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Dead plant :) with pictures


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So after having numerous poison plants in my time in runescape, i thought it was time to take one on, I imagine others have had a go as well.




Anyone who wants to do this, just sit alching at cammy tele spot, i had 4 plants in under an hour, just stop alching then chat for a bit and start again, you will get a plant...




Anyway, the first 3 plants all left me after 20 mins killing, so I decided to up the game, I withdrew 13 sharks from bank, d mace, dlong, d scimmy, dds, magebow, rune arrows, dharocks body, b helm, and dh legs ( I high alched the legs by mistake :( ) and most importent at least 4 recoils..






The first one who got away




same one






He's gone






He's gone x2






This one isnt so lucky






Dieing Moments





Quit Runescape 10 jan 2007 - Playing again 2012



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They drop a phat, right?




Lol they drop bugger all :)




Personally I think its one of the hardest things to kill in the game, as you are never prepared for it, they should drop somthing good, like noted super anti poison..

Quit Runescape 10 jan 2007 - Playing again 2012



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I didn't know it was actually possible to kill them lol, guess I never actually waited around to find out. Well done anyway.


Drops: Barrows: 60+ DK: 4... Dragon: 60+ Whips: 2... GWD: 0...ouch!

Main Goal: 2000 total with no 99's




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  • 4 weeks later...

Awesome, I've always wanted to try and take one on, but never had enough food on me at the time...




The Runescape Security Guard, which I think is relatively new and pops up if your security questions are out of date, is similar to the plant (doesn't show a level, but is attack-able). He just drops bones though. :(

Dr Locust <-- Click for my blog...


+2000 Total, PhD in Questing, Woodcutting, Agility, Thieving, and Firemaking


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