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anyone who weightlifts out there??


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Don't buy machines, use dum bells, pull ups, or my personal favorite: PUSH UPS. You need no equipment and 1 full minute of them a day, 3 times a week will do wonders for your entire upper body, seriously.


People who don't exercise regularly think 1 minute of push ups with out stop is impossible, they might not eve be able to them for 10 seconds. If that's the case start small and add 2 seconds to your workout every week. Once you hit the one minute mark focus on improving your form, go down further, smoother, and faster but don't stop until your egg timer or whatever beeps that one minute has passed. Once you get to this point (about 6 months later) you should be able to do half a dozen or so one handed push ups on each side and should notice a considerable bulking of the pecks and triceps. While doing this exercise I use the same song every time GreenDay's Holiday. I know where the 1 minute mark is in the song and I use it as my timer and my encouragement. Nowdays I go to 2:30 and when I hear the one minute mark pass I smile and think "Wow, I used to be dead tired at this point... I'm not even breaking a sweat yet :)"




Toss in a 3-5 minute set of crunches if you desire and improve your six pack. This simple 6 minute workout every other day before you shower does wonders for your entire physique. ;)

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Don't buy machines, use dum bells, pull ups, or my personal favorite: PUSH UPS. You need no equipment and 1 full minute of them a day, 3 times a week will do wonders for your entire upper body, seriously.




Ack.. Push ups... I do sit ups and push ups every night. I started in June and I've noticed that my body is starting to improve.. I'm thinking I might start using some wieghts, but only for my arms. I have a Bow-Flex or whatever the hell it's called but when I used that, it was just a lot of chaning the weights more than anything else.. I could probly get into better shape if I got more exercise but I'm not the kind of person to just get up and go running or whatever.

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Yup definately photoshopped. No-one can get that much muscle going and not die of something.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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