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Smithing advice


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I gave up on smithing shortly after I became a member, but I want to go for the magic 99 (or at least 80) again, combining it with mining.




I'm doubting between several options:


- smelting and smithing mithril, high-alching the two-handed swords for 1500+ gp


- smelting and smithing steel for canonballs, selling them at 250 ea


- smelting gold bars with bonus from gauntlets, using the bars for? dunno? crafting? what are they good for anyway?




I like the magic bonus from mithril, I like the money from canonballs (whip is getting closer) and I like the fast xp from gold. What to do?

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I gave up on smithing shortly after I became a member, but I want to go for the magic 99 (or at least 80) again, combining it with mining.




I'm doubting between several options:


- smelting and smithing mithril, high-alching the two-handed swords for 1500+ gp


- smelting and smithing steel for canonballs, selling them at 250 ea


- smelting gold bars with bonus from gauntlets, using the bars for? dunno? crafting? what are they good for anyway?




I like the magic bonus from mithril, I like the money from canonballs (whip is getting closer) and I like the fast xp from gold. What to do?




#1, sell as bars, will make more money i think.


#2 good luck finding a buyer for 250 ea. they go for 170 ea.


#3 gold mining is slow, but the smith exp is totally awesome, you can still sell the bars for like 300 ea or so.




I'd go for a mix of all 3 at the grand tree mine.

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either

a fool or a coward.


Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law

is both.


For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honor.

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gold bars own, fasest smithing exp. but they wont bring much profit ( and the best you can make with out gems are useless ammys). for exp, gold bars, for profit, steel

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And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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just to add to what the people said above:




1) i'd wait until level 68 smithing, then you can make mith plates to alch. I wouldnt sell the bars for money as you clearly want the smithing xp


2) Dont bother making cannon balls. They are good if you want to make money, but they take AGES to smith each bar. This is very slow xp. also, not a chance selling at 250ea. I normally pay 180-200ea for my cannon balls


3) you'll take ages mining the gold, but the smithing xp is pretty good with the gaunts.




My strategy if to use the blast furnace. You use half as much coal per bar, meaning twice as much smithing xp for the same amount of resources. You can also smith and alch the bars there for pretty quick xp.


Best Barrows Chest: guth skirt, dh helm, dh axe, racks, gp (23/08/06); best tt reward: robin, guthix helm, guthix legs, nats, rune legs

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Okay okay, many apologies for hitting the wrong price for canonballs, since it seems to be so offensive :wink:




Maybe if I combine gold smelting with thieving gems. Might get my lousy crafting up a bit as well while I'm at it.

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Erm yeah, I still have to do the Shilo Village quest... *blushing*




Yeah yeah, I know, I know... it's been on my to-do list for a while now, but I just never seem to get round to actually doing it.

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if you have decent thieving, the safe in the rogue's den is actually quite good as well for both crafting and thieving. You literally dont have to move (only have to eat and reload, but a bank is next to the safe, so no probs)

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Kiln Record (Post-EoC): W 25 - L 0, 14 Uncut Onyx, 8 Jad hits received (Best record: Two in the same kiln)
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Max Port Score [2205] Achieved: 27th April 2013 (World 2nd)


Farmyard Rampage ranking: 12th, 50,000 Kills.


Dragon Pickaxe Drops: 1 (Times after I first entered Battlefield: 2h)

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