read, I may not be very good, but I am always willing to help.

A Seal Clubber is me!

A Oxygenarin is me!


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Necromagus: character approved




Devilkiller: Tone done your character a bit and you should be fine. :)

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Don't worry about crossing dimentions, Armaneth, Rain, and Vandiel will return in time. But first, they must recover.




I know, I know. I just like to complain :wink:

Pm me if you need anything proof-read, I may not be very good, but I am always willing to help.

A Seal Clubber is me!

A Oxygenarin is me!


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>.> Considering the circumstances in which Armaneth has ended his post... Tiny post.
















Rain took the amulet into her hand, thanking Armaneth as she put it around her neck once more.








Earlier, when Armaneth had left her to attend to her own needs, Rain wasn't so sure about getting up, although she was able to sit up with some ease and almost painlessly. Hesitantly she had carefully brought her legs over the edge of the bed and managed to stand up shakily. After a few painstakingly slow steps, more from stiffness than whatever pain was now left, she had managed to reach the chest for her clothes.








Now that Armaneth had returned and she had properly changed into her normal clothes, her walking was still somewhat awkward, but at least she was now mobile, although it was hard to say when she'll be stable again. Slowly she took a few more steps towards the door, shaking her head.








"I thought for sure I was going to die..." she softly said, staring down at the floor at her feet. Her knees trembled a little, but she tried to keep her balance. "It seems almost impossible that you're alive, as is Vandiel and myself, when the Judge and Aleksander attacked... I felt you pass from the world..." She shivered a little. "I'm thankful that the three of us are all right to say the very least, but what now of the blind archer? We cannot simply let him wander under the influence of Zaros..."









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The home that she had grown up into, though not born into couldn't have been anymore ruined.








A series of events had engulfed Geilenor the same way a tsunami could cover up an ant hill. The ocean-blue body of the Oracle was bleeding on a mountain that overlooked the countryside, Falador laid in ruins still, the power of Zamorak, which had almost completly destroyed the City of White Knights, in turn, took a beating from another god. Elinor Yestr̮̩̉̉ was completly confused. Well, wouldn't someone be if you happen to be in Falador and recieved a whack across the back of your helmet by a black sword?








Before the Black Knights actually had swarmed Falador, Elinor quickly teleported herself away from what would have been mass chaos. The people of Varrock had no clue what fate had befallen yet on them. But the justice force that was there automatically pursued her the moment they saw her. It was only later on through a few time-rips and viewing that she discovered why they did. Obstinate pig-heads.








Elinor fleed to the wilderness, having no clue what act she had commited by entering the realm of evil.








-*-*-* Many days later *-*-*-








"Gosh darn it, is there no end to this accursed life i'm leading now?!" Elinor shouted in frustration. Her outburst was met with a tiny silence, and somewhere far away, a few birds of prey screeched in surprise. She wasn't some hermit surviver, she was suppose to be a circus mage, where she made a decent living for once then the place she had lived in before. Pealing off her witch's hat, she bitterly wondered how her friend Alston was doing. Probably dancing over a battlefield and dodging orc arrows.
























No, mercy, please, i'll do anything for you...








Get going! I'll deal with him...








I mean no harm. Please stay here and listen...








Elinor's curiosity peaked up. Who would be making that kind of statement in the wilderness? The dimension where Death and Life held hands together, there should normally had been some screaming. For a moment, she thought of the force she met in Varrock, but she didn't think so. Picking her way across a battefield, her eyes saw an extremly strange sight.








She was so sure that her eye would have met some kind of pathetic and lame person who needed help. But her eyes met a battle instead. Two fighters, one who was cloaked and had a sycthe like Death, the other holding some staff. She couldn't tell the features of either. Then her ears took over, and she stealthily moved closer. She thoguht for a moment the cloaked figure detected her presnce, but then turned towards the other one. He (was it he?) sent a spell flying towards the other one, but before it connected, the maged figurer glowed blue, and the spell melted in thin air like particles in the wind. The Elinor knew, though she didn't know. The Judge of Hell was fighting against the Guardian of Light. The Guardian teleported, liek a fading ghost, as The Judge tried to kick her and fell f ace foward into the mud. As he got back, he screamed some incomprehensible words and vanished, both in anger.








An arrow pierced her back. It was only through instinct that Elinor managed to whip around, send the arrow flying back, and unleash her staff.








A ranger faced her, another arrow already set. With a resounding twang, the arrow leaped foward towards her head. Elinor twirled her staff and knocked the arrow out of the air. The ranger grinned wildly, but in a taunting, leering, evil way.








"You have met me well. Many who have seen their faces don't usually get to tell other people about it. I am Zaros. Who are you?" The ranger said.








Elinor replied, "I am the one who seeks a way to live life as it was suppose to be. And although I will not divulge my name, it would be a pleasure to know your buisness."








With lightning speed, Zaros stuck another arrow onto his bow and fired. Burning crimson red, the arrow was knocked aside again, and landed in a tree. A fire burst, and Elinor felt its heat warming her.








"You want my buisness? So be it," Zaros chuckled evily as he raised another arrow onto his bow, but did not fire. "It is to kill you."








"Hope is often born, when all seems forlorn," Elinor muttered. "I hope you know how to bounce all over Geilenor." With those words, she removed her teleport runes, but before she could whisk herself away from Zaros, another arrow set alight, right into her hands. She was forced to drop them, and he simply set a ring a fire around the runes. She was trapped, with an insane ranger to deal with.








Launching a Fire Blast, Zaros grinned again as he dodged aside and shot Elinor again. The arrow connected this time and she sank down.








A mass of swirls and colors engulfed Elinor as she fell to her knees. So this is what a real fight is like, she thought. No action, just two hits and one must die...and I'm the one that dies.








This was completly confusing. She had a nice chat with Zaros and then suddenly was shot. This wasn't the way of man...maybe he wasn't a man.

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Devilkiller, a few inconsistencies in your post: When did you get pulled into the past? Or has the oracle been killed multiple times? And when did Zaros become so talkative?

Pm me if you need anything proof-read, I may not be very good, but I am always willing to help.

A Seal Clubber is me!

A Oxygenarin is me!


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DevilKiller, perhaps you can work on your character profile first? We'll do our best to update you then as I did request you fix the character up first. :) Plus it'll help you later on.

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  • 3 weeks later...





Armaneth closed his eyes in thought at the reminder of Aleksander. "I fear that Aleksander the man is no more. Zaros had complete control, and I did not feel Aleksander's thoughts." He shook his head and sighed, then gestured for Aming to continue down the steps. She complied, but when she took the first step she slipped and started to fall forward. Armaneth reached out and stopped her before she fell down the entire stair case.








Armaneth offered a supporting elbow, but Aming shook her head. "I'm fine." she replied when he querked his eyebrow at her.








"No, you're not." was his firm reply, and he took her hand, looping it around his elbow, and held it there gently but firmly. "You wouldn't make it down these treacherous steps in one piece alone given your condition. No one's going to look at us funny, either." he added when she looked rebellious and slightly embarrassed. He was right when he said no one would care too much, all they recieved were courtesy nods as they proceeded toward the dining hall.








When they got to the dining hall Armaneth led her into a side room where a small table was set away from the bustle of the main chamber. Vandiel was already there, looking at the pictures lining the walls. He looked at Aming and Armaneth as they entered, and was given a 'Don't you dare say anything' look while Armaneth gently put Aming into one of the 3 chairs at the table. She grimaced at the gesture, but didn't say anything. The Guardian gestured for Vandiel to take a seat, then went back out into the main hall, closing the door behind him.








He returned a few minutes later with a servant in tow, both carrying trays of food, which were set in the middle of the table: a seasoned roast bird, 2 loaves of bread with butter and cheese, assorted vegetables, a wineskin, and a pitcher of tea. When everything was set, the servant bowed to the guests and Armaneth, then left, closing the door quietly behind him. The three ate in silence, undisturbed by the sound outside.
















The Judge seethed. He paced around in his chamber shouting curses and swearing to have the two Guardians' heads. He slammed his fist into the nearest wall, creating a large hole, and took a deep breath. Then he smiled maliciously and chuckled softly to himself. "Fools. Utter fools to have left this world. Now that they're not in the way, I can proceed on with my plans."





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Kumlekar cursed as the spell fizzled in the air before him. Fortunately it still acted as a scrying pool allowing him to watch the battle that unfolded. He watched in awe as the titanic battle between HellÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s Judge and Armaneth unfolded and cursed when Armaneth seemingly died. He decided to move on not really knowing what effect if any this would have on his quest. Turning south and avoiding the bandit camp he walked managed to sneak by the Zamarokian temple and goblin village with little difficulty even though they were heavily guarded. He reached Taverly where the druids gave him food and rest.








The next morning he went to Sanfew to get information about Kelagrim. The news was grim. The tunnels under white wolf mountain had been taken and were so heavily guarded there was no way across the mountains so Sanfew and Kumlekar discussed their options. It was decided that Sanfew would teleport Kumlekar to Camelot where he could head north to the main gate of Kelagrim.








So Kumlekar spent the next hour carving a strong willow shortbow in the elven design. He made headless arrows but instead of attaching metal tips he dipped them in an oily potion made out of toadÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s legs, goutweed, newts eyes and swamp tar. He then burned the tips so they took on the properties of obsidian. Kumlekar finished off the set with a light weight quiver made out of wolf hides. At the end of the day he went to Sanfew for the teleport deciding that he would find a place to rest in seers village before continuing.








Sanfew prepared the runes and cast the spell. Kumlekar felt the spell go off and his body shrinking. It was then he noticed that something was wrong. Instead of the customary purple glow he saw an angry red and Sanfew shouting for help before he found himself sprawled on his back in a foreign land.








Kumlekar got up and surveyed his surroundings. He was standing on a blood red cliff over looking a series of canyons filled abominations human eyes were not meant to see. He immediately knew where he was not because he had been there but because he had heard about it in tales by evil priests. He thought to himself ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅWelcome to the AbyssÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâæÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

Pm me if you need anything proof-read, I may not be very good, but I am always willing to help.

A Seal Clubber is me!

A Oxygenarin is me!


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>_> Cuz Armaneth's whining... *Runs*
















Possession is one of the many faults of humans, whether they are trained as mages or holy men, committed knights or Guardians. To possess means to hold power, to cherish something, to identify yourself. Identity is what humans use to know and feel towards one another. And when they change, so do their observers' opinions of them.








That was it.








A slow smile crept across the hallow grin of the Judge. He will have them now.
















"Do you think they're okay?" Aryl asked worriedly, looking back towards the Wilderness as the small group treked on.








"Armaneth and Vandiel appear to be fit warriors. I'm sure they'll be able to find their companions," was Corwin's response.








"But shouldn't we look for them?" spoke up Sabin.








"No, we still have the mission. I don't like leaving them behind better than you do, but with the fate of the world balance in our hands, it would seem we have no choice." Zonorhc regarded the group over his shoulder with a grim look. "To be honest, I don't trust those four."








"What do you mean, Zonorhc?"








"The one they call Rain for one thing. She looks very alike to Aming, and could pass off as identical even. I feel as though she does not belong here, in this time... The same goes with Vandiel and Armaneth. Armaneth's ways are not like those who have lived in this realm for so long, and Vandiel seems... advanced in his abilities."








"How's that a problem?" Sim asked.








"I don't think they're from this time..." Zonorhc glanced over to Aming, who remained silent the entire trip. "Aming, are you all right? You have not spoken for some time."








"I... I'm okay..." was the shakey response. "I just keep feeling something's lurking nearby..." Aming mumbled, not looking up to meet Zonorhc's look.








"What of Aleksander, lancer? What do you think of him?" Sim pressed on.








"Dangerous." Zonorhc adjusted the reins of his horse as they rode on.








Some hours passed and soon they came to a stop to camp for the night. As Corwin got a fire going, Aming shakily got off the wagon, shivering a little under her cloak and looking somewhat pale. Aryl went over to her side and asked if the mage was all right. Aming shrugged a little, not sure if she could answer verbally.








"Maybe you better lie down and rest," Aryl suggested, frowning a little. Lightly she placed a hand on Aming's forehead, pulling it back quickly when she found it to be ice cold. "Aming, why are you so cold?"








"I... I don't know..." Aming responded, shivering a little more.








"What's wrong?" Corwin called from the fire just as Sim and Zonorhc returned from attending to the horses and wagon.








"I think Aming's coming down with something," Aryl answered while Sabin appeared as well. "She's cold and shivering."








"Well it can't be hypothermia.. We didn't get into anything close to water or ice.." Sabin knelt in front of Aming, looking over the shivering mage. "Best get her tucked in and see what a good night's rest will do. Can't have a sick warrior around or she'll infect us all," he joked.
















Yes... remember the cold... remember when you first came in contact with the darkness... Darkness you've inherited and denied of existence... The shadows play in your mind while you sleep, painting the bright, happy thoughts with cold, black coats of sorrow and pain. There is no grief, only a desire to destroy... You wanted to destroy so long ago, didn't you... You did... And you shall again...








The Judge softly coaxed the darkness, the pent up feelings inside Aming's heart, out into the open. They were harbored inside for so long, supposedly never to be used... A shame... all that power inside... But ah, don't worry Guardian... The Judge will teach you soon what true power is...
















Sabin had the first watch for the night. As he watched over his companions, he couldn't help but shiver as the soft breeze blowing earlier became slowly stronger and much colder. Fortunately, the wagon shielded the camp from the winds, but even so, it didn't comfort Sabin anymore as the campfire in the center flickered.








Suddenly, something dark moved in the corner of his eye. Sabin quickly turned, but found nothing. Frowning, he glanced over the sleeping warriors one by one. Zonorhc was sleeping soundlessly, as usual. Corwin appeared to be dreaming, but what, Sabin couldn't tell. Sim was mumbling something about "landing the jackpot," probably a dream of robbing another poor rich man. Sabin had to smile slightly, but that smile soon disappeared when he looked over to where Aming and Aryl were sleeping. Aryl was in her bedroll, bound and gagged, eyes wide in terror. Aming was no where to be seen.








"What in the name of MMPH" A wad of torn cloak was stuffed into Sabin's mouth and a dagger's blade swiftly touched his neck, but not to cut. Zonorhc and the others awoke, reaching to pick up their weapons nearby, only to stop when the dagger flashed threateningly in the firelight.








"Touch your weapons and this man's blood will water the soil for the hell plants ready to spawn..." Aming's voiced hissed from the darkness.
















Rain was sitting in the common room, quietly reading in the company of Vandiel and Armaneth when a flash of pain made her cry out. The book in her hands dropped with a heavy thud, causing Vandiel and Armaneth to look up suddenly.








"Rain, what's wrong? Another severe change?" Armaneth asked quickly, getting up to walk towards Rain. She was on the floor now, curled up in a ball with her hands covering her head.








"The darkness... stop... the darkness..." she could be heard saying. "Don't... come... near..."








"Rain-" Armaneth stopped short when Rain looked up at him suddenly, her eyes almost a full black with blue flames seemingly flicking from within then. Her face was twisted in pain and rage at the same time.








"Foolish warrior... You shouldn't have brought me here," Rain hissed as she rose a hand, a dark spell rapidly forming and planning to strike the Guardian before her.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I could really use an idea on how to get my character into the storyline :?

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>_> Cuz Armaneth's whining... *Runs*








I dunno what you're talking about o_O
















The spell didn't have a chance to finish. Suddenly everything of Rain's world slowed and halted. Armaneth had frozen her in time, drawing power from the world energy nexus. The lighting in the room flickered a bit, then returned to normal. Vandiel just stared at her, then looked at Armaneth.








"What happened just then?" he asked.








"I don't know, but it's not good. I've put her into a form of stasis. We've been here long enough, it's time to return." Armaneth said as he pulled a sapphire out of his robes. Holding it towards Rain, he uttered words under his breath. The Guardian Magess' figure wavered, turned blue, and was then sucked into the gem. "She's fine, come with me."








The two left the common room and went down a long dark hallway hidden behind the large fireplace in the main hall. Eventually they came a large metal door, which Armaneth unlocked using a key seemingly made of ice. When he pushed the door open, Vandiel could only stare into the huge Cavern. A huge circle of stone hovered in the middle of the room, held down by massive chains. Runes carved into its shadow on the floor glowed with a pale blue light.








A spiral staircase on their right led down to the floor and the ring. The staircase itself seemed to be cut out of the very rock itself. As Armaneth led Vandiel down, the druid noticed that there was circular door in the roof of the cavern, with large crystal shards pointing towards its center. A low hum filled the chamber.








When they reached the bottom of the floor, Armaneth walked over towards one of the pillars that surrounded the runes on the floor, and instructed Vandiel to stand in the center of them.








"I have to make adjustments to the energies the device focuses before we activate it. Otherwise, we could all end up in a million pieces strewn in places you've never heard of before." Armaneth said as he twisted a crystal sitting atop one of the pillars. Immediatelly some of the runes in the center changed to green. Then Armaneth walked over to another pillar and twisted the crystal there. again, some of the runes changed color, this time a purple hue. This continued until the floor resembled a rainbow.








At this point Armaneth stepped into the rune circle and pressed his hand on the middle of the floor. A final crystal pillar rosed from the center, and Armaneth held his hand over it, looking at Vandiel.








"Just take a deep breath to relax yourself Druid. This'll give you a tingling feel." the Guardian warned as he placed his hand on the orb and twisted it. The crystals in the cieling began to spark with energy, and the runes glowed brighter. The low hum was rising ominously, and a light was filtering through the large stone ring, which was now glowing white, from the ceiling. A field of energy enveloped them, and suddenly they were no longer in the room.
















Kumlekar collapsed at the base of a cliff. He was tired from climbing, and thirsty. He'd been moving for hours, with no luck of a way out. Luckily the horrors of the Abyss hadn't noticed him yet, but he didn't know how much longer his luck would hold out. Just then a low rumble caught Kumlekar's attention to his left. It would seem that luck had just given out on him, for there in front of him stood towering four-legged demon whose upper body resembled that of a mantis.








Its gaze locked onto him, then it roared a challenge and leapt. The Abyssal Demon never reached its target, for at that moment a bright white light engulfed and incinerated it. Its cries of anguish died away along with the light, and in its place stood 2 robed figures. The same robed figures he saw fighting in the past.












There, I've posted and incorporated Kumlekar into the story.

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and then they all died








And you should not spam. You are not a participant for this thread, so don't post on it unless you want to comment on the story itself! :evil:

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