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No P2P for me?


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Okay here it is, I have saved 15 bucks for 3 months of P2P in Runescape, but I have one huge problem!




My parents wont let me!




I am trying to list ways I can earn it.








1.) I am paying for it but my parents think its a waste of my time.


2.) School is over, so grades wont help.


3.) And i failed my karate test to get a brown belt =[




Is it hopeless now? Or is there a way to prove to my parents that I deserve it?




Please Help me!






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-convience the runescape is a fun and non violent game


-do some jobs in and around the house to earn your membership


-just stay f2p for a while and when you have some good grades, your brown belt,... ask the if you can become member


-ask it as present for your birdday




ill edit if i have some more ideas

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I think that you should show your parents what the game is likee, but keep chat on friends when you're showing it. They might change their minds when they see that it's nothing like they might have thinked of.




I do remember those writings about rs about a year ago that were spread among ppl saying that rs destroys your kids life and drives them to suicide. They might be concerned about that.




Another concern might be that you would then spend too much time on the computer, maybe make a pact with theam agreeing that it's this and this many hours a day or something. This will also keep you from getting too hooked on the game.




Best way is to reason with your parents. i assume that you are not some 11-y/o kid who will not reason but will get all kranky when you don't get what you want, the karate hobby tells me that you are older than that.




Hope this helps :)

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either

a fool or a coward.


Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law

is both.


For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honor.

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If you're the argumentative type, I would suggest a book: "Everything Bad Is Good For You" by Steven Johnson. He includes a whole section on how video games (specifically RPGs) encourage the development of complex thought processes. Very useful tool to unleash on the parental units... :D

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I already know what my parent's main concern is that making me a member is that they believe by doing so it will encourage me to play even longer. My parents hate the fact I am doing nothing useful or educational on the computer. Before they liked that I was learning and creating computer GFX but later I found GFX boring and discovered Runescape and since then I have been almost litery playing 24/7. Also I donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t like that it will be my birthday present because my birthday is in November and my next karate "test" is in September and I am getting quite impatient. I have already have argued all I can. And now when I ask I get " We will talk about it later" as an answer.




Thank you to all the possible solutions and ideas you guys have given me, I will soon put them into use!




Keep the ideas coming!




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I already know what my parent's main concern is that making me a member is that they believe by doing so it will encourage me to play even longer.
My parents wont let me buy membership either, because they think they're protecting me from that. :-s I try to get much over lvl 70 and then ask again.. Or maybe I could buy it when I've moved out. 8-) (So that'll be in 5 yrs..)

Omg, this is so unfair, omg.

Combat 66. :lol:

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Quit karate and tell them you obviously aren't cut out for physical stuff. Then tell them you'll bomb your grades next year unless they let you get members. ( I'm just kidding, do any of this and I won't be held responsible for the consequences) Just keep asking every month or so, not too often but eventually they might let you.

R.I.P. The olde nite. A legend is gone but not forgotten.


a Faction Related Item Sink for Rune Labs. https://[LikelyScam]/m=player-proposal/a=13/c=VcG-Ir5Ijno/view-idea?idea=19



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Firstly, do you play other games like console games and stuff and who buys those? Compare the price of one of those to the hours of play you get out of it, my working out says that for $5 a month runescape is like what; 17c a day? You could get at least an hour out of that, and even more on a day when you aren't busy.


Secondly, are they in any way inclined towards computers, the internet, or gaming? Get them to actually play it somehow if they are, they might find they like it.

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Goto the post office, buy a stamp and evelope and mail it. Its not like they'll ever find out, unless the look at your account status every other day?




This WOULD work but sadly, my parents have the habit of keeping my money once I have earned it. :(




The way it worked for me:




I said my all my friends have it too




All my friends are members and i have already tried it.




Quit karate and tell them you obviously aren't cut out for physical stuff. Then tell them you'll bomb your grades next year unless they let you get members. ( I'm just kidding, do any of this and I won't be held responsible for the consequences) Just keep asking every month or so, not too often but eventually they might let you.




lol, if I tried that I'll blame it all on you XD


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1.) I am paying for it but my parents think its a waste of my time.


Explain that you will play F2P just as much as you would P2P.




Spend some time doing helpful things around the house for a week or so (don't mention RS during that time). Do it all at the beginning of the day, then play RS after getting some stuff done. After that, point out that you've been taking the initiative help out without being asked in hopes that you can change their mind. Promise that you will continue to do so. Don't pester them about it...prove that you can be responsible and not spend ALL of your time playing RS.

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If u go outside and play with friends more, so u wont be at ur pc the whole time, maybe they think ur not so addicted as the thought, and of course pay urself, and take a job to pay if u dont have 1


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If u go outside and play with friends more, so u wont be at ur pc the whole time, maybe they think ur not so addicted as the thought, and of course pay urself, and take a job to pay if u dont have 1




I am too young for a job and all of my friends live dozens of miles away, and I am the only kid in the neighborhood


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I have the same problem. My parents hate using credit cards on the internet and our phone doesnt take 1902 numbers (im Australian). So I dont get membership all the time you see.




As im in year 10 in school and have to keep studying, while also playing sports and coaching a basketball team after school etc. I told my parents that if they let me use a friends phone and pay for membership during the school holidays, then I wont play runescape during weekdays of normal school days (even though I usually cant anyway)




Just get membership when you can actually use the most of it. I get really annoyed when people tell me to get back to members worlds when I have members stuff on while doing something like mining in the mining guild on a f2p world because it looks major cool :)




Anyway what im saying is only get membership when you can make the most of it. Although I find that people that get membership non stop reallly making me jealous. Because really 1 month isnt a lot of time to buy things and use them, because about 20 days later you have to sell them incase I dont get membership again for a while :(

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First off age is an important thing here.






Secondly you're the only one here that knows your parents, knows their moods, their attitudes, their dispositions towards things involving money. You're the only one that can really answer this question. Our ideas may help but it's up to you to finally make a decision on how to work with your parents.




If you consider saving up $15 a great deal and a triumph over your financial situation then you're slightly in over your head (no offense). Your parents may be leery of allowing their child to surf the 'net and interact with unknown people from across the globe.




My advice to you is to be yourself and if your parents think you deserve it they will let you. Some may say prove that you are responsible, but that is something that can be proven only through a long course of time and there is not sufficient time for you to become responsible (at least in your parents eyes) during the summer months.




Just wait it out, bring it up occasionally when they are in a good mood, never press the subject, never whine about it, simply pick it up in a casual conversation. You acting out of the ordinary will probably only deceive your parents for a short time and even raise the bar of how much your parents would expect of you the next time you wish to become a member. So be yourself and don't push it, just be patient and if membership is coming your way, then it'll show up, if not, then enjoy the F2P world, there's still much to master out there.

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My parents woudnt let me to pay either, my sister paid for me (even though she only pays 2 months each year). I would suggest you asking your older cousins or older siblings or even uncles/aunts.


Otherwise..you can pay for yourself with a bank account, its more expensive than credit cards. Use paybycash, and you can find information on how to pay.

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