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A mod gets 1 hitted...


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TheLeader are you stupid?




J Mods can't trade us.




And he was 3 iteming.




What makes you think they can't trade with normal players? They make this game, so what rules would restrict them to what they can and cannot do?




JaGeX MOd's can't trade because they can spawn stuff and they could be adding items into the game like P Hats!




They type this in :: packup 3140 1 that would spawn 1 dragon chain!

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TheLeader are you stupid?




J Mods can't trade us.




And he was 3 iteming.




What makes you think they can't trade with normal players? They make this game, so what rules would restrict them to what they can and cannot do?




JaGeX MOd's can't trade because they can spawn stuff and they could be adding items into the game like P Hats!




They type this in :: packup 3140 1 that would spawn 1 dragon chain!




You seem to know a awful lot about this! [/sarcasm]

Merry Crimbo!


Click on my signature to see my NEW blog!

Clicky here to see my YouTube videos! http://www.youtube.com/volkswagen99videos

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TheLeader are you stupid?




J Mods can't trade us.




And he was 3 iteming.




What makes you think they can't trade with normal players? They make this game, so what rules would restrict them to what they can and cannot do?




Use the search button...

If anyone remembers me... PM ME. having nostaligia issues D:

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TheLeader are you stupid?




J Mods can't trade us.




And he was 3 iteming.




What makes you think they can't trade with normal players? They make this game, so what rules would restrict them to what they can and cannot do?




Use the search button...






You too...




J Mods can change their level at will, create any item they want... but they can't trade their items to anyone, or drop them, so don't bother asking. :wink:




I was at a Mod Party last night and got Mod Hulme to say "Hi Paddys Mum!", so, it was a good night for me. 8-)




Yes they can trade items.




The KBD was messed up once, and told Mod Mark about it. He was ranging it with a bow while the kbd was shooting me and it killed me :(




He teleported me back, and gave me my stuff plus a harpoon :P He then finished killing it and gave me the addy axe it dropped.




He was saying that the "owner" of the KBD was laughing as it was owning me :( and that even his gran could kill the KBD. Good times :P


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JaGeX MOd's can't trade because they can spawn stuff and they could be adding items into the game like P Hats!




They type this in :: packup 3140 1 that would spawn 1 dragon chain!




You seem to know a awful lot about this! [/sarcasm]




you know there is something called a private s***** (not encouraging to use it)?


if you dont, here is most p****** server uses:


:: is the header to type command


pickup is the command name (can be change to any name and any function, as long as they like)


3140 is the item code in hex




I know exactly what a pr.ivate server is...




My old friend used to have one and used it just to try out stuff in the game without the risks. He did have a list of codes, but, you cannot use them ingame, and jagex are really against jmods, just spawning everything then parading around. Calm down




What the...? :shock: Lol, Jagex Mods are not against Jagex mods. That made no sense. Jmods=Jagex LOL...


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TheLeader are you stupid?




J Mods can't trade us.




And he was 3 iteming.




What makes you think they can't trade with normal players? They make this game, so what rules would restrict them to what they can and cannot do?


they cant pk because they can change their lvl at will




and they can't TRADE because they can make any items at will




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TheLeader are you stupid?




J Mods can't trade us.




And he was 3 iteming.




What makes you think they can't trade with normal players? They make this game, so what rules would restrict them to what they can and cannot do?




Use the search button...






You too...




J Mods can change their level at will, create any item they want... but they can't trade their items to anyone, or drop them, so don't bother asking. :wink:




I was at a Mod Party last night and got Mod Hulme to say "Hi Paddys Mum!", so, it was a good night for me. 8-)




Yes they can trade items.




The KBD was messed up once, and told Mod Mark about it. He was ranging it with a bow while the kbd was shooting me and it killed me :(




He teleported me back, and gave me my stuff plus a harpoon :P He then finished killing it and gave me the addy axe it dropped.




He was saying that the "owner" of the KBD was laughing as it was owning me :( and that even his gran could kill the KBD. Good times :P




They stopped being able to trade with players last year, before that they could trade, seeing as the kbd hasn't been updated since his room was changed ages ago then I suspect this case was before then.

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I'd love jagex to publish a story about how rs started. And all the updates, like mods not being able to trade, and like pictures of their interface. I'd read it, it would stop stupid noob rumours.

Merry Crimbo!


Click on my signature to see my NEW blog!

Clicky here to see my YouTube videos! http://www.youtube.com/volkswagen99videos

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