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Organizing a 90+ level for PC


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To the people in the 80s combat area...




Maby someone could form a similar group to this, but from the 70-89 combat range?




As long as everyone works together and didnt slack off and stand around, I garantee you guys will get a great amount of points per hour. It would be a good way to get everyone points so u could level up, then once you reach 90 combat, you could join us, or if you have made enough friends, you might very well want to stay there and just make that group grow stronger.


Sykoknight - 1900 skill total - 132+ combat


Fighting High Scores from late 2001 - Ranked 1894

Prayer High Scores from March 2002 - Ranked 749

Ya, I've been around too long.

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well its not just those hours...




Part of the reason i put togther those forums wasso that people could find people to play and where the games are happening any day at any time.




I played yesterday morning at 10am est, for a half hour or so, then again for an hour at 3pm est, then for about an hour or so at 11pm est. the games go on 24 hours a day :wink:








Theres a few people who ahve registered to the forums who I have not validated (3 to be exact).


If you read this and are wondering why your account has not been validated yet, its because i dont know who you are! :lol:


You three registered a different user name from your runescape name and have no posted an application listing your real RSN or combat. Sorry, cant validate untill I have some ideal who you are :shock:


(and :roll: to the funny man who registered as zezima at [email protected], comon, be a little more original :roll: )


Sykoknight - 1900 skill total - 132+ combat


Fighting High Scores from late 2001 - Ranked 1894

Prayer High Scores from March 2002 - Ranked 749

Ya, I've been around too long.

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i would love to join. i already registered at the forums and sent in my application, hopefully i'll be accepted soon so i can join in the victories.

proud quest cape owner

here's my first post on the TIF (scroll to the bottom)

feel free to pm me, but do make sure that i know you're a Tip.It user (in other words, give me a HYT)


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Sorry it took a lil while to validate your account, ive been out gathering stuff for my vacation




Wooo sunday = a month long vacations.






On topic...


The group is growing fast :D keep em coming, we have some very helpful members so far, so hopefully some other people will be willing to help out while im gone next month :shock:


Sykoknight - 1900 skill total - 132+ combat


Fighting High Scores from late 2001 - Ranked 1894

Prayer High Scores from March 2002 - Ranked 749

Ya, I've been around too long.

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Whooo hoooo... sorry for a delayed post here fellas... but i have been busy organizing and getting everyone enjoy and have fun with the group....




so far, there's about 50 members from this forum alone... and about 100-150 members in game....




The game have been non stop.... since monday i have accumulated about 1500-2000 points easily... ive lost track since i have been putting them into skills...




The group has been successful and members have been great to play with...




Im just spreading the word so that everyone else who are interested, all i can say that it is fun and easy... see you guys in the game.... :lol:




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I honestly think this 90+ idea is hypocritical. If i wanted to train my stats up to level 90 using pest control, i would want to use a world where we get tons of points. I.E: I'm a good mage but not lvl 90, i want to train a stat say, attack, using pest control. SO i go to world 78 and get greeted with nothing. Look on here and find out that i need to be 90 to actually get some points now, unless i like joining random servers. Defeats the purpose a bit, don't you think?

(Quit: tallest please come to the death altar, give me 1,337,000,000 gp, a golden tinderbox, and a spade, also steal one of zidanes phats and give it to me.

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I honestly think this 90+ idea is hypocritical. If i wanted to train my stats up to level 90 using pest control, i would want to use a world where we get tons of points. I.E: I'm a good mage but not lvl 90, i want to train a stat say, attack, using pest control. SO i go to world 78 and get greeted with nothing. Look on here and find out that i need to be 90 to actually get some points now, unless i like joining random servers. Defeats the purpose a bit, don't you think?




The reason why there's a level restriction is because the group wants it to go FAST and according to several people whov'e been there they're saying that they're beating a game a minute which is fast. Now that that criteria has been met they also are looking to be able to get their own group going. As of right now they're tagging along with a couple high level clans. Now we can't be holding onto their coattails for all too long so when enough people show up and sign up they'll have a constant feed of players going and then level restrictions will be dropped and those with high leveled mage or ranged stats would gladly be accepted.




Patience, that's all I can ask of you. Wait and you shall be rewarded. You can always try out the other Pest Control groups such as the 80+ group. It's basically the exact same thing but that group, if it doesn't have a great many of players, would need to be well organized to make sure everyone got in. Be patient and spread the word of this group to your higher level friends on Tip and then once it gets big, you'll be glad you waited as the games will go quickly.

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I honestly think this 90+ idea is hypocritical. If i wanted to train my stats up to level 90 using pest control, i would want to use a world where we get tons of points. I.E: I'm a good mage but not lvl 90, i want to train a stat say, attack, using pest control. SO i go to world 78 and get greeted with nothing. Look on here and find out that i need to be 90 to actually get some points now, unless i like joining random servers. Defeats the purpose a bit, don't you think?




Thats like saying clans like DI are hypocritical because even at 118 combat I couldnt get into DI. (I have no real interests in PKing, so I dont want in any clas, its just an example) So yes, it may be in a slight way, but thats how everything is, whether its RS or real life.




We arent out to get you in particular, its just if we let on 80 in, we have to let other otherwise THAT would be very hypocritical.




Aside form the fact about us not want to go below 90 atm to keep games FAST, the clans that we play with are all 100+. They dont liek the 90s we bring, and if we started bringing lower, they wouldnt even allow us to play with them anymore. So its more then simply us. If we went below 90 we wouldnt have a sever to play on untill we have 100+ members.




I have sugested that someone design a group made for 70-89. Then theirs the 90+ and 100+ groups. Then anyone under 70 is really better off sticking to world 78.


Thjis would give a place for basically anyone looking for a group. Then people in the 70-89 group can stay with it past 89 and help the group win faster of they wish.




If it upsets you that you dont have a good place to play, do exactly what Kaotic Supa and I did, we made our own group to help benefit all people our level.


Sykoknight - 1900 skill total - 132+ combat


Fighting High Scores from late 2001 - Ranked 1894

Prayer High Scores from March 2002 - Ranked 749

Ya, I've been around too long.

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In case you don't remember, I did make a thread on how we need a better pest control world. You even posted in it.




And let me quote umm, you on this:


It's pathetic.


I'm only a level 78 melee, and sometimes I range (58)


Before the update, I was a pest control addict.


Since, I've basically given up.


I generally end up taking out a portal by myself, and scoring around 300 damage.


I also generally end up surrounded by choruses of level 45-60 levels doing nothing.




At the worst times, there's about 10-15 people actually attacking things.






See that's exactly my point. You do NOT have to be lvl 100 to win pest control games. You don't even have to be level 70. You just need to work together as a team and attack the portals for quick games that you win.


Its the people that just stand there attacking the lvl 50 brawlers and such.


I understand the portals can be kinda difficult for lower levels to hit, BUT that gives absolutely no reason that they cant help out by attacking spinners, and, once they reach 50 hits, then attacking the portal. Even if you manage to take 10HP from the portal....its still a help.




A perfect example of how a lvl 40 (the lowest possible level to play) could be highly useful in the game, would be to attack lvl 50 brawler by the portal to work on their 50 hits, BUT the second they see a spinner, even if its a lvl 92 spinner, they attack it to stop it from healing the portal. You only have to hit it once to distract it, then they can go right back to their brawler. Sure, the lvl 92 spinner might be killing them, BUT what do they have to loose? nothing, they re spawn in the boat and run right back to the portal to continue helping. Doing they they are contributing to the killing of a portal by stopping spinners quickly, and they are getting in their 50 damage per game, while still be very helpful.




So i stand by my point that ANYONE can play pest controls and i dont think the lvl requirement should be raise like some people....we just need people to willingly play.




Even the person icebursting...just do it near the portals where theresusually tons of NPCs anyways, and send a burst toward a spinner when one pops out. its a big help.




Unless these clans you are playing with include Mod Andrew who says he'll ban you if you let and under 90 in, then just ignore them. It's not their server, it's a MMPORG. IF they rented their own server it might make sense but no, it doesn't. You yourself said that even a Lvl 40 can help if they do it right.




And once again, a quote from kaotic_supa


should be 85 +








There can always be exemption as long as there's at least 15-20 level 90+ in the group. Cause having that quantity of quality levels can expedite the rounds so much faster than average.




If you "only" have 30 people and need these clans to "support" you so that you win, let lower levels join, and they can make up for the "lost" players.

(Quit: tallest please come to the death altar, give me 1,337,000,000 gp, a golden tinderbox, and a spade, also steal one of zidanes phats and give it to me.

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Unless these clans you are playing with include Mod Andrew who says he'll ban you if you let and under 90 in, then just ignore them. It's not their server, it's a MMPORG. IF they rented their own server it might make sense but no, it doesn't. You yourself said that even a Lvl 40 can help if they do it right.






If you "only" have 30 people and need these clans to "support" you so that you win, let lower levels join, and they can make up for the "lost" players.


They can't ban us but they can move onto another server without informing us. Its not like they are picking out a server and sticking with it like how world 78 became the "official" server for Pest Control. Once the server gets filled with lower level players it decreases the speed in which the games are able to be won, so its off to another server. Its more of a courtesy than anything. They have players with the levels high enough that make the games fast and we are gathering people that make the games fast.




I think you don't seem to understand how fast these games are finishing. Usually the longest part of the round is the run from the boat to the portals. I have missed out on rounds where I haven't gotten 50 damage, and I am lvl 118 with 99 attack. Lower level players will have very little chances to rack up the 50 damage needed to get the reward point. This isn't like the normal PC games on world 78 where you have plenty of NPCs to attack. The fast games have very little NPCs to attack. The portals go down so fast that the number of NPCs never gets very high unless one of the portals has 3 or 4 spinners spawn on it right at the start and that is very rare. The NPCs that do spawn are jumped on as soon as they show up and don't last long enough to make it to the Void Knight, so there isn't much use for defenders since that is what of the lower lvl players try to help out with.




While world 78 is slower in winning the reward points it is probably the best solution for alot of people. If you need more than a few swings to get your 50 damage then 78 is the world where you can rack up the points the quickest.

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Yes i would go on world 78 but thats the whole reason this thing started anyways. On world 78 i have enough time to get like 10k damage, on portals, and we still dont win becasue of noobs sitting there doing nothing! Plesae refer to my orginal thread bout this





(Quit: tallest please come to the death altar, give me 1,337,000,000 gp, a golden tinderbox, and a spade, also steal one of zidanes phats and give it to me.

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Thats why I still think someone should put a 70-89 group together...


under 70 and you need time to get the poinst so world 78 is best.






And i DO believe any level can play the game and win it like I posted.




The difference between the 2 things I wrote is that while a game can be won with 70s and 60s and even 40s....it really slows the games down. The higher the lvl of people playing, they faster the games go.




And no these clans may not be jagex mods or andrew, and the certainly cant kick us out of a server, but heres a few things.


Firstly, these clans have been nice enough to allow us to train with them and inform us what worlds they are currently on (it changes every 2 hours or so)....they have agreed that we can play with them as long as we keep the levels up that are playing. They dont like the 90s we have, but they have said they will accept them. If they start seeings 80s gallor, they arent gona be happy with us. a) They gave us the option to train with them and are curtious enough to help us out, so I will not say "forget you ill bring who I want here". B) If they decide we are slowing their games too mcuh, they will simply stop telling us what worlds they are on. Sure we could server hop for an hour to find them, but then they will switch again.


So basically it comes down to they are respecting us, so we will respect them. I dont think most peopel realize the intensity of these clans and these games. Often I am the lowest or second lowest level at the portal, and im 118 combat. I honestly dont think ive ever seen so many 124-126s gather in rs before. There was even a time where it was me and 6 other at the ports, ALL six were 126 combat. These clans are extremely high levels...and games are fast. Majority of thetime a portal goes down in under 4 hits with 8 lvl 120s n it...in that time a whoel 2-3 NPCs are created from the portal which in turn are 2 hit and dead.






I still stand by the fact that any level can play the game and win every game. But theres no way that any level can play the game as fast as we do. Ive ever had some of the lower 90s in the group complain that they cant get the 50 points quick enough, so i give them tips to help them out.




Do you honestly thing a 75 could keep up? Maby 1 outa 5 games or so...If 90s are having trouble...even me and Sky30 who are both 118 dont get 50 points each game occasionally.




So someone shouldput together a70-89 group =D> those games would be fasterthen 78, but slow enough that most could get their points :wink:


Sykoknight - 1900 skill total - 132+ combat


Fighting High Scores from late 2001 - Ranked 1894

Prayer High Scores from March 2002 - Ranked 749

Ya, I've been around too long.

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ok I went to my first pc extravaganza through this thing today and it is outrageously fast. I got 28 points in 30 minutes! I am lvl 92 and I will verify, it was going slow and I had ultimate strength and incredible reflexes both turned on and there was only about 10-20 seconds between the time I got 50 damage and the game was over. The games go so fast that I just kept both those prayers turned on and pc kept refreshing them like it does whenever each game ends...my prayer never completely drained and I only have 52 prayer.

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Ok, Syko and others that has been defending the group, I thank you.




And for those who have been upset for being excluded in the group, I AGAIN, apologize.




The reasons has been stated, and i would not repeat them. I did not intend to create this group to aggitate other gamers or deny them of being successful in PC.




But i feel that 90+ players have earn every single level they've acquire and i thought that this is one of the way i could reward them with fast and easy points in PC.




Also, we are fortunate enough that other clans have allowed us to play with them. And now, most of them have grown to like us, and allowed us to continue without objections.




And to continue that understanding, we have to commit to our simple and attainable requirements. Now this group will always be present, it will not go away quickly, so if you work hard enough, you will always be welcome to join and participate.




So please before you disagree with us, please try to put yourself in our shoes. We just want whats best for the group and to others playing with us.




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