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TET FrEaK tRaIn!!! --- OVER


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arg man i have to go camping to night so i am going to miss it :-({|= :cry: and i had such a good name it was tetftw 1337 man this sucks it relly sucks.




well get some picks sry i cant be ther all be here in spirit have fun :cry:


By 'fittest' do you mean 'most selfish brat with the fastest internet connection?'

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The TETFTW picture and the look that you get when you change your jaw are different... I just followed the guide, not the picture I hope thats okay.






Yeah I followed instructions and didn't see the pic was different, until I noticed another one in tuti and it had a dif. beard :-({|= ... Ah well, at least we'll be the odd two out \'



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The TETFTW picture and the look that you get when you change your jaw are different... I just followed the guide, not the picture I hope thats okay.






Yeah I followed instructions and didn't see the pic was different, until I noticed another one in tuti and it had a dif. beard :-({|= ... Ah well, at least we'll be the odd two out \'




make that 3




tetftw 23!





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Yay! Trojan responded to me :D




I won't even after the freak train.




I added the tetftw 1 already like you ordered. I'm gonna try to make him 50+ firemaking :D




LOL! trojann's answers to anyone that talks about his fishing level :P (if he hasen't lvled)




Where'd my fishing lvl come into play? lol? So what if I don't like fishing :P






fixed, was supposed to be mining LOL! so you admit you have a low fishing :P?!




btw dunno if it was you or who from tip.it that got a good total without acces to the fishing guild..maybe leesters..dunno :P

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Hear me, Hear me:






caling all ftw!!!!!!


Join my Squad, and we will be the funner of the groups






I am Tetftw 30,




Leader of "The Ftw's Who Say:NI!"




or whatever or so






we have fun, and joint group things, like this:Tetftwcabbagebombing-2.jpg

cooking 48/50, magic 31/45

agility 15/30,

date of 1 year aniversary on grgcsmc-aprox


I Killed a Lesser!!!!!!!!!!

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way too much fun..






im 54321




ok, u prolly cant do the event tomorow, since u trained, good for you

cooking 48/50, magic 31/45

agility 15/30,

date of 1 year aniversary on grgcsmc-aprox


I Killed a Lesser!!!!!!!!!!

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Hey Everyone! ZidaneCT here! Some of you may remember as the one who invented, and hosted the "Doppleganger" and "Null" clone-type events of the past. As a member of TET, and the leader of my own RPHC (Runescape Party Host Committee), I wish to thank Trojann2 and Arctic Runite for their excellent work on getting this event back for your entertainment. I take great pride in other party hosts bringing back this event, and you guys, for your excitement as well.




It's always great to see people remembering previous events that you hosted. :)




Onto some history, since I feel historical tonight:




History Lesson: The Invention of the "Clone" Army Event: It all began, I believe three summers ago. I was on vacation, at Myrtle Beach, on the beach, bored and just thinking randomly. Then it hit me. What if I extended the Freak Train main purpose (Copyright Rsn Lead 2002)? Instead of all looking the same... What if I could have closely related names, the same level, same inventory, same attire? And thus the idea was born. Under RPHC in RS Classic, I brought out the "Doppleganger Invasion." With the name "Dopplgangr ##," we brought chaos to Runescape. The same characters were used for two more events, I believe, and by then, most people forgot their names. Ah well. Onto the days of RS2. Within TET, I brought back the concept, under the title of "Attack of the Nulls." Using the format of "Null X###" we yet again, dressed all in black, brought confusion to Runescape. Always fun to host. And I am lazy, and tired of writing history.




It's not surprising that some folks didn't get the name correctly under the format, or got the dressing format correct, but as I learned from my previous Doppleganger and Null events, even if you try your best explaining in directions to prevent it, someone always messes up. That's one of the wild cards in event planning and hosting. =P




I'll definitely be there tommorrow for the [TET Clone] Freak Train, not sure of my TETFTW number name yet, but I'll be there to help host and make this event an success.




For the wild section of the event, remember, we always have clans and random PKer's ready to slaughter us. So just don't attack surprised and have some fun with em. Nothing wrong with hide and seek, eh?




Let's have a Clone-tactular day tommorrow!







~ Proud Original Founder of the Tip.it Events Team (TET) ~


~ Leader of the Runescape Party Host Committee (RPHC) ~



"There's no such thing as a never-ending story," You murmured as you looked away...

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I regained "Null X001," getting his old password through sheer luck. Null X001 (As well, as Null X000) lives! Wootsauce! Maybe he'll make a quick visit. :)







~ Proud Original Founder of the Tip.it Events Team (TET) ~


~ Leader of the Runescape Party Host Committee (RPHC) ~



"There's no such thing as a never-ending story," You murmured as you looked away...

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im tetftw80085:D




i wanted sumthing funny lol




too bad you're going to have to make a new one


(\/) 42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

(O.o) cabbage rools

(><) my sig is cool, if you agree put this in your sig. *is too lazy to animate*

^the bunny is back! yay!

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