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Great Gig In The Sky - Wallpaper - Done!


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right now im just playing with the concept and figuring out what im going to all do




i know it may look familiar to "Roots of Emotion" from mt site http://www.dimentichisi.deviantart.com , this is kind of a post-picture to that.




These pics have personal meaning so I ask nicely dont dis me in anyway when it comes to subject matter...






also, this pic, by no means, is an exact or even close repesentation of its final form and version.








change of plans folks.... !!NOTE!! not final color outcome probably..






Colors finalized - minor details being added now.



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Hey mate :)




I like the idea and colours but I'm not too fond of the reflection. Also, i would try to make the planet blend more with the wooshy leaves which orbit it. I cant really explain, if you come no msn I'll tell you there.

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I like the last one you listed a lot... I have to admit, some of your very popular older wallpapers I didn't really like (it's all in the eye of the individual..), but these are very nice works. The last one though, the planet the person is sitting on needs some definition, maybe light gray in there?

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I like the last one you listed a lot... I have to admit, some of your very popular older wallpapers I didn't really like (it's all in the eye of the individual..), but these are very nice works. The last one though, the planet the person is sitting on needs some definition, maybe light gray in there?




Thanks alot Peter :)




im still debating weather im going to put grass on the white part. ive tried, but im still trying to get it to look right. i'll figure something out :)




Thanks all -

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You do really nice things, your backrounds are always so nice to look at,




P.s. Ever finish my sig lol? If you are not just say so and i will use that one :D

Isn't it lovely how having an opinion makes you hated around here?
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Thanks :roll:




wait... what were u doing in ur sisters bedroom? :lol:


thats like taboo, going into a girls room... you might not come out alive.




^ :lol: :lol: :lol: ^




Nice wallpapers, 10/10 always. :)



Thanks Metroid for the siggy and dark_shadow for avvy! \:D/ :thumbsup:

<3 wendy

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awesomeness, although i don't really like thewhite expanse, even in the one with grass, needs some extra detail or something :?




great peice of art though, 9.5/10. widescreen version pl0x?


"A disbelief in magic can force some poor souls into believing in authority and business"

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