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My First Photo Manipulation


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I took this photo today at my grandparent's house and edited it with Ulead's Iphotoplus 4 :oops: So yeah, it's not great but hey - it's my sig now but it's very small :?












Not the best one but I couldn't really do much more with the software I have (I'm going to pressure my parents into getting me Adobe Photoshop :P )

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It's only a bit of a color change but I still like it. You used what you had and created something pretty nice. Nice photgraph too...




nicely said

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Flash 8 :shock: I have flash 7 =(




Anyways, My Adobe CS2 PhotoSuite put be back $2500.00, and I am 15...




The point is, it is an awesome color change, Me Likey


I tell the truth even when I lie.

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To be honest I don't like the whole "focusing on the furthest petal" thing, I dunno, it just, gives me a headache.




Props to the mod who delete all that spam.

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To be honest I don't like the whole "focusing on the furthest petal" thing, I dunno, it just, gives me a headache.




Props to the mod who delete all that spam.


Yeah it is just a matter of opinion. Personally, I love that kind of picture since it's a real challenge to focus on what you want, having to think of apetures and stuff :shock:


Thanks to the moderator who deleted the unneccessary posts - sorry for that though :oops:

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i love it especially since you took the photo your self


what kind of camera do you have?


im hoping to get a nikon slr for my bday, not sure which one yet tho




Fujifilm Finepix S7000, but I want either the Nikon D70s or the Canon EOS30D or EOS20D, I'm saving up just now. Avoid getting the Nikon D50 because if you wanted to upgrade to another SLR camera and you had bought maybe 4GB of memory cards, you couldn't use them since all other SLRs use Compact Flash, not SD.

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:shame: terrible focus point on the flower... or whatever it is..




Why do you think that? I deliberately focused on the leaves but kept the flower part slightly focused so that it was recognisable. Take a look at my photo gallery on this forum, you might find that thats not the only macro photo I have taken. Anyway, I've downloaded a trial version of Adobe Photoshop CS2 and GIMP and Hopefully I can edit this photo to your liking :) : pleanpark2ndapril2006017small1.jpg Don't do a photo manipulation of this one - any of the others in my gallery I'm okay with you manipulating, but this one is one I really love the look of and want to see if I, myself can do it justice. Agreed?

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