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we should be able to copy/paste


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The lack of an in-game copy/paste feature has let many players to use auto typers to sell their items in crowded banks. I know the chat system stinks, but this feature would be a decent fix for busy places so that you can post more often and people can actually read what you are saying. The result would actually be less bank spamming since you can sell/buy what you want and leave the bank faster.



Proud owner of a Quest cape!

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Yes it would be nice but in the mercanting worlds would be flooded with text. It really isn't needed because most people (including me) can type when they want to before the message they sent before goes away. It just really isn't needed.

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yeah, but for those of us who cant type 100+ words per min, it would be a big help. We all know the chat system needs to be completely revamped. this is just a quick fix. plus, lots of people do it anyway with auto typers, which is against the rules and dangerous for their computer. So this would do more good than harm.



Proud owner of a Quest cape!

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No because noobs will spam, and you wont even SEE anything in World 2.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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No because noobs will spam, and you wont even SEE anything in World 2.




and i have a solution to this problem as well: add a RATE LIMIT


AIM has one, for instance, if you send too many messages in a short time, you are muted for about 1 min. This would prevent people for spamming the chat window too much.



Proud owner of a Quest cape!

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and i have a solution to this problem as well: add a RATE LIMIT


Absolute brilliance. That would also take out most of the "wugwoeshwsegikwhelkgjkshr"-spamming noobs.


Yay! No more scamming noobs. I support the rate limit idea, but we could have rants with fast typists in merchanting worlds, or noobs who complain once they have passed this limit, after spamming and then head straight to the rants fourm.




As a hunt and peck typist i would love it. It would get rid of that nasty itch to get an auto-typer.


I dont merchant much, but when im selling my lobs, it is so tempting to get one of those macros...




Just learn how to type faster. I think its fine the way it is now.


And, yes you have a point there. It means scamming noobs (with the copy\paste idea) will be able to copy "djfasl;;lkasdf;jkljadfkl;" and paste 1,000,000 times. Argh!


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I support this idea. Also, I would like a copy and paste feature for typing in accent marked characters from MS word. (Well that's how I do it, because my keyboard doesn't have them, and I can't remember shortuct keys).


Me doing staff.

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This is going to lead to mass spamming... :roll:




Learn to type faster, keep typing and eventully you'll know where all they keys are. I dont even use the method where you left hand fingers rest on a,s,d,f and your right hand fingers of j,k,l,;. I know where the keys are so I can type pretty fast without the "fancy" method.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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The only reason I would want this is if I wanted to quote something from a website. Then I wouldnt have to type exactly what it said on the website, I could just copy and paste it.


Of course this would lead to "mass spamming" like Nick said if there was not a rate limit.

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The only reason I would want this is if I wanted to quote something from a website. Then I wouldnt have to type exactly what it said on the website, I could just copy and paste it.


Of course this would lead to "mass spamming" like Nick said if there was not a rate limit.



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I have thought about this and it would make banks on busy servers 100 times worse than they are, Jagex desided against this feature for a reason

I_Xpk3r_I: Future Mayhem Maker

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No because noobs will spam, and you wont even SEE anything in World 2.




and i have a solution to this problem as well: add a RATE LIMIT


AIM has one, for instance, if you send too many messages in a short time, you are muted for about 1 min. This would prevent people for spamming the chat window too much.




If you just added the rate limit it would probably fix auto typer spam anyways.

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