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Most memorable stories?


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I thought that it might be nice to complie a list of the most memorable stories and poems in the libary, this isn't to put anyone down, so don't feel bad if one of your stories doesn't make it. Keep in mind, theres are memorable, not necessarily good. I included a few that are memorable because of the discussion they inspired even in the story itself is only mediocre.


Heres what immediatly comes to mind for me:




High Fantasy:


Eyes of a Warrior


Blood Warrior


Ravens' Cabal




Low Fantasy:


A World Behing the Painting












The Imp and Jinn


The Chronicles of Da Cabbatron


Catherby, teh best city in Runescape




And the kings of rs comedy, Gaal and Smoke!


The Gaalsien and Smokeeagle Saga


Gaal and Smoke 2: Tale of Two Cities


Pandora's Requiem






The Dreamweb


Hunter Versus Hunter








Harry (A true story)






Mein Kampf








Please note that these were picked without the authors premission.

Pm me if you need anything proof-read, I may not be very good, but I am always willing to help.

A Seal Clubber is me!

A Oxygenarin is me!


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Wow, pretty much everything you have on here is what I would put on my own list. A lot of very good reads there. If you are new to the library be sure to check out there stories for some inspiration or if you are ever just looking for a good story.

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thanks sirith, updating the orginal post now.




Anyone have any suggestions about other stories I should add to this list? (must have been posted in the varrok libary)

Pm me if you need anything proof-read, I may not be very good, but I am always willing to help.

A Seal Clubber is me!

A Oxygenarin is me!


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  • 9 months later...

Thought I might give this old topic a bump, and see if anyone has anythign new to add.

Pm me if you need anything proof-read, I may not be very good, but I am always willing to help.

A Seal Clubber is me!

A Oxygenarin is me!


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Here's the link to what Xewleer was talking about, The_Advent, written by yours truly :twisted:




The_Advent: Enjoy.




A lot of people liked it, why not give it a try? And Xewleer, it's always awesome to see you talk about my story. :D :twisted: :D 8-)

Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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