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What Would You Do? W111 Massacre


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This might be a while back, but let's think about it... who remembers going to the official RS forums and reading about how 80some people got banned for getting a sword from a quest multiple times because of a loophole? If they got banned for something like that, then abusing the PKing bug would be certain death.

"People are idiots. Some just like to say they reported you to see your reaction, others are just spastic losers that believe everything is reportable, and others got banned and end up reporting everyone because they are mentally disturbed"
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It's so hard to say what to do.




When I think now, I think "I would report it to Jagex".




But if it actually happened, I think me, and everyone else might feel pressured into killing players.




I am not a bad person, it's human nature. If you want something, and you're put under massive prssure your instict comes into play.



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I would go to castel wars. Kill people with full dragon.




Put it on another acount. Sell, the Dragon stuff, buy runes, get to 94 mage, then kill EVERYONE in castel wars. I'ed get baned, but I'ed go out with a bang, and thats worth any runescape acount.

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I'd test with a friend in a remote area, make sure I wasn't dreaming, report the bug to jagex, bank, and see if anyone was abusing it, report them, and then try to distract them for a while :P




Actually I might not come back to fally.




I will say that I'm a skiller and will hardly ever members pk, although I will hang out watching it with a dds so that I dont just get rpk'ed for no reason (I'll pk nonmembers every once in a while, but that's like once or twice a year at most-mainly because the loot is less and they are often losing much less in my eyes. Whip does not equal rune scim in amount of time worked to get it.). I'd be scared to lose my 1511 (at the time) total, and the 2 years of work I've put into my account (some messing around in there :P)

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First off: Switch to ancients.




I would then make multiple offers to buy many phats at the duel arena, and kill people white waiting. eventually people will notice me, in which i would tele to edge and kill random people + the alchers. followed by cammy and killing everybody for their laws, grab a duelin ring, wait in cw and once the game ends and every1 is banking, BAM! ice barrage, and tons of stuff on the floor :D . if my account was not locked, i would hide for awhile, keep an auto clicker on or whatever so that im not logged and come back the next day. go to world 2, the back area and start hittin up some phats. transfer ALL the loot to many noob accounts. followed by all my items, except for dds, whip, tons of runes and some armour that gives me bonuses, + some pots. start going on a spree, keep my noobs in a secret place and keep goin to them and giving them loot and having them bank. eventually when i am caught, i will have all my items at disposal. i would then set up another pure, get 99 attack 99 str 1 def 99 hp 99 range 99 mage 1 pray, be the perfect pure and not tell anybody. i would then be pretty much set for the rest of the time i play. i doubt you read all of this, or any of it in fact. but oh well, thats my opinion

Staker Stats :)

60/70 ATK ~~~ 47/47 STR

70/70 DEF ~~~ Has won 12m overall

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Now that I think about it, I'm very likely to attack a player, feel bad about it, log out, and keep my mouth shut.

"People are idiots. Some just like to say they reported you to see your reaction, others are just spastic losers that believe everything is reportable, and others got banned and end up reporting everyone because they are mentally disturbed"
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